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Building Automation Systems and their role in Energy Management

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1 Building Automation Systems and their role in Energy Management
Steven E. Jones The S4 Group Inc. © 2017The S4 Group, Inc.

2 Early Building Automation Systems (post pneumatic systems)
A network of dedicated computers, controllers, sensors, valves, fans, etc. Focused on Occupant comfort, i.e. Heating and Cooling Primarily Non-residential Every manufacturer used proprietary technology The strategy: Get into a building at any cost, bill for service, and support forever Little, or no, emphasis on efficiency

3 The Evolution of Building Automation Energy Efficiency Driven By The Convergence of Stove Piped Systems Heating Cooling Air Flow IAQ Security Lighting Occupancy Parking Free Cooling Electronic Signage Daylighting Fire & Smoke Control Emergency Communications Transport Door and Window Status Communications Employee Comfort Building to Grid Demand-Response All Monitored, Controlled, and Coordinated by the BAS!

4 Free Cooling Economizer technology has been available for many years
Renewed interest because of its ability to deliver cooling without chillers running Needed to improve IAQ Technology is necessary to control CO2 levels Opening the windows is not always practical or possible! Utility companies are offering significant incentives Immediate cost savings Better IAQ resulting in higher employee productivity Possible incentives depending on location

5 Lighting Upgrades Conversion to LED saves bundles (low hanging fruit)
Occupancy detection can save even more by interfacing to other subsystems Daylighting and skylights minimize the demand Automated blinds and translucent controllable windows let nature do the heavy lifting Again, utility companies are offering incentives Immediate significant cost savings Possible incentives depending on location

6 Energy Storage Technologies
Ice storage leverages off-peak rate hours Battery storage technologies minimize the load on the grid during peak rate hours Flywheel Technologies Use the stored energy during peak hours Reasonable approaches when alternative energy sources are not available Converting / storage uses more energy but results in lower rates

7 Alternate / Renewable Energy
Solar Wind Waves Hydro Electric? Co generation Fuel Cells Good for the environment Love / hate relationship with power companies Remove dependence on grid power generation Supports off-grid installations Provides backup capacity Incentives or selling excess power to the grid may be a source of income

8 Demand Response Automated curtailment or decrease in demand on command from the utility Better understanding of usage through power metering and BAS helps make good decisions Helps utility shave peak loads and avoids construction of new generation capacity You are moving demand not lowering overall energy usage Significant incentives for participation (even if you are not called upon to decrease demand)

9 Improved Metering and Monitoring
Improves control decisions and algorithms IoT has a big play here Wireless technology allows metering where previously not possible Huge increase in data volumes (Big Data) Opens the door for analytics, energy management, continuous commissioning, and other value added applications Occupancy detection and integration to access control / security systems can return big benefits You cannot control what you do not monitor!

10 Cloud Based Systems Energy Management Analytics Continuous Commissioning Hotel Property Management Systems Tenant Management Systems Driving the need for Tagging technology Cost effective Universal access Accelerating change driven by IoT and Big data Examples: ecobee wireless stats, Comfy, SkySpark, Coppertree, Opendiem, Cube, and a growing list of others Applications provide the potential to improve operational efficiency Training and commitment to utilize determine what is actually realized

11 System Re-commissioning
Correcting shortcuts taken during the installation process can result in significant savings Retro-commissioning of older systems can bring them back into optimal operational condition and save money Continuous commissioning applications tune HVAC systems and controls in real time producing optimal results Investing in tuning up your installation can significantly improve efficiency

12 Standards Facilitate Efficiency and Interoperability
The Building Automation industry was formed around proprietary solutions This started to change in June of 1987 when the first meeting of Standard Project Committee (SPC) 135P took place at the ASHRAE Annual Meeting in Nashville, Tennessee. Standards facilitate efficiency, interoperability, competition, and innovation To be effective, standards need to evolve to meet new needs and demands

13 Building Automation Control network
The Promise of BACnet Building Automation Control network BACnet ensures interoperability between devices of different manufacturers if all participants in a project agree on certain BACnet interoperability building blocks (BIBBs) defined by the standard. A BIBB defines the services and procedures that have to be supported at the server and client end to implement a particular system requirement. The protocol implementation conformance statement (PICS) accompanying a device lists all supported BIBBs, object types, character sets and options in communication. an ASHRAE, ANSI, and ISO standard protocol

14 BACnet International's Objectives
Support BACnet conformance certification Sustain and fund the BACnet Test Lab (BTL) Promote interoperability and compliance with the BACnet Standard Disseminate the latest information about BACnet technology Maintain a single Web site that displays all BTL listed products Organize educational events that teach about BACnet standards Publicize successful BACnet implementations Market and promote the use of BACnet Work with other BACnet Interest Groups and other organizations to promote and improve BACnet  New Offering: BACnet Training Institute

15 Legacy to Open System Migration (Gateway and Router Technologies)
S4 Group offering Johnson Controls’ Metasys® has been a market leader for many years Historically based on proprietary protocols Tightly controlled documentation for legacy protocols The S4 Open: BACnet-N2 Router publishes all available information to BACnet. Enables development of single seat operations Enables the use of modern applications on legacy systems Facilitates the transition to open technologies Discussions underway with utility companies about potential rebate program involving S4 integrations Enabling technology that facilitates cost effective upgrading legacy buildings

16 Share your Ideas and Experience
What has worked for you?

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