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Enlightenment and the Arts

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1 Enlightenment and the Arts

2 Given what you already know about the Enlightenment, what would you expect to find in the arts?
Order Rationality Rules

3 Dates Art: later part of 1700s Music: 1750-1810
Literature: 1688 (Glorious Revolution) –1789 (French Revolution)

4 Names of this period Classical (for music)
Neoclassical (for art and literature) Reason? No examples in music from Classical Greece/Rome

5 David’s Oath of the Horatii
Oath of Horatii David’s Oath of the Horatii

6 Characteristics of Neo-classical Art
Statuesque figures Moralizing message Clear, orderly Subdued colors Setting “in a box”

7 David’s The Death of Socrates

8 Classical Music Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik

9 Characteristics of Classical Music
Balanced phrases (or periodic phrases) “Building blocks” of music Musician as craftsman Aristocratic audiences in salons Patronage system

10 Characteristics of Neoclassical Literature
Purpose of literature: teach and delight (moral impulse) Represent “nature” Orderliness/decorum Rules Those rules of old discovered not devised Are Nature still, but Nature methodized. Alexander Pope, Essay on Criticism Genres Heroic couplets

11 Characteristics of Neoclassical Literature (cont.)
Wit and clever language True wit is Nature to advantage dressed What oft was thought but ne-er so well expressed; Something whose truth convinced at sight we find, That gives us back the image of our mind. Alexander Pope, Essay on Criticism Poet as craftsman Humans in society

12 Genres Drama Unities Action Time Place

13 Satire Holding up human folly for examination and ridicule
Hoping through wit and laughter to bring about correction Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels

14 Novel Some novels had Neo-classical elements
In many ways, though, the novel runs counter to many Neo-classical impulses Middle class life Affordable—serialized Middle class readers

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