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I-Codes Development and cdpACCESS©

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1 I-Codes Development and cdpACCESS©
Beginning with the 2015/2017 Code Development Cycle, ICC will begin utilizing their new online system called cdpACCESS© This new system will give stakeholders the ability to: create code changes and public comments in the cloud, collaborate with other stakeholders on code changes, view proposed code changes before they are submitted governmental members will now have the ability to vote remotely on code changes. Now – more than ever - BOMA Associations will need to engage their local officials and make their positions known.

2 I-Codes Development The International Code Council (ICC) is dedicated to a single family of comprehensive and coordinated model codes. The ICC code development process allows all interested parties to actively participate in code development process. The ICC Governmental Consensus Process places the final vote with those administering, formulating or enforcing regulations relating to public health, safety and welfare. ICC publish their codes every three years and develop them in Groups.

3 I-Codes Development Schedule
Group A-2015 Group B-2016 Group C-2017 Building (IBC) -Egress -General -Fire Safety Existing Building (IEBC) Fuel Gas (IFGC) Mechanical (IMC) Plumbing (IPC) Residential (IRC) -Plumbing -Mechanical Swimming Pools/Spa (ISPSC) Private Sewage Disposal (IPSDC) Zoning (IZC) Admin ICC Performance (ICCPC) -Structural Existing Buildings (IEBC) Energy (IECC) Fire (IFC) Property Maintenance (IPMC) Wildland-Urban Interface (IWUIC) Green (IgCC) To reduce the length of the code hearings, ICC develops their 15 I-Codes in groups. For harmonization purposes, the I-Codes are grouped based on the content and the relevance to other codes.

4 ICC Hearing Dates & Locations
Group A Group B Group C ICC Committee Action Hearing (CAH) Dates 4/19- 4/30, 2015 Memphis, TN 4/17-4/27, 2016 Louisville, KY 4/27-4/30, 2017 ICC Public Comment Hearing (PCH) Dates 9/30-10/7, 2015 Long Beach, CA 10/19-10/25, 2016 Kansas City, MS 10/25-10/31, 2014 Columbus, OH Governmental Consensus Voting period (online) 10/19- 10/30, 2015 (Tentatively) 11/7- 11/18, 2016 11/13- 11/24, 2015

5 ICC Code Development Process
Code Changes Submitted New Edition Published Code Changes Posted on cdpACCESS© Online Governmental Consensus Ballot Committee Action Hearing (CAH) Public Comment Hearing (PCH) Online Voting of Floor Motions Public Comments Posted on cdpACCESS© Committee Action Hearing (CAH) results posted Public Comments Submitted For schedule of all dates in cycle, click here:

6 Code Change Submittal Process
ICC now requires all code changes to be processed using the cdpACCESS© online platform Code change deadline are generally at the beginning of January each year Anyone can submit a code change Proposed code changes must be in legislative format: Revisions to current text: Underline proposed new text and strike out text to be deleted Substantiate change with reasons, cost analysis and supporting documentation

7 Committee Action Hearing (CAH)
All code changes are reviewed by individual code development committees, selected to review certain codes or section of I- Codes After hearing testimony, the committee will take one of the following three actions: “Approved as Submitted” “Approved as Modified”, “Disapproved” Anyone attending the CAH can challenge the committee action through a call for an “Assembly Motion”. All members of ICC can vote on assembly motions raised at the committee hearing using the cdpACCESS©, All committee actions and reasons for action published after hearing

8 Public Comment Hearing (PCH)
Public Comment Consent agenda: All code changes which did not receive a public comment are put before the assembly for a block vote to approve the action from the Committee Action Hearing. Public Comment Individual Consideration Agenda: Each code change that receives a public comment(s) is brought before the assembly for discussion. Proponents of public comments are permitted to request a motion to modify, approve or disapprove the committee action.

9 Public Comment Hearing (PCH)- (continued)
Committee Action Hearing Result Required Voting Majority at the Public Comment Hearing AS AM D As Submitted (AS) Simple Majority 2/3 Majority As Modified (AM) Simple Majority to sustain CAH or; 2/3 on additional mods, plus 2/3 on overall AM Disapproved (D) In order to support, modify or overturn the committee action, proponents of public comments must achieve certain majorities

10 Public Comment Hearing (PCH) (continued)
Only ICC Governmental Member Voting Representatives are permitted to vote at the public comment hearing. Governmental Voting Representatives are those who administer, formulate or enforce the regulations and are charged with the public’s health, safety and welfare Examples of qualified voting representatives: -Building Regulations Department/Agency -Zoning Authority -Fire Department/State Fire Marshall -Health Department/Agency -Energy/Environment Department/Agency -Others

11 Online Governmental Consensus Ballot
Immediately following the Public Comment Hearing, ICC will develop the Governmental Consensus Ballot, which will be based on the actions taken by the Public Comment Hearing assembly. The Governmental Consensus Ballot will allow all Governmental Voting Representatives to cast their vote remotely for a period of (2) weeks after the Public Comment Hearings conclude. After the closing period, ICC will publish the results in a summary of the final action taken on the proposed code changes.

12 Additional Information
For schedules, procedures, access to the cdpACCESS© portal and a historical record of past cycles is posted at: ={token}&Site=icc For the ICC policy on Code Development, click here: ken=b1a42839-e5ab-498d-b079-68bc90a5bacf&Site=icc

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