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Women in Energy April 25, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Women in Energy April 25, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Women in Energy April 25, 2012

2 Speakers Valerie Taylor, Educational Consultant, CEWD Alison Motz, Consultant, Hard Hatted Women (Women in Energy Program Partner)

3 Who is Hard Hatted Women?
Hard Hatted Women (HHW) is a statewide nonprofit organization that accelerates women’s success in high demand occupations by matching women who need lifelong careers with employers who need a qualified, skilled workforce.

4 HHW’s Goals & Strategies
Accelerate women’s advancement in high demand careers Programs designed to reach females over a longer period of time Alignment with employers key focus Creating mutually beneficial partnerships

5 HHW Programs Tradeswomen TOOLS (WISE Pathways Main Focus)
Supported with funds from the US Department of Labor, Union College of New Jersey’s Business Development Department, and with assistance and technical expertise from the Center for Energy Workforce Development (CEWD) Inspiring Girls to Greatness Employer services

6 Women in Energy Initiatives
Get Into Energy Women web site Women-focused postcard Toolkit for Recruiting & Retaining Women in Nontraditional Positions Women in Sustainable Employment (WISE) Pathways workshop kit Get Into Energy Women pilot program

7 Get Into Energy Women Web Site

8 Women-focused Postcard

9 Toolkit for Recruiting & Retaining Women in Nontraditional Positions
Created by HHW Tradeswomen TOOLS Training, Outreach, Opportunity, Leadership and Support Finding Out: Outreach and Education Getting In and Moving Up: Supportive Services Giving Back: Leadership Development

10 Toolkit Sections Recruitment: when, where and how to recruit women
Examples: messaging, media, establishing relationships Retention Examples: support, training, sexual harassment awareness

11 WISE Pathways

12 WISE Pathways Program The overall goal of Tradeswoman TOOLS is to connect women to resources that will enable them to succeed in non-traditional careers. WISE Pathways is the heart of this concept and includes WISE Pathways augmented with: Orientation to Trade and Technical Careers Industry Orientations Leadership Development and Career Coaching

13 WISE Pathways Career Exploration Workshop
12 sessions, three hours each Includes detailed instructor guides and PPTs Practical, hands-on Utilizes Kuder Journey Includes action planning

14 Session Topics Session 1: Strengths and interests, industry overviews, WorkKeys Session 2: Kuder Journey interest inventory (customized for energy, manufacturing & construction) Session 3: Skills and Values inventories

15 Session Topics Session 4: Manufacturing, WorkKeys Reading Comprehension Session 5: Construction, WorkKeys Applied Math Session 6: Energy, WorkKeys Locating Information Session 7: Resume writing

16 Session Topics Session 8: Resume feedback, WorkKeys practice test
Session 9: Workplace skills and behaviors Session 10: Sexual harassment, conflict management and resolution Session 11: Technical skills, applications Session 12: Graduation

17 Get Into Energy Women Follows Get Into Energy Pathways model
Integrates career outreach, coaching and stackable credentials Looking for state consortium to pilot the program

18 For more information, contact:
Valerie Taylor Educational Consultant Center for Energy Workforce Development Alison Motz Consultant Hard Hatted Women

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