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Palmetto Cyber Defense Competition 2017 Kick-Off Enterprise Meeting

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1 Palmetto Cyber Defense Competition 2017 Kick-Off Enterprise Meeting
12 January 2017 Jeff Sweeney PCDC Director Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic (SSC Atlantic) 59500 Information Systems Security Operations (USN) For PCDC Planning Purposes Only

2 PCDC 2017 PCDC is tentatively scheduled for Trident Technical College
Dial-in: (877) , New Conf Code: PCDC is tentatively scheduled for Trident Technical College On 8/9/10 April 2017 PCDC 2017 Enterprise meetings are now held every two weeks

3 PCDC 2017 Status PCDC 2017 T-Shirts & Logo Swag
T-shirt choice: Moss (261C) PCDC logo swag – PCDC Mug – Do we want to sell some? Qty: 100 (particpants Sat/Sun), 160 (add Pro participants), 250 (all participants, volunteers, sponsors) SPAWAR will again provide bags/bottles for high school and college days We encourage any and everyone can provide their own swag for goodie bags Would like to again give out computers to schools Looking to order more T-shirts this year Mug: $5

4 PCDC 2017 Status Thank you Dell-provided SSDs, New Server, New Switch.
Gold Team 2017 scenario: Shipping Company (exporter/importer) Work progressing, weekly drumbeats Includes coordination meetings with red team and also blue lead and judges Will move over to Parson’s around 23 January Thank you Dell-provided SSDs, New Server, New Switch. Last major equipment need (NIC): 2-Port PCIe 10GBase-T Ethernet Network Card w/Intel X540 Chip Unit price $388.03, MFG Part#: ST20000SPEXI CDW part Qty: 9, $3,492, if purchased Still looking to Identify VOIP expert (10 phones) Call Manager? Still awaiting remaining laptops from STEM Navy Reservists and Air Force covering white judges 7 & 10 April setup & takedown Young AFCEANs, Air Force, Navy reservists?

5 PCDC 2017 Status Secretary of the Air Force, Deborah Lee James had tentatively accepted invitation to speak on Pro Day. Update: She will be leaving her position and availability is up in the air. Invitation to speak on Sunday still open. Looking at Cyber Security industry leader from Dell, Google, Black Baud, etc. Sent tentative job offer to last year’s MVP and it was tentatively accepted High Schools- Round 3 of CyberPatriot occurs this weekend. Shawn Gordon has requested that we wait for results of this round before selecting five invites to PCDC. Promises to get us results quickly. Mentoring will begin in early February. Contractors interested in helping with mentoring high school students should contact Jeff Sweeney or Dennis Wilson ASAP. Middle School Efforts – Dave Coldren (SPAWAR/SCNG) lead –meeting immediately after this PCDC Enterprise meeting Will have action item list with dates at next meeting

6 PCDC 2017 Status Two Security+ vouchers went to MVPs (obtained by TTC)
Ashley Caldwell at Pearson: Last year, offered 10 test vouchers for Microsoft Tech Associate (raffled off) Contacted to see if they are interested in repeating Rule changes to reduce scouting and cell phone use Cost saving option: Staff food provided in adjacent building? MERCOM Raspberry PIs and kits- tentative yes Have Sponsorship, Collegiate, Pro Day and High School focused brochures on website if needed by anyone Vetting – Background check & trusted recommendation

7 PCDC 2017 Status Awards (Sat/Sun): AFCEA Updates – Ken Dilks
1st place: $500 each, National Guard Backpack? and Challenge Cup for one year. Have enough medals, need 3 1st place trophies, 2 2nd place and 2 3rd place and 50 lanyards (add PCDC) 7 plaques (increase from 5 in 2016) MVP $1,000 on Saturday and Sunday New cost for trophies – Tapestry? ([Sponsor] Challenge Cup AFCEA Updates – Ken Dilks Now that the new year has arrived, need sponsors which have committed, to please get with AFCEA so we can start ordering items

8 PCDC 2017 Status (Collegiate Day)
Sunday Collegiate Day- All eight teams (Clemson, USC, CofC, CSU, Citadel, TTC, SCSU and ECPI) have replied that they want to compete again. One additional school had requested to compete –Lander University in Greenwood invites to gage interest from other schools went out to Coastal Carolina, Winthrop, Furman, Claflin, and Wofford in December. Responses were due back no later than 10 Jan.- Received only one reply, from Claflin, requesting to compete SE Regional CCDC Remote Qualifier will be used to qualify. Currently 10 teams competing for 8 on-site slots at PCDC. Notification has already gone out. Registration due to SECCDC by 31 Jan, for virtual qualifiers on 18 and 25 Feb On-site SECCDC at Kennesaw State, GA is 5/6 April Will allow one high school student to be imbedded on each Collegiate Team Proposal to allow the winner of the service academy competition compete on ProDay? Or the Navy Academy Team-Parsons assist?

9 Pro Day Status We will have Blue team briefs on Pro Day this year
National Anthem each day, Honor Guard on Monday – POC: Ken Dilks Will again imbed 1 student from each College and 1 from TTC for each team Army Cyber at Ft. Gordon, update? Q&A sessions will again be held. Dates TBD CYBERCOM team undecided SCNG confirmed NCDOC: pending, info provided Service Academy Team? Current Industry Pro Day Team commitments: SRC, CSRA, SAIC, SCANA Energy, Parsons

10 2017 Palmetto Digital Forensics Competition
Objective: Solve as many forensic scenarios as possible within the allotted time and accumulate the most points possible – Participants will be provided access to a forensic scenario exercises ranging in difficulty. Each exercise will require the participant to utilize different forensic techniques to uncover a designated “flag”. Flags will be unique to each scenario which can range from date/time stamps, hashes, passwords, etc. Sponsorship by Sentar for Collegiate/Pro 1st prize. High school prize sponsorship still open Any attendee at the PCDC event may compete Pre-Registration required to guarantee slot (x per School) 2017 will have two separate divisions: high school and collegiate/pro Doubling the capacity of allowable participants for 2017 (50-60?) Excludes PCDC Staff, SPAWAR Employees and High School PCDC team members Individual participation only: Cannot receive help from others


12 Sponsorship – Contact AFCEA
Point of Contact: Kenneth R. Dilks, AFCEA PCDC Committee Chair

13 Recruitment Up to four $3K recruitment bonuses will offered to select College students on Saturday if the accept job offers from SPAWAR Students may send soft copy of resume to Ken Dilks at for distribution to sponsors Students can also send their resumes and transcripts to for potential SPAWAR employment. Focusing mostly on Collegiate Seniors this year and Juniors for next year. SPAWAR is looking to offer tentative on-the-spot (within 2 days) job offers for select students at the competition. Students need to bring hard copy of resume and transcripts. Sign up and can you be notified of openings on USAJOBS: Colleges are permitted to be there on Saturday for recruiting high school students- afternoon is best time.

14 Saturday, April 9, 2016 High School Competition Schedule
7:00 am – 7:30 am: Registration 7:15 am – 7:20 am: Team location drawing 7:20 am – 7:30 am: Blue Teams Briefing 7:30 am – 7:45 am: Opening Ceremony 7:45 am – 9:15 am: Initial Injects / Secure the Network 9:15 am – 3:30 pm: Operate Network Under Hacker Attacks 10:00 am – 11:00 pm: National Guard Presentation: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm : National Guard Presentation: 3:30 pm – 4:00 pm: Red Team members visit Blue Teams 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm: Break/View Sponsor Booths 4:30 pm – 5:00 pm: Blue Team Presentations 5:00 pm – 5:15 pm: Red/Gold Team Debrief: Common Mistakes 5:15 pm – 5:20 pm: South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley SPAWARSYSCEN Atlantic CO Captain Scott Heller 5:20 pm – 5:55 pm: Awards / Closing Ceremony

15 PCDC 2017 Team Leads (843-218-3934),
Red (hackers)– Bryan Rhodes ( ) White (judges) – Andrew Osti ( ) Blue (mentors)/High School Coordinator – Dennis Wilson ( ) Gold (network infrastructure)– Scott Bell ( ) Cyber Forensics Challenge – Bill Littleton ( ),

16 Thanks to our 2017 Corporate Sponsors!
. 16

17 Thanks to our 2017 Corporate Sponsors
Dilks - Simone, Inc 17

18 Important Links PCDC Website:
PCDC Facebook: PCDC Twitter: Cyber Patriot: AFCEA: #PCDC

19 PCDC 2017 Primary POCs Jeff Sweeney, SSC Atlantic, PCDC Director
, Bob Miller, SSC Atlantic, PCDC Deputy Director , Vince Van Houten, SSC Atlantic, PCDC Facilitator, Collegiate Coordinator , Scott Bell, SSC Atlantic, PCDC Gold Team Tech Lead , Whitney Bridges, AFCEA Treasurer , Ken Dilks, AFCEA PCDC Lead, Dilks-Simone, Inc , Tonya Davis, Trident Technical College , Don Pearsall, AFCEA President , Dennis Wilson, SPAWAR, Blue Team Mentor Lead, High School Coordinator ,

20 Wrap Up Thoughts? Big Ideas? Innovations? Questions?

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