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Presentation on theme: "THE WONDERFUL RAINFOREST"— Presentation transcript:


2 JAGUAR There are many animals in the rainforest one is the worlds 3rd biggest cat . The jaguar. The jaguar has long ears so it can hear its prey from miles away. It has 4 large canine teeth , it also has the most powerful jaw muscle of all Cats. It stays perfectly quiet then ambushes its prey . It has strong ,sharp and long claws to kill its prey easily. The jaguar can camaflarsh with its yellow fur and black spots.

3 ALLIGATOR The alligator can be the largest animal in the rainforest growing up to 4m long!!!!It has 3 eyelids so it can see underwater .Its tactic to kill prey is to hide under the water then it leap out catching its prey.

4 TOUCANS Toucans have the biggest beaks , even bigger than a pelican ! Its beak is more like a honey cone than something solid. Baby toucans don’t have a big beak like there parents. A feamale Toucan lays 2 to 4 eggs per year! It is found in the canopy .It has bright colors to attract othere birds.

5 LAYERS There are 4 layers in the rainforest , emergent layer ,canopy , understory and forest floor. In the emergent layer you'll find animals like American crowned vultures and black vultures, the trees in the emergent layers are 60 m tall. In the canopy there are animals like monkeys and still some birds , in this layers there are a lot of trees .In the understory you'll find jaguars , pumas , animals like that , there you will find smaller trees and bushes. On the forest floor you'll find snakes and insects , there would be lots of plants there.


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