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Daoism (道) – means Dao “The Path”

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1 Daoism (道) – means Dao “The Path”
Founder is Lao Tzu His name means – “Old Master” Very respected by Confucius Served during the Zhou Dynasty Became disillusioned by luxurious court life and traveled China Believed that striving for power and wealth was unnatural for humans Wrote Tao Te Ching – main text of Daoism Explains the ideas of Yin and Yang Disappeared into the mountains and was never seen again

2 Main Idea of Daoism 道可道,非常道。 (Tao (way or path) can be said, not usual way) "The Way that can be described is not the true Way." 名可名,非常名。 (names can be named, not usual names) "The Name that can be named is not the constant Name.“ The Tao, or Way, has never been put down in words; rather it is left for the seeker to discover within. Lao-tzu himself wrote, "The Tao that can be named is not the eternal Tao." Adherents of the faith are taught to see the Tao everywhere, in all beings and in all things Picture of Laozi riding a water buffalo into the mountains… never to be seen again … or  (depending on your perspective)

3 Major Beliefs of Daoism
People should live in harmony with nature Balance between both universe and humanity People should lead simple, quiet, and plain lives Reject material possessions and luxury Non-action  no interfering in affairs of others Rejection of politics and political organizations For every action there is a good and bad reaction Have to accept both the good and bad of others Both exist everywhere equally and balance each other out Reject all conflict in life  show love and compassion

4 Dao means “the path” and this guides us through the universe
Yin and Yang YIN YANG Female Dark Weak Passive Earth Confusion Turmoil Conservation Water Male Bright Strong Active Heaven Peace Serenity Destruction Fire This begins with Daoism, but it is accepted/included in most Asian cultures (including Confucianism) Dao means “the path” and this guides us through the universe On “the path” one must keep things in balance or they will not have harmony

5 Four Main Aspects of Yin and Yang Relationship
Produces form Produces energy Grows Generates Substantial Non-substantial Matter Energy Contraction Expansion Descending Rising Below Above Water Fire Four Main Aspects of Yin and Yang Relationship Yin-Yang are opposites Interdependent: Cannot exist without each other Mutual consumption of Yin and Yang Relative levels of Yin Yang are continuously changing. Normally this is a harmonious change, but when Yin or Yang are out of balance they affect each other, and too much of one can eventually weaken (consume) the other. Inter-transformation of Yin and Yang – changing from one to other One can change into the other, but it is not a random event, happening only when the time is right. For example: Spring only comes when winter is finished.

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