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Vertical Application TAG

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1 802.24 Vertical Application TAG
May 2015 Meeting Closing Report Tim Godfrey, EPRI

2 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Overview Officers Chair: Tim Godfrey Secretary & acting Vice Chair: Ben Rolfe 32 Voting Members Meetings for the Week Agenda: r2 Wednesday PM2 Georgia B Thursday PM2 Cavendish <author>, <company> <author>, <company>

3 Administration Attendance take on IMAT Web page Mailing list
Reciprocal rights for most WGs Web page Mailing list (voters list) Document archive IEEE 802 announcement reflector, Send to with no subject and with the following 2 lines appearing first in the body of the message Subscribe stds-802-all end Tim Godfrey, EPRI

4 802.24 May Tasks 802.24 TAG Items 802.24.1 Smart Grid TG Items
Discussion on LTE in Unlicensed Bands – possible role for Smart Grid TG Items Discussion with ah on sub 1 GHz White Paper Review Scope Presentation r1 Review Outline: r2 Assign contributors for sections of white paper Contributions for July meeting Add content to Smart Grid White Paper companion presentation r4 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

5 May Tasks IoT TG Introduction of Officers Chair: Chris DiMinico TG Vice Chair: Mike Bennett TG Secretary: Andy Jimenez Liaison coordinator : Wael Diab officers to be confirmed by TAG in July will meet at 802 plenary sessions and other times as announced. held a teleconference on May 8 Minutes pending upload Tim Godfrey, EPRI

6 Action Items during May Meeting
Tim G: Set up private area for Liaison documents for IoT Add presentation of P2413 overview to 24.2 agenda for July Walter P: GSC-19 July 14, Geneva Sub 1 GHz White Paper: Ludwig: provide paragraph on Coexistence in global bands and global regulatory aspects. Yongho Seok: summary of ah White Paper Companion Presentation Contributors identified in presentation Tim Godfrey, EPRI

7 802.24 discussion on LAA 802.19 hosted 3GPP Liaison in May Q&A
LAA License Assisted Access is concerned about proposed coexistence mechanisms and the definitions of what Listen Before Talk really means. Definition of “Fairness” 802 discussing having a joint workshop for faster interaction. Dino Flore (chair RAN1) supports, but no action so far. Workshop could happen in July. Q&A Are cellular operators bound to follow 3GPP specifications? is a part of specs as an alternative, access, but there is no obligation to follow 3GPP specifications, beyond regulatory aspects If the 5GHz band becomes less usable due to LAA, does that causes the lower bands to become more congested and affect grid and IoT uses? Any spectrum where is allowed, LAA would also be allowed (subject to regulatory requirements which could be locally unique). What is the role of ? Is there any use case in the 5 GHz band? Currently only has a PHY in 5 GHz band. There are smart grid use cases for broadband mesh network backhaul in 5 GHz band. Industrial Automation does not use LBT, but different mechanisms. At this time, there are not multiple 802 standards affected by LAA, so there is no clear role for We will continue to monitor the developments and liaisons of LAA. With respect to 5G architecture, we can engage in the discussion early on and provide influence. Engage with 3GPP at workshop in September. Try to pre-empt the LAA situation with 5G. Coordinate with OmniRAN and , plus can also add value in this. will have further information on Workshop at July plenary. Tim Godfrey, EPRI

8 White Paper Companion Presentation
sgtg-consolidated-white-paper-presentation.pptx Reviewed and updated to r6 Actions embedded in r6 revisions Contributions to be provided by end of June. Tim Godfrey, EPRI

9 802 Student Paper Competition
Task: Define topic or set of topics Coexistence (improve on Coex Assurance) James Gilb Regulatory (TVWS, etc) James Implications of LBT rules in regulator domains, shared spectrum (Ruben S) Guide and History of an 802 WG (Demir) New ideas for standards or amendments (Steve Pope) History and implementation of security architecture (Demir) (contributions due by end of June) Tim Godfrey, EPRI

10 Format of Competition Open to students worldwide Three places
Various prizes Top 3 get travel stipend, comp hotel (tbd) Need based – if local university doesn’t Top 10 are offered presentation and meeting fee waiver All finalists have to provide presentation in addition to paper Schedule: Contest announced September 2015 Papers Due January 2016 Winners announced in March 2016 Papers presented July 2016 Tim Godfrey, EPRI

11 Next Meeting of July 12-17, 2015 Hilton Waikoloa Village, 425 Waikoloa Beach Drive, Waikoloa, Big Island Hawaii, USA Task Groups meeting Smart Grid TG IoT TG Tim Godfrey, EPRI

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