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Philosophies of China.

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1 Philosophies of China

2 What’s a philosophy? the study of ideas about knowledge, truth, the nature and meaning of life, etc. To sum in all up… a set of ideas about how to live (4:02)

3 Confucianism

4 Origin China during the Zhou Dynasty B.C.

5 Founder Kung Fu-Tzu, or Confucius
Spoke of morals at a time in China when crime and violence were on the rise.

6 Principles It is not a religion but rather is an ethical code dealing with the moral character of individuals, society, and government. The primary goals are order, harmony, peace and happiness on earth.

7 Confucius believed that “man” is capable of achieving those goals through education, self-effort, and self-reflection. The most important principles deal with the ideal standard of conduct that controls social actions.

8 What do these relationships require towards one another?
Parent-Child Husband-Wife Older/Younger Sibling Older/Younger Friend Ruler-Subject What do these relationships require towards one another? RESPECT

9 Diffusion Spread by his followers who held jobs in government.
These teachings spread to Korea and Japan. These ideals eventually formed the basis for the civil service exam & became the foundation of Chinese education.

10 T(D)aoism

11 Origin Grew from ancient Chinese philosophies that were merged into one basic teaching. Grew from a reaction to the spread of Confucianism and Buddhism.

12 Founder Lao-Tse Tao (or Dao) means “The Way” (or the Path) and focuses on achieving balance and harmony in the universe, and in one’s life.

13 Principles Taoism places a great emphasis on nature as an example of balance & demonstrates how to live. Taoists believe in the idea of effortless doing which means to live in harmony with nature and avoid conflict.

14 Symbol most associated is Yin/Yang
reflects the ideals of harmony and balance. Emphasizes the Three Jewels: Compassion Moderation Humility

15 Diffusion The Tao Te Ching is the most important text.
Taoism has spread to areas surrounding China and has combined with the teachings of Buddhism & Shinto.

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