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Pre- History to History

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1 Pre- History to History
Paleolithic Age (4 million BCE to 7000 BCE) Neolithic Age (7000 BCE) “Agricultural Revolution” Mesopotamia Tigris and Euphrates Rivers Nile River Indus River Yellow River Copper Bronze Bronze Age Iron Hittites

2 Mesopotamia Sumerians Semitic Peoples Sargan the Great (2,000 BCE)
Akkad Akkadian Empire Fertile Crescent Cuneiform Writing Ziggurats

3 Epic of Gilgamesh Code of Hammurabi Old Babylonians (Amorites) Hittites Assyrians New Babylonians (Chaldees)

4 Assyria, Phoenicia, Persia
Assyrians 900 BCE- 612 BCE Nineveh Assur Chaldees Phoenicians Carthage Phonetic Alphabet 1000 BCE Persian Empire Shown at its largest extent (below):

5 Persepolis Satrapies Darius I 522-486 BCE Zoroastrianism:
Zoroaster (Zarathustra) The Avesta Ahuramazda (God of Good) Ahriman (God of Evil)

6 Hebrews Moses Exodus Palestine Philistines Saul David Jerusalem
Solomon r BCE United Monarchy under Solomon:

7 Old Testament Judea Samaria Yahweh (Jehovah) Monotheism Covenant The Torah “Babylonian Captivity” BCE Gentiles Diaspora

8 Nebuchadnezzar II Maccabee Brothers Zealots Messiah

9 Ancient Egypt Nile River Narmer 3100 BCE Pharaoh
Hyksos 1650 to 1570 BCE Tutankhamen (“King Tut”)

10 Amon (Ra or Re) Isis Osiris Ka Akhenaton Aton Nefertiti

11 India (1) Indus River Mohenjo-Daro Indus Civilization Aryans Vedas
Rigveda Raja Ganges Brahmins Kshatrija Vaishya Shudra Caste System Pariah Hindu Religion Reincarnation Karma Dharma Brahma Moksha

12 Siddhartha Gautama 563-483 BCE
Shiva Vishnu Shiva (L) Vishnu (R): Jainism Buddhism Buddha Siddhartha Gautama BCE

13 Nirvana Theravada Buddhism Mahayana Buddhism King Ashoka BCE Gupta Dynasty Sanskrit

14 China (1) Yellow River Shang Dynasty 1500 BCE Yangtze River
Zhou (Chow) Dynasty 1000 BCE Ideographs Oracle Bones

15 Confucius 551-479 BCE (Master Kung or Kung Fu-tzu)
The Analects Mandarins Loazi (Lao-Tzu or Lao-tse) Book of Changes (Dao de Jing or Tao te ching) Daoism (Taoism) Legalism Era of the Warring States BCE

16 Ancient Life Patriarchy Yin-Yang Primogeniture Laws of Manu Purdah
Concubine Sati (Suttee):

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