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Other Assessed Credit Description: The purpose of this module is to acquaint the user with the transferability of credit from other sources This Module.

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Presentation on theme: "Other Assessed Credit Description: The purpose of this module is to acquaint the user with the transferability of credit from other sources This Module."— Presentation transcript:

1 Other Assessed Credit Description: The purpose of this module is to acquaint the user with the transferability of credit from other sources This Module will help familiarize the advisor with the process of transferring credit earned from other sources to one of the University’s degree programs.

2 WBU Mission: University Core Values: Commitment to Student Learning
 Wayland Baptist University exists to educate students in an academically challenging, learning-focused and distinctively Christian environment for professional success and service to God and humankind. University Core Values:  The following core values are at the heart of the degree planning process: Commitment to Student Learning Excellence and Innovation Service to Our Communities Integrity, Diversity, Trust, and Respect Personal, Professional and Spiritual Development Stewardship of Our Resources Planning and Accountability This is a reminder of the WBU Mission and University Core Values. These should be considered with every task performed and every decision made within the university.

3 Learning Outcomes: Upon the completion of this training module, the user will be able to identify, understand, and apply the rules and steps found within the university’s guidelines in order to transfer the appropriate credit gained from other assessed sources. This module will ensure the proper governance of the university’s programs and ensure that our student population is being advised correctly. After reviewing this module, the advisor should be able speak with a potential student about the likelihood of transferring credit from other sources. Advisor’s will be able to demonstrate on a degree plan what courses the transferred credit will satisfy and in what order they will be placed onto the degree plan.

4 Governing Policies There will be no certificate evaluation in which there is no curriculum or full-time Wayland faculty; therefore, certificates that are not listed in the guidelines will no longer be evaluated or accepted for credit beginning with the August 1, 2004 date, not catalog year. CERTIFICATES: Credit may be assessed for certificates under the following regulations: Class Hours 20:1 Lab Hours 60:1 Law Enforcement 20:1; 32:1; or 60:1 depending upon type of course. 20:1 Law updates and management-related courses except FTO and psychology-based courses such as crisis counseling 32:1 Maintenance of Effort or certificates without syllabi or course descriptions to identify as 20:1 60:1 All field training, K-9, bicycle, driving, firearms, defensive tactics, rappel, pepper spray, building search and SWAT courses. Any weapons of mass destruction or terrorism course without course description or syllabus. If it is unclear whether the content was class hours or lab hours, credit will be assessed at 32:1. If the University has no curriculum of full-time faculty in the discipline of the certificate in question, the certificate will not be evaluated. All approved certificates are listed in this module, any certificate brought to you by a student that is not listed in this module will not be evaluated by the University. Credit for certificates will be assessed according to the listing above. Note, law enforcement certificates are not treated in the same manner as other approved certificates.

5 Governing Policies Cont.
No Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credit will be awarded, as per Southern Association guidelines. Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credit may also not be awarded. Appropriate documentation is required showing: Proof of completion – certificate Number of hours of instruction – was printed on original certificate Course content (syllabus, course, guidebook such as ACE, etc.) if/or 60 hours of training; the course content must be submitted External recommendations from national groups if available There will be no certificate evaluation in which there is no curriculum or full-time Wayland faculty. A maximum of 3 hours can be assessed from a certificate without a syllabus. It is the student’s responsibility to provide all materials necessary for evaluation of his/her certificates, courses, etc. It is the sole responsibility of the student to obtain the necessary documentation to receive credit from a certificate. Advisor’s should be aware of the appropriate documentation needed for evaluation. Under no circumstance will credit be granted for Continuing Education Unit or Continuing Professional Education.

6 Governing Policies Cont.
LICENSES: Some licenses have been evaluated and a specific amount of credit assessed based on the guidelines for receiving the license. In all cases, actual courses which duplicate all or part of the evaluation will be listed and the associated hours subtracted from the evaluation. CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL SECRETARY: 36 Hours Human Relations hours Behavioral Psychology hours Business Law hours Public Policy hours Economics hours Office Management hours Financial Analysis hours Business Math hours Secretarial Skills hours Business Communications hours Records Management hours Data Processing hours Some commonly transferred licenses have been assigned a specific amount of credit by the University. This is the specific amount of credit granted to the license of Certified Professional Secretary.

7 Governing Policies Cont.
LICENSES: FAA RATINGS: Private Pilot hours Commercial Pilot hours Instrument Rating hours Multi-Engine Rating hour Commercial Pilot License to receive all of above credit Flight Instructor/Airplane hours Flight Instr/Instrument/Airplane hours Rotocraft (Helicopter) hours Rotocraft Commercial hour Air Transport Pilot hours FAA Airframe/Powerplant Cert* hours See breakdown below FAA Airframe Certificate hours FAA Powerplant Certificate hours This is the specific amount of credit granted to the license of FAA Ratings, Pilot Licenses, and Airframe/Powerplant Certificates.

8 Governing Policies Cont.
LICENSES: Airframe Powerplant*: 31 Hours Manufacturing Tech hour Aircraft Maintenance hours Aircraft Weight hour Aircraft Elec hours Airframe Systems hours Advanced Aircraft hours Advanced Aircraft Maintenance hours Aircraft Structural hours Welding Workshop hour Jet Engine hours Aircraft Physical Inspection hour Reciprocating Engine hours This is the specific amount of credit granted to the license of Airframe Powerplant.

9 Governing Policies Cont.
LICENSES: LVN LICENSE: 18 hours plus 4 hours First Aid if needed for P.E. Disease Control and Prevention hour Vocational Nursing Skills hours Nutrition hour Anatomy hour Mental Health and Illness hour Geriatrics hour Medical Nursing hours Maternity, Nursing, Pediatrics hours Pharmacology hours This is the specific amount of credit granted to the license of LVN License.

10 Governing Policies Cont.
LICENSES: RN LICENSE: 30 hours plus 4 hours First Aid if needed for P.E. Fundamentals of Nursing hours Growth & Development hour Anatomy & Physiology hours Nutrition hour Medical/Surgical Nursing hours Operating Room Nursing hour The Family hour Medical-Surgical Nursing II hours Advanced Nursing Medical/Surgical hours Obstetric Nursing hours Pediatric Nursing hours Psychiatric Nursing hours Advanced Nursing hours This is the specific amount of credit granted to the license of RN License.

11 Common Mistakes: Transferring in courses from certificates which Wayland has no full time faculty to evaluate the course. Allowing students to take duplicate courses. Be very cautious registering students for courses without their official transcript/certificate in hand. Many students take the incorrect course in their first term of enrollment. Advisor’s granting credit from other assessed certificates that have not been approved. Advisor’s should counsel students on the process of evaluating certificate credit, evaluation should be left to the BAS/BCM office. Allowing for too many transfer credits, i.e. 31 residency hours are required, 52 non-junior hours are required. Improperly converting certificate hours to credit hours. Transferring in courses from military training that can’t be found in the ACE guide nor on the AARTS, SMARTS or CCAF transcript. This is a list of some common mistakes made by the advisor and the student.

12 Summary Review:  This training module focused on the transfer of credit from other assessed sources. At its conclusion, the advisor should know the specific rules requiring proof and documentation about the certificate, the process of evaluation, and the specific guidelines concerning c0mmonly transferred certificates/licenses. Advisors should be able to explain the process of transferring in credit to interested students and counsel them appropriately based upon the University’s governance. This training module focused on the transfer of credit from other assessed sources. Advisors should now be able to explain the process of transferring in credit to interested students and counsel them appropriately based upon the University’s governance.

13 Training Record In order to receive credit for – Other Assessed Credit, please click the link below. All information must be complete in order to receive credit. You may return to this module at any time for a review. After filling out the training completion form, you will need to close out this slideshow. Thank you for taking your time to listen to Training Module – Other Assessed Credit. In order to receive credit for this module, please click on the button marked “Complete Training”. A internet browser will open and you will be asked to enter your first and last name, , your employee ID/PIN, and select which campus or department for which you are associated. Failure to complete the form will not provide you with credit for the module. If you would like, you may return to this module at any time for review. We thank you for your service to Wayland Baptist University and dedication to her for future generations. Complete Training

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