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Mana and Advantage 1 Kings 9:10-10:13

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1 Mana and Advantage 1 Kings 9:10-10:13
Hiram Egypt Sheba New Zealand

2 Henry Williams – Karuwhā
Navy Officer in the Napoleonic ward Missionary of the CMS to Maori from 1823 to 1867 Revitalised early mission in Northland Earned respect of local Maori Became known as a peace- maker

3 Williams at Waitangi

4 Solomon and Hiram But when Hiram went from Tyre to see the towns that Solomon had given him, he was not pleased with them. ‘What kind of towns are these you have given me, my brother?’ he asked. And he called them the Land of Kabul (good-for-nothing), a name they have to this day.

5 Solomon and Pharaoh Solomon conscripted the descendants of all these peoples remaining in the land – whom the Israelites could not exterminate – to serve as slave labour, as it is to this day. But Solomon did not make slaves of any of the Israelites; they were his fighting men, his government officials, his officers, his captains, and the commanders of his chariots and charioteers.

6 Solomon and the Queen of Sheba
Praise be to the Lord your God, who has delighted in you and placed you on the throne of Israel. Because of the Lord’s eternal love for Israel, he has made you king to maintain justice and righteousness.’

7 Henry Williams – Karuwhā
Became a controversial figure in Northland for involvement with both Māori and Pākehā Unable to negotiate peace between crown armies and Māori tribes Opposed by Governor Grey, then Bishop Selwyn Dismissed from CMS (and later reinstated) Māori felt they lost mana when Williams was stripped of his

8 Roslyn Baptist Church What would cause someone to be breathless in this church? What would shut the mouths of unbelievers and cause them to acknowledge that only a great God could be behind all this? What would cause people to come and see for themselves what they have heard of from afar?

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