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PH. 254-855-9539 - - - - My dearly beloved Brethren and Sisters we hereby humbly suggest that you pause or stop your DVD.

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Presentation on theme: "PH. 254-855-9539 - - - - My dearly beloved Brethren and Sisters we hereby humbly suggest that you pause or stop your DVD."— Presentation transcript:

1 PH. 254-855-9539 - - - -
My dearly beloved Brethren and Sisters we hereby humbly suggest that you pause or stop your DVD player and with the aid of the Holy Spirit study this section of the presentation and make your notes, comments and questions and contact us for a one on one recorded webex discussion or post your comments and or questions on our website. Please remember the references in this presentation are not all of the references on the subjects presented, so be a Berean and then we can reason together. May God bless you and we will see you in Section IV. PH

2 “The Judgment of the Jews”
Presentation No. 7 Part Two Section IV “The Judgment of the Jews”

3 Timeline to the Kingdom
Activities in the 11TH-hour and the 9th-hour Churches One Year prior to the Kingdom (THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED) Judgment of the Jews 10th day 1st Month (Abib) Mar. 30th, 20_ _ Christ and His angels descend to the earth to execute judgment The wise virgins of the 11th-hour Church go out to meet the Bridegroom while the foolish virgins go to buy the extra oil. Zeph. 2:1, 2: -- "Gather yourselves together, yea, gather together, O nation not desired; before the decree bring forth, before the day pass as the chaff, before the fierce anger of the Lord come upon you, before the day of the Lord's anger come upon you.“ 1TG22: 24.3: When this Judgment-bound nation begins to gather together then it is, if never before, that the meek of the earth need to seek meekness. The Jewish Nation’s Judgments Zeph. 2: 1-2

4 Timeline to the Kingdom
Activities in the 11TH-hour and the 9th-hour Churches One Year prior to the Kingdom (THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED) Judgment of the Jews 10th day 1st Month (Abib) Mar. 30th, 20_ _ Christ and His angels descend to the earth to execute judgment The wise virgins of the 11th-hour Church go out to meet the Bridegroom while the foolish virgins go to buy the extra oil. 1TG22: 25.3: In view of the fact that this scripture is now being unfolded, and also the fact that there is but one people, one nation (the descendants of the ancient scribes, priests, and Pharisees who rejected the Lord and who have not even to this day accepted Him, that are hardly desired anywhere in the world) that is now doing all she can to gather together in Palestine -- in view of all this, the present-day Jews are that undesired nation. Upon her, therefore, the Lord's anger is to fall if she continues to deny Christ. Yes, the universally hated Jew is the only nation that has been scattered throughout the Gentile world, and is the only one that is now gathering together in Palestine. The Jewish Nation’s Judgments Zeph. 2: 1-2 Where are we to look for this judgment? In the middle-east, Palestine, Jerusalem. When God’s judgments begin on the Jewish nation, the midnight cry will be made to the virgins of the 11th hour church: “behold the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet Him”. Let us get back to the foolish virgins of the 11th hour church.

5 Foolish Virgins of the 11th-Hour Church
Timeline to the Kingdom Activities in the 11TH-hour and the 9th-hour Churches One Year prior to the Kingdom (THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED) Foolish Virgins of the 11th-Hour Church 10th day 1st Month (Abib) Mar. 30th, 20_ _ Christ and His angels descend to the earth to execute judgment The wise virgins of the 11th-hour Church go out to meet the Bridegroom while the foolish virgins go to buy the extra oil. “….. At the beginning of the judgments of God they saw their mistake and rushed for the ark of safety, but it was beyond their reach for they knew nothing of the message, and by the time they acquired it (filled their lamps with oil), there had been a delay, the angel had passed "through the city, through Jerusalem," the church -- the sealing was finished, and probation for the church had closed -- the door was shut. …..” {SR2: 185.3} The Jewish Nation’s Judgments Zeph. 2: 1-2 What message the foolish virgins of the 11th hour church knew nothing of? The message to the 11th-hour church warning them that the Lord will manifest His power and permanently remove the foolish virgins from His 11th-hour church, so that the wise virgins can finish the work for the 9th-hour church.

6 Foolish Virgins of the 11th-Hour Church
Timeline to the Kingdom Activities in the 11TH-hour and the 9th-hour Churches One Year prior to the Kingdom (THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED) Foolish Virgins of the 11th-Hour Church 10th day 1st Month (Abib) Mar. 30th, 20_ _ Christ and His angels descend to the earth to execute judgment The wise virgins of the 11th-hour Church go out to meet the Bridegroom while the foolish virgins go to buy the extra oil. SR2: 183.1: "And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out." At last the foolish virgins saw themselves in darkness. Then they went to the wise and asked for oil as a gift; "But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves." The oil is sold and there must be something given in exchange to obtain the supply. The price they had to pay was to "sigh and cry for the abominations done in the midst thereof," give up sinning and obey the truth. Their receipt for the value of exchange would have been the seal of the living God in their foreheads. The Jewish Nation’s Judgments Zeph. 2: 1-2 This statement leads me to address another abomination promulgated by Davidians, and that is that someone has to be selling the ROD literature so that the Laodiceans can go and buy the truth. But when we read this statement we are told that the price was to "sigh and cry for the abominations done in the midst thereof," give up sinning and obey the truth, the receipt for the purchase was the seal, since the seller is the one that gives the receipt and since the receipt is the seal, logic dictates that “them that sell” must be the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. So this teaching that their must be some selling the ROD and the foolish virgins paying with currency to acquire the Truth is man’s dung. Let us go to the next panel on the timeline.

7 Christ and His angels descend to the earth
Timeline to the Kingdom Activities in the 11TH-hour and the 9th-hour Churches One Year prior to the Kingdom (THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED) Half an Hour Silence 10th day 1st Month (Abib) Mar. 30th, 20_ _ Christ and His angels descend to the earth to execute judgment The wise virgins of the 11th-hour Church go out to meet the Bridegroom while the foolish virgins go to buy the extra oil. 10th day 1st Month to 16th day 1st Month Mar. 30th – Apr. 5th 20_ _ While the foolish virgins are acquiring the extra oil, the sealing angel goes through the 11th-hour church and seals the wise virgins. “……. by the time they acquired it (filled their lamps with oil), there had been a delay, the angel had passed "through the city, through Jerusalem," the church -- the sealing was finished, and probation for the church had closed -- the door was shut. Thus they were left out. …….. {SR2: 185.3} The Jewish Nation’s Judgments Zeph. 2: 1-2

8 Christ and His angels descend to the earth
Timeline to the Kingdom Activities in the 11TH-hour and the 9th-hour Churches One Year prior to the Kingdom (THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED) Half an Hour Silence 10th day 1st Month (Abib) Mar. 30th, 20_ _ Christ and His angels descend to the earth to execute judgment The wise virgins of the 11th-hour Church go out to meet the Bridegroom while the foolish virgins go to buy the extra oil. 10th day 1st Month to 16th day 1st Month Mar. 30th – Apr. 5th 20_ _ While the foolish virgins are acquiring the extra oil, the sealing angel goes through the 11th-hour church and seals the wise virgins. The virgins were called to meet Him, and thus by faith go in with Him to appear before the Father -- the Great Judge. The seal is the permit; it places their names in the Lamb's book of Life and thus it grants to them the right to appear before the Father in the judgment; not in person, but in figure; thus having their sins blotted out. Matthew 24:36, 50, are descriptions of the same event. "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh." (Matt. 25:13.) This has reference to the time of the judgment, and not of His coming to earth; for, the saints shall know the day and the hour of Christ's coming in the clouds to receive the redeemed, as it shall be announced by the Father shortly before His coming. (See "The Great Controversy," p. 640.) {SR2: 184.4} The Jewish Nation’s Judgments Zeph. 2: 1-2 Let us recap this panel before moving to the next

9 Timeline to the Kingdom (THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED)
Activities in the 11TH-hour and the 9th-hour Churches One Year prior to the Kingdom (THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED) Christ and all the angels descend to the earth to execute judgment. The cry was made to the ten virgins to go out to meet the Bridegroom. The wise virgins went out to meet the Bridegroom. The foolish virgins went to buy the extra oil. The sealing as over and the wise virgins went into the Judgment to appear before the Father, not in person, in figure. CLICK 7 times for 7 points Before we go to the next event on the timeline, we will consider the period of the half-hour silence in Heaven. We will first look at the light on the subject shining in 1932, then in the light of 1947.

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