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jjkjk Justification of Practices Involving Exposure

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1 jjkjk Justification of Practices Involving Exposure
To Ionizing Radiation Alexander Buchanzow, Klaus Coy Bavarian Environmental Agency, D Augsburg, Germany IDENTIFY THE PRACTICE Identify the „person“ responsible for the practice („proposer“) CHARACTERIZE THE PRACTICE Benefits and detriments (optimized) (Health and Safety as well as others) Quantify if possible Non-radioactive alternatives Exposures in context of natural radiation or other sources EVALUATE THE PRACTICE Compare benefits and detriments, taking account of other inputs Ethical/cultural considerations Issues of principle Environmental DECISION ON WHETHER THE PRACTICE IS JUSTIFIED INVESTIGATION PROGRAMME Lightning Preventors Current Surge Protectors Glassware, Tableware Incorporating Uranium and Thorium Radioluminous Paints Gaseous Tritium Light Sources Ionization Chamber Smoke Detectors X/Gamma Radiation Screening of Persons and Luggage Leak Testing and Mass Flow Investigation APPROACH SCREENING OF PERSONS DOSE ASSESSMENT X/Gamma Radiation Scanner to Control Illegal Immigraion Accelerator, X-ray tube, radionuclide Personnel 500 µSv/a Immigrant µSv/attempt Weapon, Explosive, Drug Control using X-ray transmission 1 – 2 mSv/scan using X-ray backscattering 0,1 µSv/scan Explosive and Drug Control using ion-mobility-spectrometry Ni-63, Ba-133 as ionizing source dose exposure neglectable Lightning preventor with 66 MBq Ra-226 sources useless - unjustified IONIZATION CHAMBER SMOKE DETECTORS Effective Individual Doses 0, µSv/a Use-Disposal-Accident-Misuse Problems Loss, Fire Debris, Theft Alternatives Gas, Flame, Heat- opt. Detectors Decision up to 100 kBq Am-241 acceptable higher activities not justified TRITIUM CONSUMER GOODS jjkjk DETRIMENT/BENEFIT-CONSIDERATION Radiation Exposure of Personnel and „Victim“ Radiation Protection Measures Investment and Operation Cost Effective Controls Prevention of Damage to Society No Intrusive Full Body Examination Reduction of Risks of Damage to Victim and Suspect Smuggling Persons, Explosives or Drugs TABLEWARE WITH GLAZE INCORPORATING URANIUM External Exposure Effective Beta Dose < 70 µSv/a Internal Exposure (uranium leaching from glaze) Max. Ingestion mg/a Uranium Equivalent to µSv/a WHO Recommendation 20 mg U/a GLASSWARE INCORPORATING URANIUM Effective Beta, Gamma Dose 10 – 20 µSv/a Internal Exposure Max. Ingestion µg/a Uran Equivalent to ,02 µSv/a Disposal Items 8 µSva (worker) figure 1: radon measurement by gamma spectrometry [Bq/l] H-3 Glowrings (17 GBq each) nonsense DOSE ASSESSMENT Tritium Paints 50 watch models, Italy max. individ. effective dose equivalent Skin absorption and inhalation Wearing µSv/a Repair µSv/a Waste incineration pSv/a Accident Fire department store ,5 mSv/a Kleinkind Ingestion µSv/a GTLS watches Wearing ,04 µSv/a Waste incineration ,04 µSv/a Accident (crushing) µSv/a X-ray Transmission and Backscatter Screening

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