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NCD summary guide Gift-based Effective Empowering Loving

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1 NCD summary guide Gift-based Effective Empowering Loving
Current Level Previous Level "Service attendance" "Our Minimum Factor" Essentials of church life The shortest stave determines the amount the barrel can hold Gift-based Effective Empowering Loving Holistic small Inspiring worship Need-oriented Passionate ministry structures leadership relationships groups service evangelism spirituality © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

2 Natural Church Development summary guide
The progress and current church life tendency of… CN Allesley All Saints September-2016 Comes more naturally to us 1 Service our church 2 Fellowship 3 Faith Does not come as naturally to us Our current church life tendency Our previous survey church life tendency A balanced church © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

3 CN0101 - Allesley All Saints
NCD summary guide The progress and current church life tendency of… CN Allesley All Saints September-2016 Comes more naturally to us Gift-based ministry Effective structures Empowering leadership Loving relationships Holistic small groups Inspiring worship service Need-oriented evangelism Passionate spirituality Does not come as naturally to us 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 our church Our current quality characteristic tendencies Our previous quality characteristic tendencies Our current quality characteristic average © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

4 CN0101 - Allesley All Saints
NCD status guide for CN Allesley All Saints September-2016 Pastor: Vacancy Profile Date Minimum Factor Maximum Factor Min - Max Difference Average 3 Sep-16 66.2 Passionate spirituality 78.9 Gift-based ministry 12.7 72.5 Change 2 - 3 +8.5 2 May-15 51.5 Passionate spirituality 71.3 Empowering leadership 19.8 64.0 Change 1 - 2 +6.8 1 Jan-14 52.8 Need-oriented evangelism 63.0 Effective structures 10.2 57.2 (page numbers match the full version of this guide) Page 1 of 43 © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

5 Adult Attendance Growth
140 120 118 115 115 115 114 110 100 80 60 40 20 5 years ago 4 years ago 3 years ago 2 years ago 1 year ago Today (page numbers match the full version of this guide) © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

6 Survey Participants by Age Groups and Gender
100% 100% 90% 90% 24.32% 80% 80% 70% 70% 70+ 61-70 51-60 41-50 31-40 21-30 -20 67.57% 21.62% 60% 60% female male 50% 50% 16.22% 40% 40% 30% 30% 21.62% 20% 20% 32.43% 5.41% 0.00% 10.81% 10% 10% 0% 0% Age groups (in percent) Gender (in percent) (page numbers match the full version of this guide) © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

7 Quality Characteristic Current Profile
Current High (65) Average (50) Low (35) 90 78.9 80 75.7 73.6 72.2 72.4 72.5 70.9 70.3 70 66.2 60 50 40 30 20 10 Empowering Leadership Gift-based Ministry Passionate Spirituality Effective Structures Inspiring Worship Service Holistic Small Groups Need-oriented Evangelism Loving Relationships Average (page numbers match the full version of this guide) © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

8 Dynamic Progress Last Change Current High (65) Profile 2 Average (50) Profile 1 Low (35) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 +2.2 +12.7 +14.8 +5.6 +10.9 +8.4 +8.9 +5.2 +8.6 Empowering Leadership Gift-based Ministry Passionate Spirituality Effective Structures Inspiring Worship Service Holistic Small Groups Need-oriented Evangelism Loving Relationships Average (page numbers match the full version of this guide) © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

9 Empowering Leadership Current Profile
Current High (65) Average (50) Low (35) 100 90 86 82 80 70 70 67 64 65 63 60 60 57 54 47 50 40 30 20 10 Q13. Our leaders seem to enjoy their Q17. I know Q20. Our Q22. Our leaders are clearly concerned for Q28. Our pastor(s) have too much work to do. (neg) Q31. Our leaders are good at explaining things. Q38. Many people are given the Q45. Our Q51. The Q73. The Q81. Our leaders regularly receive that someone leaders actively in our church seek to remove leaders clearly leaders of our leaders of our believe that church prefer church ministry in our will hold me barriers that limit my ministry. opportunity to God wants ourto do the workconcentrate on church. accountable for meeting the commitments I people who do not know Jesus Christ. actively participate in our worship services. church to grow. themselves rather than collaborate with others. the tasks for assistance from which they are an outside gifted. person (e.g. coach, church make. (neg) consultant, other pastor, etc.) on how to develop our church. (page numbers match the full version of this guide) Page 9 of 43 © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

10 EL Dynamic Progress 100 80 60 40 20 +0 +13 +1 +12 +9 +2 +6 -5 -1 -14
Last Change Current High (65) Profile 2 Average (50) Profile 1 Low (35) 100 80 60 40 20 +0 +13 +1 +12 +9 +2 +6 -5 -1 -14 -9 Q13. Our Q17. I know Q20. Our leaders Q22. Our Q28. Our Q31. Our Q38. Many Q45. Our Q51. The Q73. The Q81. Our leaders seem that someone leaders are pastor(s) have leaders are people are leaders clearly leaders of our leaders of our leaders to enjoy their in our church actively seek clearly too much work good at given the believe that church prefer church regularly -20 ministry in our church. will hold me accountable for meeting the commitments I make. to remove concerned for to do. (neg) explaining things. opportunity to God wants our to do the work concentrate on receive assistance from an barriers that people who do actively participate in our worship services. church to grow. themselves rather than collaborate with others. (neg) the tasks for which they are gifted. limit my ministry. not know Jesus Christ. outside person (e.g. coach, church consultant, other pastor, etc.) on how to develop our church. (page numbers match the full version of this guide) Page 10 of 43 © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

11 Gift-based Ministry Current Profile
Current High (65) Average (50) Low (35) 90 80 78 77 75 76 74 73 71 70 68 68 68 65 60 50 40 30 20 10 Q7. I feel my task in our church is a Q8. It is my Q9. The tasks I Q16. I know Q26. I feel that Q37. Our church Q46. I know my gifts. Q58. The Q62. I enjoy volunteers of Q66. I Q79. I clearly understand what is experience thatperform in our what value my my church the tasks I do experience the God obviously church match work has in thesupports me inregularly offers our church are in our church. benefits of positive uses my work my gifts. overall work of my ministry. help for people trained for working on a expected from challenge that for building our church. to discover their ministries. team in our me when stretches my the church. their gifts. church. fulfilling my faith. task in our church. (page numbers match the full version of this guide) Page 11 of 43 © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

12 GbM Dynamic Progress 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 +8 +23 +21 +15 +4 +11
Last Change Current High (65) Profile 2 Average (50) Profile 1 Low (35) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 +8 +23 +4 +11 +3 +6 +12 +9 -1 Q9. The tasks I Q16. I know Q26. I feel that perform in our what value my my church Q7. I feel my task in our church is a positive Q8. It is my experience that God obviously uses Q37. Our church Q46. I know my gifts. Q58. The volunteers of Q62. I enjoy Q66. I Q79. I clearly understand what is -10 the tasks I do experience the church match work has in thesupports me inregularly offers our church are in our church. trained for their ministries. benefits of my gifts. overall work of our church. my ministry. help for people to discover their gifts. working on a expected from challenge that my work for stretches my building the team in our church. me when fulfilling my faith. church. task in our church. (page numbers match the full version of this guide) Page 12 of 43 © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

13 Passionate Spirituality Current Profile
Current High (65) Average (50) Low (35) 90 80 76 70 68 70 66 62 62 59 60 58 60 51 50 40 30 20 10 Q29. I know that Q41. I often tell other church other Christians members pray when I have for me regularly. experienced something from God. Q42. I experience the transforming influences faith has in the different areas of my life (profession, family, spare time, etc). Q52. I am enthusiastic about our church. Q68. I firmly believe that God will work even more powerfully in our church in the coming years. Q71. I experience God's work in my life. Q72. The Bible is a powerful guide for me in the decisions of everyday life. Q74. Our leaders are spiritual examples to me. Q77. Times of prayer are an inspiring experience for me. Q84. I enjoy reading the Bible on my own. (page numbers match the full version of this guide) Page 13 of 43 © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

14 PS Dynamic Progress 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 +6 +17 +12 +2 +17 +19
Last Change Current High (65) Profile 2 Average (50) Profile 1 Low (35) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 +6 +17 +12 +2 +17 +19 +19 +13 +14 -2 -10 Q29. I know that Q41. I often tell other church other Christians members pray when I have for me regularly. experienced something from God. Q42. I experience the transforming influences faith has in the different areas of my life (profession, family, spare time, etc). Q52. I am enthusiastic about our church. Q68. I firmly believe that God will work even more powerfully in our church in the coming years. Q71. I experience God's work in my life. Q72. The Bible is a powerful guide for me in the decisions of everyday life. Q74. Our leaders are spiritual examples to me. Q77. Times of prayer are an inspiring experience for me. Q84. I enjoy reading the Bible on my own. (page numbers match the full version of this guide) Page 14 of 43 © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

15 Effective Structures Current Profile
Current High (65) Average (50) Low (35) 80 74 75 73 72 71 69 69 68 70 63 59 60 50 40 30 20 10 Q18. The leaders of the ministries Q23. Our Q24. My Q40. The leaders actively contributions tovolunteers of our Q57. I understand Q60. It is my Q63. In our impression that church we often Q64. The small Q67. I know the group and goals we are Q91. The activities of our of our church meet regularly for planning. support church development. church life are reviewed regularly. church are trained frequently. clearly how the the try new things. ministry leaders working towards church are well different parts of organizational our church work structure of our in our church each mentor at least one other person. as a church. planned and organized. together. church hinders church life rather than promotes it. (neg) (page numbers match the full version of this guide) Page 15 of 43 © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

16 ES Dynamic Progress 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 +8 +13 +2 +13 +1 +10 +1
Last Change Current High (65) Profile 2 Average (50) Profile 1 Low (35) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 +8 +13 +2 +13 +1 +10 +1 -2 -3 -2 -10 Q18. The leaders Q23. Our Q24. My Q40. The of the ministries leaders actively contributions to volunteers of Q57. I understand Q60. It is my Q63. In our impression that church we often Q64. The small Q67. I know the group and goals we are Q91. The activities of our of our church meet regularly for planning. support church development. church life are reviewed regularly. our church are clearly how the the try new things. ministry leaders working towards church are well trained frequently. different parts of organizational our church work structure of our in our church each mentor at least one other person. as a church. planned and organized. together. church hinders church life rather than promotes it. (neg) (page numbers match the full version of this guide) Page 16 of 43 © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

17 Inspiring Worship Service Current Profile
Current High (65) Average (50) Low (35) 90 80 77 70 69 70 68 68 69 68 66 64 60 58 56 50 40 30 20 10 Q10. I feel the Q12. I connect Q15. I feel that Q25. I enjoy Q47. Attending Q50. I can Q53. The Q56. I'm often Q85. Our Q88. I always Q89. I prepare sermon in the with God in a worship service meaningful the worship service has a positive influence on me. listening to the sermons in the worship service. the worship service is an inspiring experience for me. easily explain music in the bored during worship servicelook forward to myself to participate in the worship service. why I come to worship service the worship attracts unchurched visitors. the worship service. speaks to my personal situation. way during the worship service. the worship service. helps me worship God. service. (neg) (page numbers match the full version of this guide) Page 17 of 43 © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

18 IWS Dynamic Progress 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 +12 +13 +5 +1 +15 +7
Last Change Current High (65) Profile 2 Average (50) Profile 1 Low (35) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 +12 +13 +5 +1 +15 +7 +7 +9 +10 +20 -2 Q10. I feel the Q12. I connect Q15. I feel that Q25. I enjoy Q47. Attending Q50. I can Q53. The Q56. I'm often Q85. Our Q88. I always Q89. I prepare -10 sermon in the with God in a worship service meaningful speaks to my way during the the worship service has a positive influence on me. listening to the sermons in the worship service. the worship service is an inspiring experience for me. easily explain music in the bored during worship servicelook forward to myself to participate in the worship service. why I come to worship service the worship attracts unchurched visitors. the worship service. the worship service. helps me worship God. service. (neg) personal situation. worship service. (page numbers match the full version of this guide) Page 18 of 43 © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

19 Holistic Small Groups Current Profile
Current High (65) Average (50) Low (35) 90 80 77 77 75 74 72 68 70 62 60 55 54 48 50 40 30 20 10 Q11. My small Q27. In my small Q34. My small group helps me group we spend group helps me Q49. I am a member of a Q54. In the groups I belong Q55. I am a member of a Q65. I am a member of a Q76. The leaders Q78. Our small Q90. In my small of our small groups actively group we trust with the lots of time on to grow in my spiritual life. group in our church where it is possible to talk about personal problems. to it is easy for newcomers to be integrated. group in our church where others will pray with me if I need it. small group in which I feel at home. groups are seek to multiply each other. challenges of mythings which are trained for their tasks. themselves. life. irrelevant to me. (neg) (page numbers match the full version of this guide) Page 19 of 43 © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

20 HSG Dynamic Progress 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 +10 +0 +15 +16 +5 +11
Last Change Current High (65) Profile 2 Average (50) Profile 1 Low (35) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 +10 +0 +15 +16 +5 +11 +2 +1 -2 Q54. In the groups I belong -1 Q78. Our small Q90. In my small groups actively group we trust Q11. My small Q27. In my small Q34. My small group helps me group we spend group helps me Q49. I am a member of a Q55. I am a member of a Q65. I am a member of a Q76. The leaders of our -10 with the lots of time on to grow in my spiritual life. group in our church where it is possible to talk about personal problems. to it is easy for newcomers to be integrated. group in our church where others will pray with me if I need it. small group in which I feel at home. small groups are seek to multiply each other. challenges of mythings which are trained for their tasks. themselves. life. irrelevant to me. (neg) (page numbers match the full version of this guide) Page 20 of 43 © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

21 Need-oriented Evangelism Current Profile
Current High (65) Average (50) Low (35) 80 75 76 68 68 69 70 67 65 65 59 60 55 50 48 40 30 20 10 Q19. We encourage Q21. The Q33. I pray for Q36. Our evangelistic Q44. New Q69. There is a Q70. I know of Q75. I try to deepen my Q82. The leaders of our Q86. When new people come to Q87. Our church provides my friends, church tries to Christians find lot of creativity a number of individuals in our church new Christians activities of our colleagues and help those in friends in our in the relationships church support in our church church are relatives who do not yet know Jesus Christ, that need (food, clothing, education, counsel, etc.). church quickly. evangelistic with people individual church events, practical help to get involvedrelevant for my in evangelism friends and immediately. family who do activities of our who have the who do not yet Christians in we approach them openly and lovingly. for new Christians to grow in their faith. church. gift of evangelism. know Jesus Christ. their evangelistic endeavors. not yet know they will come Jesus Christ. to faith. (page numbers match the full version of this guide) Page 21 of 43 © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

22 NoE Dynamic Progress 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 +22 +7 +5 +2 +8 +6 +13 +6
Last Change Current High (65) Profile 2 Average (50) Profile 1 Low (35) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 +22 +7 +5 +2 +8 +6 +13 +6 +6 +3 -2 Q36. Our Q19. We encourage Q21. The evangelistic Q33. I pray for Q44. New Q69. There is a Q70. I know of Q75. I try to deepen my relationships with people Q82. The leaders of our church support individual Christians in their evangelistic Q86. When new people come to Q87. Our church provides -10 my friends, church tries to Christians find lot of creativity a number of individuals in our church new Christians activities of our colleagues and help those in friends in our in the in our church church are relatives who do not yet know Jesus Christ, that need (food, clothing, education, counsel, etc.). church quickly. evangelistic church events, practical help to get involvedrelevant for my in evangelism friends and immediately. family who do activities of our who have the who do not yet we approach them openly and lovingly. for new Christians to grow in their faith. church. gift of evangelism. know Jesus Christ. not yet know they will come Jesus Christ. to faith. endeavors. (page numbers match the full version of this guide) Page 22 of 43 © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

23 Loving Relationships Current Profile
Current High (65) Average (50) Low (35) 100 91 90 80 76 75 72 70 68 68 64 60 60 55 52 53 50 40 30 20 10 Q14. I find it easy to tell other Christians about my feelings. Q30. In our Q32. There is a Q35. The Q39. I can rely Q43. I know of Q48. When someone in our church does a good Q59. I share with various people in our church about my spiritual journey. Q61. Our Q80. If I have a Q83. Our church it is lot of joy and atmosphere of upon my friends at church. people in our church with bitterness leaders show disagreement leaders possible to talk laughter in our our church is concern for the personal problems of those in ministry. with a memberregularly praise with other people about personal problems. church. strongly influenced by praise and compliments. of our church, I will go to them in order to resolve it. and acknowledge volunteers. toward others. job, I tell them. (neg) (page numbers match the full version of this guide) Page 23 of 43 © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

24 LR Dynamic Progress 100 80 60 40 20 +9 +3 +3 +28 +24 +4 +6 -8 -4 -8 -3
Last Change Current High (65) Profile 2 Average (50) Profile 1 Low (35) 100 80 60 40 20 +9 +3 +3 +28 +24 +4 +6 -8 -4 -8 -3 Q14. I find it easy to tell other Christians about my feelings. Q30. In our Q32. There is a Q35. The Q39. I can rely Q43. I know of Q48. When someone in our church does a good Q59. I share with various people in our church about my spiritual journey. Q61. Our Q80. If I have a Q83. Our church it is lot of joy and atmosphere of upon my friends at church. people in our church with bitterness leaders show disagreement leaders possible to talk laughter in our our church is concern for the personal problems of those in ministry. with a memberregularly praise -20 with other people about personal problems. church. strongly influenced by praise and compliments. of our church, and toward others. job, I tell them. (neg) I will go to acknowledge them in order volunteers. to resolve it. (page numbers match the full version of this guide) Page 24 of 43 © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

25 Current Highest 10 Highest 10 High (65) Average (50) Low (35) 100 91 90 86 82 78 80 77 77 77 77 76 76 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Q48. When Q38. Many Q51. The leaders Q16. I know Q11. My small Q66. I Q89. I prepare myself to participate in the worship service. (IWS) Q34. My small group helps me to grow in my spiritual life. (HSG) Q59. I share with various people in our church about my spiritual journey. (LR) Q62. I enjoy the tasks I do in our church. (GbM) someone in our people are given of our church what value my group helps me experience the church does a good job, I tell them. (LR) the opportunity prefer to do the work has in the with the challenges of my life. (HSG) benefits of working on a team in our church. (GbM) to actively participate in our worship services. (EL) work themselves overall work of rather than collaborate with others. (neg) our church. (GbM) (EL) (page numbers match the full version of this guide) Page 25 of 43 © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

26 Highest 10 changes from previous to current
30 25 20 15 10 5 +28 +24 +23 +22 +21 +19 +17 +17 Q48. When someone in our church does a good job, I tell them. (LR) Q59. I share with various people in our Q8. It is my Q19. We Q16. I know Q89. I prepare Q72. The Bible is Q71. I experience God's work in my life. (PS) Q68. I firmly Q41. I often tell experience that encourage new what value my God obviously Christians in our work has in the myself to participate in the worship service. (IWS) a powerful guide for me in the decisions of everyday life. (PS) believe that God other Christians will work even when I have more powerfully experienced in our church in something from church about uses my work for church to get overall work of our church. (GbM) my spiritual journey. (LR) building the church. (GbM) involved in evangelism immediately. the coming God. (PS) years. (PS) (NoE) (page numbers match the full version of this guide) Page 26 of 43 © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

27 Current Lowest 10 Lowest 10 High (65) Average (50) Low (35) In Profile 2 Lowest 10 In Profile 1 Lowest 10 70 60 55 55 53 54 54 52 51 50 48 47 48 40 30 20 10 Q22. Our leaders are clearly concerned for Q44. New Q27. In my smallQ29. I know thatQ61. Our leaders Q80. If I have a Q78. Our small Q45. Our leaders clearly Q43. I know of Q86. When new Christians find group we spend other church show concern disagreement groups actively people in our church with bitterness people come to church events, we approach friends in our lots of time on members pray for the personal with a member seek to multiply believe that God church quickly. things which arefor me regularly. problems of of our church, I themselves. wants our people who do (NoE) irrelevant to me. (PS) those in ministry. will go to them (HSG) church to grow. toward others. them openly not know Jesus (neg) (HSG) (LR) in order to (EL) (neg) (LR) and lovingly. Christ. (EL) resolve it. (LR) (page numbers match the full version of this guide) Page 27 of 43 © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

28 Lowest 10 changes from previous to current
-14 -9 -8 -8 -5 -4 -3 -3 -2 -2 Q22. Our leaders are Q45. Our leaders clearly Q30. In our church it is Q43. I know of people in our church with bitterness toward others. (neg) (LR) Q13. Our leaders seem to enjoy their ministry in our church. (EL) Q35. The atmosphere of our church is strongly Q61. Our leaders Q23. Our Q24. My Q18. The leaders show concern leaders actively contributions to of the ministries -2 clearly believe that God possible to talk for the personal support church church life are of our church concerned for wants our with other people about personal problems. (LR) problems of development. reviewed meet regularly people who do church to grow. influenced by praise and compliments. those in ministry. (LR) (ES) regularly. (ES) for planning. (ES) not know Jesus (EL) Christ. (EL) -4 (LR) -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 -16 (page numbers match the full version of this guide) © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

29 Current Capacity can run well { can run{ can walk { can stand{
High Minimum Factor value can run well { 80 65 can run{ 50 can walk { 35 can stand{ 20 Low Minimum Factor value Passionate spirituality (page numbers match the full version of this guide) © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

30 What is most important now?
My Cycle Starter Plan t e s t Our current challenges Faith Passionate spirituality compassion welcoming hope How do you know that you are seeing clearly? u e n i v d e e c r r s e What do you see? What are the facts? t p a n d My chosen challenge topic e c Have you freed yourself to receive from God What is most important now? n e p i and others? l r Are you a e n p following through and inviting God and others to act beyond your plan? x e o d Beyond reasonable doubt, which of the above do you personally need to explore a little further? (page numbers match the full version of this guide) Page 42 of 43 © 2011 Adam Johnstone and NCD International

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