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Innovative Rural Cadastre Development in Ethiopia

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1 Innovative Rural Cadastre Development in Ethiopia
Presentation at the “2017 WORLD BANK CONFERENCE ON LAND AND POVERTY” The World Bank - Washington DC, March 20-24, 2017

2 About the REILA Project
REILA = Responsible & Innovative Land Administration Bilateral development project between Finland and Ethiopia Budget: 12,800,000 Euro contribution by Finland Timeframe: July July 2017 Project area: Federal level, Benishangul-Gumuz & Amhara Regions + trial districts in Tigray, Oromyia and SNNP NRLAIS Pilot Region The purpose of the project is to contribute towards an improved, transparent and appropriate land administration system in Ethiopia.

3 Background of NRLAIS 2010: Harmonisation of Land Administration in Ethiopia (commissioned by World Bank) 2012: Information System IT Strategy by the Ministry Agriculture, Ethiopia 2014: International tender for a pilot implementation of the strategy 2015: Contract for pilot system development to Hansa Luftbild, a geoinformation services company from Germany 2015: actual NRLAIS system development starts. 2016: A prototype was delivered in December 2017: testing in the pilot offices, expected start of scale-up. NRLAIS: National Rural Land Administration Information System Future: Operate throughout Ethiopia Now: Pilot system It is expected to Address the demand for a for a harmonised national rural land administration system. Insure due diligence of transaction processes.

4 Requirement Analysis Name Description NRLAIS_Inventory
This area contains the actual valid state of NRLAIS. Information in this area is legally valid in the present NRLAIS_History This area contains previously valid states of NRLAIS. Information in this area was legally valid in the past NRLAIS_Transaction This area contains the states, which become valid after a transaction is completed and approved. This state is only temporarily available during a transaction. Information in this area becomes legally valid in the future.

5 NRLAIS – LADM Implementation
Party RRR Holding Parcel Party: Natural person, company RRR: Right, Restriction, Responsibility Holding: Basic Administrative Unit Parcel: Spatial object, geometry

6 System Architecture Overview of the different subsystems and services of NRLAIS Applies the ISO Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) System levels: WORLAIS,ZONLAIS, REGLAIS CENLAIS, MASSREG

7 System Development FOSS components
Name Usage PostgreSQ Database management system. PostgreSQL was used on all levels of the NRLAIS for storage of structured and semi-structured data PostGIS Extension for PostgreSQL was used to handle spatial data. QGIS Desktop GISwas used in the NRLAIS for high-end editing, visualisation and analysis of geospatial data. GDAL/OGR Converting different GIS formats Geoserver Geoserver used on all levels of the NRLAIS for OGC compliant services such as WMS or WFS MapProxy MapProxy used as proxy to encapsulate WMS requests for performance and security reasons ExperMaps Basis for web based geospatial clients in the NRLAIS node.js Application environment Python Customisation of QGIS An International standards and a best practices approach were applied in the design and the development of the NRLAIS. Standard web architecture Standard programming languages such as JavaScript (ECMAScript 5) or Python SQL Web standards such as HTML, HTTP, XML, SOAP UML LADM

8 System Test and Pilot Implementation
NRLAIS test User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Operational Acceptance test (OAT) NRLAIS Pilot deployment The Ministry Headquarters in Addis Ababa Two Regional Headquarters (Tigray and SNNP) Two District offices

9 Communication Infrastructure

10 Migration of Existing Land Records
Flow diagram of NRLAIS data migration procedure for textual and/or graphical data. An ETL tool (Extract, Transform, Load) is used.

11 NRLAIS – Innovative Aspects
A national ICT strategy for the standardization of the rural land administration and developed prior to developing a pilot LIS. NRLAIS "toolkit" approach: the system architecture covers different administrative levels (Zone, District and Sub-District) the approach will make it possible to adapt and customize the system for the slightly differing legislations and administrative structures in the regional states of Ethiopia. NRLAIS is based solely on open-source components: cost-effective architecture, further development not limited by license issues NRLAIS was designed in consideration of the current situation, but also has in mind future demands via its a modular approach Independent of a fully developed internet infrastructure

12 Scale-up, or Establishing a Rural Cadastre
Ministry: (1) MOA Regions: (9) SNNP Tigray Zones: (~ 70) Alaba Siliti Districts: (~ 600) Meskan Sankura Wilbarg Raya Alemata NRLAIS – a nation-wide distributed system spanning 4 administrative levels. Sub-Districts: (~14000) Asere Geigera

13 Challenges High staff turnover, especially in the districts
Continuous capacity building and training Sufficient (Government) funding once the system starts growing Operational aspects Maintenance: Does the system offer enough added value for rural farmers to use it for subsequent land transactions? Are all stakeholders, including the traditional leaders, supporting the system?

14 Conclusion Develop a “LIS toolkit” which can be adapted to the varying needs of the Regional States of Ethiopia Improve tenure security through an efficient, transparent and equitable system of rural land administration and information nationwide. Make use of the flexibility of LADM for the heterogeneous legal framework in the country (parcel based vs. holding based) Ensure proper land use practices sustainable natural resource management through monitoring of land use. Minimize land related disputes through proper and sustainable conflict management system.


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