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What’s your definition of missional?

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2 What’s your definition of missional?

3 Movie clip

4 What’s your definition of missional?

5 What’s your definition of missional
What’s your definition of missional? Being missional is being intentionally grounded in and shaping life around what God is doing in the world.

6 Essential Question: What does it mean for a church or small group to be missional?

7 Goals/Objectives: Working definition of ‘missional’
Summary of Chapter 2 Methodology Leading Missional Small Groups Overview Practice

8 Chapter Two – Knowing God
“‘What then is religion?’ It is happiness in God, or in the knowledge and love of God. It is ‘faith working by love,’ producing ‘righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.’” John Wesley

9 Faith of a servant Dutiful obedience – out of fear
Seeks reward – transactional Understands our limitations and requirements of expectations

10 Faith of a child Trust in a relationship – out of love
Trust in what God has done and is doing, not in what we promise to do Assurance and direction based on relationship

11 “Instead of serving God dutifully in order to obtain an assurance, they now serve God gratefully as a result of receiving assurance in Christ as a gift. Thanksgiving and love replace duty and fear as their prime motivations.” Knight and Powe p. 33

12 Moravians No degrees of faith
Justification brings assurance with no room for doubts

13 John Wesley Degrees of faith Justification and doubt are not at odds
New birth begins sanctification

14 “The goal of sanctification was Christian perfection, the holiness John Wesley had been seeking since 1725, in which our hearts are filled with and governed by love.” Knight and Powe p. 33

15 Pursuing Holiness Change in motivation – governed love
Motivation for mission – love for God and neighbor 1 John 4:19 “we love, because he first loved us.”

16 Means of Grace “ordinarily convey God’s grace”

17 Works of Piety (Us and God)
Worship Lord’s Supper Fasting Private Prayer Scripture

18 Works of Mercy (Us and Others)
Doing Good Works of Compassion and Justice

19 “The means of grace are where God has promised we will encounter the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. There we can receive faith, hope and love, and there we can grow in faith, hope and love.” Knight and Powe p. 36

20 Means of Grace – Protects against dangers
God as concept rather than the living God we trust in God in our image

21 Three major insights Know God through Faith
Faith enables growth in God and in God’s love Central way Spirit works is through Means of Grace

22 John Wesley’s understanding of faith and salvation provide motivation for being missional and the power of God experienced through the Means of Grace equips to be the missional people of God.

23 Questions?

24 Essential Question: What does it mean for a church or small group to be missional?

25 Highlight the big ideas
Essential Questions Stimulate thought Spark more questions Highlight the big ideas

26 Essential Questions Doorways into bigger issues and connections Provoke inquiry Effectively frame content goals Push beyond ‘right’ answers

27 Essential Question: What does it mean for a church or small group to be missional?

28 Essential Questions “As the facilitator, what can I do to help the participants struggle with the big idea and come to a tentative answer to the question?

29 Facilitating Leading Missional Small Groups

30 Contents Flow

31 Outline Begins with EQ Materials Preparation Goals
Scripture References

32 Outline Gathering Worship Together Learn Together Celebrate Together

33 Questions?

34 Practice Time

35 Did the EQ help guide your facilitation?
Debrief Did the EQ help guide your facilitation?

36 What did you learn about being missional?
Debrief What did you learn about being missional?

37 What did you learn about missional small groups?
Debrief What did you learn about missional small groups?

38 Small Groups Podcast

39 Overview of Resources Introduction Tools for Leaders Blog Prayer Guide
Website: Introduction Tools for Leaders Blog Prayer Guide Webinars

40 Want to chat? Scott Hughes – (877) ext. 7020;

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