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Executive Committee Third Meeting

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1 Executive Committee Third Meeting
Rabat, 6-7 May 2017 Item 4(a) of Agenda Outcome of the Third Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III)

2 - Universal access to safe drinking water and sanitation
The New Urban Agenda: Quito Declaration on Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements for All - Adequate housing - Universal access to safe drinking water and sanitation - Food security and nutrition - Health and education - Basic urban infrastructure, energy and transportation - Civic engagement and gender equality - Sustainable economic growth - Disaster risk reduction and environmental impacts

3 The New Urban Agenda: Quito Implementation Plan
- Social inclusion and poverty eradication - Inclusive urban prosperity and opportunities - Environmentally sustainable urban development - Urban governance structure - Urban spatial development

4 Main actors - National and local governments
- UN agencies (UN-Habitat, RCs, etc.) - Other regional partners (LAS, ATO, etc.) - CSOs and research institutions - Private sector

5 Habitat III process in the Arab region (Habitat/ESCWA/LAS)
- Habitat III Arab regional report - AMFHUD-1 and Cairo Declaration on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development - Arab Strategy for Housing and Sustainable Urban Development 2030

6 Urban development and challenges in the Arab region
- 2010: 56% urban (357 million)  2050: 68% urban (646 million) -  Arab cities are national engines of economic and social development Urban employment - Growth of informal settlements and the informal sector - Detrimental impact of conflict and massive displacement on many Arab cities and towns - Average poverty incidence rose from 22.7% in 1990 to % in 2012

7 Urban dimensions of SDGs & NUA: Regional implementation
- Other SDGs and targets: Regional review process and role of RCs -  NUA: Inclusive process at regional and sub- regional levels High Level Political Forum

8 Potential role of ESCWA: SDGs & NUA
- Adequate housing and slum upgrading -  Social inclusion and social protection -  Urban poverty reduction and inequality -  Urban economic growth and employment -  Basic urban infrastructure, energy & transportation -  Water supply and sanitation -  Minimizing environmental impacts

9 Thank You

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