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Phonics and Reading Parents Workshop

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1 Phonics and Reading Parents Workshop
Thursday 6th October 2016

2 Read fluently Write confidently Speak articulately
Children who read at home do well at school Read fluently Write confidently Speak articulately

3 The simple view of reading
From learning to read ……to reading to learn 2006 Government review on the teaching of early reading advocated that Phonics should be the primary approach to teaching children how to read.

4 Early Learning Goals LITERACY ELG 09 Reading   ELG 10 Writing MATHEMATICS ELG 11 Numbers  ELG 12 Shape Space and Measures UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD ELG 13 People and Communities ELG 14 The World ELG 15 Technology ELG 16 Exploring and Using Media and Materials ELG 17 Being Imaginative Communication and language ELG 01 Listening and Attention ELG 02 Understanding ELG 03 Speaking Physical Development ELG 04 Moving and Handling ELG 05 Health and Self-care Personal, social and emotional ELG 06 Self-confidence and Self awareness ELG 07 Managing Feelings and Behaviour ELG08 Making relationships EXPRESSIVE ARTS AND DESIGN

5 Getting children talking and developing their vocabulary
Family time Role Play Home Proud books Different school topics that follow the children's interests but also challenge them School trips and experiences Reading books At home Sharing reading books Encouraging children to talk about day to day things & what they see around them Reading other books at home & having other experiences outside of home.

6 Phonics Teaching children to read by breaking words down into sounds. Our Phonics programme is Read Write Inc - Rigorous & effective The aim is for all children to have completed the phonics programme by the end of Year 1 and then move on to developing comprehension skills The children are assessed every half term to see how they are progressing. They work together with children who are at a similar stage to them Understanding phonics

7 This is an example of the initial assessment we did with the children 5 weeks ago when they first started

8 First we teach children one way of reading and spelling the English sounds

9 We begin with the set 1 sounds.
The children are taught to say the sounds clearly and not to add an ‘uh’ on the end. This helps them when they come to blend the sounds in words. They will be able to hear the words much more clearly Pronunciation

10 The children are also given a hook to learn the sound by using pictures in the same shape as the sound.




14 This means that children learn to read and write the sounds very easily.
They are taught to hear the sound say the sound read the sound. then practise writing in the air Blending & Fred Talk Blending is when you put together the sounds to make a word . Fred the frog helps us to read things in sounds We copy things he says to help us hear the sounds in words then we practise reading his special green words We also have a go at reading “alien words”

15 When they are confident in recognising and reading the set 1 sounds as well as blending them in words. We teach the children another way of writing (grapheme) the sounds they already know. These are set 2 sounds

16 Set 2 sounds still have a picture associated with the sound but it is no longer to help them with forming the letters. It comes with a phrase which helps them recall the kind of words that use that sound.

17 Set 2 sounds are taught in the same way as Set 1 , hearing the sound, saying the sound, recognising the sound then reading it in words. The green words all have sound buttons on the bottom to help children recognise where there is a sound which has more than one letter in it.

18 Set 3 sounds go even further and teach children a third and fourth way of writing (grapheme) the sounds they already know.

19 The children are then expected to think carefully about which way of spelling a sound they use when they write. The speed sounds wall is constantly added to during the year as the children progress and this remains as a support particularly when the children get to this stage. Is it ..... cayk? cake? caik ?

20 Reading books The children initially start on picture books to develop their skills handling books and to develop their vocabulary. They are also chosen to help them learn the characters names. When they become more confident in blending the sounds to make words we then move on to books with words in. These are linked to the phonics work we do in class. So there should be no sounds in those books that the children haven’t already been taught.

21 The aim is for all our children to be confident in reading.
Reading at home We encourage the children from the beginning to turn the pages of the books themselves They must look at the words and have a go at “Fred talking” the words If your child is struggling with a word and its one they should be able to “Fred talk” then rather than telling them straight away I would say the sounds for them and see if they can hear the word. We discourage the children from looking at the pictures and guessing Books MUST be in on a Monday

22 Sound and word books - Reinforce the sounds we have been learning in class. - Word books contain one red word and one green word each week. - Red words are words we just have to learn. Green words can be blended. At this stage children need to just learn to recognise the sounds and words.

23 What you can do at home to support your child
Find out what sound they have been learning at school Practise Fred talk with them Practise blending sounds to hear the word Reading books Reading books for pleasure (library) Encourage lots and lots of talk developing their vocabularies The Read write inc resources are available on Amazon and from some Waterstones stores as are the Oxford Reading Tree books There is also lots of support for phonics and reading on our class page.

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