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Quarter /17 & Quarter /18 Reports

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1 Quarter 4 2016/17 & Quarter 1 2017/18 Reports
Portfolio and Select Committees Quarter /17 & Quarter /18 Reports September 2017


3 Vision: to create Africa’s greatest conservation-based tourism destination driven by community empowerment Mission: To protect, conserve and present the Wetland Park and its World Heritage Values for current and future generations in line with the standards laid down by UNESCO and the World Heritage Act, and to deliver benefits to communities living in and adjacent to the Park by facilitating optimal tourism and related development

4 High-Level Structure Minister Board Chief Executive Officer
Park Operations Director Business Research, Policy & Planning Senior Manager CFO

5 Synopsis Fourth Quarter 2016/17 Results
Quarter Four Year Programme Off target On target Park Operations 10 2 8 Transformation 3 1 4 Commercialisation/Tourism 5 6 Corporate Governance 9 Total 26 27

6 Programme One: Conservation & Park Operations Strategic objective: to ensure the world heritage values are conserved

7 SO: To ensure the World Heritage Values are conserved
Performance indicator Baseline Annual target 2016/17 Qu4 target Qu4 Actual YTD Actual Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures Number of park management meetings New indicator 6 1 2 7 Key issue in park management: (a) drought; (b) alignment of stakeholder strategies © rhino poaching (d) Ezemvelo budget cuts Number of new environmental audits 5 No significant findings Number of follow-up environmental audits Number of environmental monitors deployed 30 28 2 monitors resigned to take up permanent employment. Appointments were completed in April 2017

8 SO: To ensure the World Heritage Values are conserved
Performance indicator Baseline Annual target 2016/17 Qu4 target Qu 4 Actual YTD Actual Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures 15000ha of land rehabilitation 15500ha 15000ha 3750 27795ha Budgeted figures were based on prior year performance after taking into account delays in funding. Better planning and efficiencies resulted in higher than anticipated rate of implementation in the year under review. The targets in the forthcoming period are based on this new baseline Number of kilometres of accessible coastline cleaned New indicator 320 This work is undertaken by a third party provider. There appears to be unauthorised dumping of waste by unknown parties on the beaches. A system has been devised to determine the extent and exact location of the problem. Percentage completion of annual burning programme 100 21 The burning programme has been revised to take into account vegetation changes resulting from climate changes. Total hectares burned 220ha of 1035ha

9 SO: To ensure the World Heritage Values are conserved
Performance indicator Baseline Annual target 2016/17 Qu4 target Qu 4 Actual YTD Actual Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures Percentage applications processed iro developments in the buffer zone 80 100 One applications received for the last quarter – Farazela mixed use development. Five applications received in total for the year Percentage of identified unauthorised activities actioned legally Two incidents identified in 4th quarter – unauthorised flying over the park and illegal clearing and erection of structures Percentage completion of infrastructure maintenance programme 25 Maintenance is undertaken by third party providers.

10 Programme Two: Transformation Strategic objective: to optimise the empowerment in all activities of the Park in a way that will improve the livelihoods of previously-disadvantaged

11 Performance indicator Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures
SO: to improve access to work and income generation activities Performance indicator Baseline Annual target 2016/17 Qu 4 target Qu 4 Actual YTD Actual Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures Number of temporary jobs created 1400 1782 452 280 1813 Below target for the quarter but above target for year-to-date. All third-party contracts contain job creation targets. Performance exceeded expectation in earlier quarters Number of training days 4800 1200 2113 4785 Above target for the quarter but below target for the year. Actual cost of training marginally higher than expected per candidate. Training was iro infrastructure, land care, coast care, tour guiding Number of people participating ins SMME and skills development programmes 142 250 20 14 371 KPI not met for the quarter but exceeded for the year. Additional funding received for craft programme has resulted in extension of the programme to include additional participants.

12 Performance indicator Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures
SO: to improve access to work and income generation activities Performance indicator Baseline Annual target 2016/17 Qu 4 target Qu 4 Actual YTD Actual Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures Number of bursaries awarded 20 24 10 36 10 bursaries to new students and 16 to continuing students; an additional 10 were awarded after new funding was received; 120 applications have been received for 2018 and 48 students shortlisted Percentage procurement from black-owned suppliers 76

13 Programme Three: Tourism/Commercial Strategic objective: to optimise the Park’s revenue generation in a commercially- and environmentally-sustainable manner, that fosters job creation and empowerment of historically-disadvantaged communities

14 Performance indicator Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures
SO: to improve financial sustainability Performance indicator Baseline Annual target 2016/17 Qu 4 Target Qu 4 Actual YTD Actual Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures Revenue from commercial sources 15.9m R17.4m 3.48 4.2 18.9 Revenue 1.9% above last year Visitor entries 97 302 Visitor entries 1% above target Percentage lapsed concessions tendered New indicator 80 No lapsed concessions in the quarter Percentage implementation of plan iro new tourism developments 60 10 50 Charter’s Creek construction awarded; the project has been reduced to the camp site and day-visitor facilities to come in on budget. Preliminary for 7 additional sites completed. EIA for Bhangazi published for comment Number events implemented 3 5 St Lucia Half-Marathon, iSimangaliso Mountain Bike ride, pilot surf ski and trail run as well Sodwana Bay shoot-out photographic competition

15 Performance indicator Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures
SO: to improve financial sustainability Performance indicator Baseline Annual target 2016/17 Qu 4 Target Qu 4 Actual YTD Actual Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures Percentage implementation of PR programme 100 25 R153 worth of publicity generated for every R1 spent by iSimangaliso Percentage Implementation of infrastructure programme 90 30 Road repairs uMkhuze and Eastern Shores Day-visitor facilities Field ranger camps Gates Timber decking Signage

16 Programme Four: Corporate Governance Strategic objective: to ensure that iSimangaliso’s operations are properly funded and cost-effectively managed while maintaining an appropriate system of internal control and reporting of accounting, management, and statutory information

17 Performance indicator Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures
SO: to make research relevant to park management and transform the research sector Performance indicator Baseline Annual target 2016/17 Qu 4 Target Qu 4 Actual YTD Actual Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures Percentage of new approved research programmes that relate to management New indicator 50 5 30 As iSimangaliso does not have funding for research at best it can shape the research proposals submitted to it to improve their relevance for Park management. The target it sets itself was 50%. It has enjoyed a higher success rate thus far this year Implementation of effective monitoring programme for the Park Monitoring of impacts of St Lucia restoration programme Review report completed A system to monitor various aspect of the Lake St Lucia system has been installed. This information yields reports that track the condition of the system. Number visitor market surveys 2 1 Surveys were completed ahead of schedule to accommodate a peak and low season Percentage completion of the environmental education plan 100 10 309 learners from 20 schools in the quarter; overall 5876 learners visited the Park

18 Performance indicator Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures
SO: to make research relevant to park management and transform the research sector Performance indicator Baseline Annual target 2016/17 Qu 4 Target Qu 4 Actual YTD Actual Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures Percentage implementation of plans to mitigate impact of identified threats to rare and endangered species and ecosystems Initiation of implementation 100 10 Two plans underway (a) st lucia estuary restoration and (b) alien invasive management plan Percentage completion of plans requested/required this financial year New indicator 80 35 Plans completed – (a) integrated management plan (b) 3 estuarine management plans

19 Performance indicator Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures
SO: effective financial management Performance indicator Baseline Annual target 2016/17 Qu 4 Target Qu 4 Actual YTD Actual Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures Unqualified audit Percentage retention of skills 80 90 100 97 Assessment of and percentage implementation of business improvements New indicator 50 Assessment completed


21 2016/17 Quarter 4 Financial Performance cont.
Income exceeds the budget by R151.5m for the period April 2016 to March This difference is due to differences in the basis of preparation of the budget (modified cash basis as required by the PFMA) and the financial statements (GRAP as required by the PFMA and the application of GRAP23). Park revenue increased by R1.8m due to an increase in the turnover-based fees and an increase in activity permits. Other income increased by R8.9m mainly due to the reversal of an amount owing to a construction company appointed by the iSimangaliso Authority which is considered to have prescribed.

22 2016/17 Quarter 4 Financial Performance cont.
Expenditure is 12.4% below budget. This is largely a function of lower depreciation which in turn is a function of delays in the completion of a roads contract and the capitalisation of these assets, as well as cost containment measures in other areas. These savings contain the effect of the higher than anticipated professional fees. This is a timing issue. The legal fees budget has been allocated on a straight-line basis over the months. The fees themselves are incurred as and when the matters reach the high court and are concluded. The two matters in the year under review were in respect of the St Lucia Estuary breaching and the unauthorised development in the Park’s buffer zone. Both of these were concluded in favour of the Park.

23 QUARTER /18

24 Synopsis First Quarter 2017/18 Results
Quarter One Year to Date Programme Off target Work in progress On target Park Operations 10 Transformation 4 1 Commercialisation/Tourism 2 5 Corporate Governance 8 Total 6 24

25 Programme One: Conservation & Park Operations Strategic objective: to ensure the world heritage values are conserved

26 SO: To ensure the World Heritage Values are conserved
Performance indicator Baseline Annual target 2017/18 Qu1 target Qu1 Actual YTD target YTD Actual Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures Number of park management meetings New indicator 6 1 Ezemvelo has serious budget constraints (48% budget cut); skype and conference calls will have to be explored for these meetings to cut back costs Number of new environmental audits 5 Licensed boat operator assessed Number of follow-up environmental audits Follow-up audit on Maphelane waste site managed by Ezemvelo Number of environmental monitors deployed 30 30 monitors remain deployed across the Park

27 SO: To ensure the World Heritage Values are conserved
Performance indicator Baseline Annual target 2017/18 Qu1 target Qu 1 Actual YTD target YTD Actual Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures 15000ha of land rehabilitation 15500ha 25000ha Number of kilometres of accessible coastline cleaned New indicator 320 Percentage completion of annual burning programme 100 33 (1070ha) 33 The burning programme is variable depending on weather and other factors. It was possible to begin earlier in the season

28 SO: To ensure the World Heritage Values are conserved
Performance indicator Baseline Annual target 2017/18 Qu1 target Qu 1 Actual YTD target YTD Actual Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures Percentage applications processed iro developments in the buffer zone 80 100 One application in respect of a housing development in Mbazwane Percentage of identified unauthorised activities actioned legally No unauthorised activities identified Percentage completion of infrastructure maintenance programme 25 Maintenance is undertaken by third party providers.

29 Programme Two: Transformation Strategic objective: to optimise the empowerment in all activities of the Park in a way that will improve the livelihoods of previously-disadvantaged

30 Performance indicator Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures
SO: to improve access to work and income generation activities Performance indicator Baseline Annual target 2017/18 Qu 1 target Qu 1 Actual YTD target YTD Actual Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures Number of temporary jobs created 1400 1221 440 427 Temporary jobs below target due to funding delays in certain programmes; a plan has been out in place to accelerate delivery Number of training days 4800 1200 1162 Shortfalls in target will be made up in the following quarter; delays were occasioned so as not to delay the infrastructure programme Number of people participating ins SMME and skills development programmes 142 100 (revised target) 50 (original target) 20 43 132 registered SMMEs on the programme; 43 were visited during the quarter

31 Performance indicator Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures
SO: to improve access to work and income generation activities Performance indicator Baseline Annual target 2017/18 Qu 1 target Qu 1 Actual YTD target YTD Actual Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures Number of bursaries awarded 20 26 (revised) 31 (original) 26 24 At the start of the academic year there were 26 students on the programme. Two dropped out bringing the number down to 24 and another student was taken off the programme for breaking the programme rules. He is however still studying. The pass rate on the programme is 85%. It is anticipated that 10 new students will be recruited in the last quarter Percentage procurement from black-owned suppliers 76 74 The shortfall will be made up in the next quarter

32 Programme Three: Tourism/Commercial Strategic objective: to optimise the Park’s revenue generation in a commercially- and environmentally-sustainable manner, that fosters job creation and empowerment of historically-disadvantaged communities

33 Performance indicator Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures
SO: to improve financial sustainability Performance indicator Baseline Annual target 2017/18 Qu 1 Target Qu 1 Actual YTD Target YTD Actual Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures Revenue from commercial sources 15.9m R18.4m 4.2 4.4 Concerns that the annual target may not be achieved due to recession Visitor entries Shortfall is related to a decrease in vehicular entries and an increase in pedestrian entries; proportion of paying:non-paying holding strong so impact of decrease in vehicular entries not having an impact on revenue Percentage lapsed concessions tendered New indicator 80 Percentage implementation of plan iro new tourism developments 60 10 Number events implemented 3 1 St Lucia half marathon postponed in favour of trail run to be held later in the year

34 Performance indicator Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures
SO: to improve financial sustainability Performance indicator Baseline Annual target 2016/17 Qu 1 Target Qu 1 Actual YTD Target YTD Actual Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures Percentage implementation of PR programme 100 25 R112 worth of publicity generated for every R1 spent by iSimangaliso Percentage Implementation of infrastructure programme 90 10 14

35 Programme Four: Corporate Governance Strategic objective: to ensure that iSimangaliso’s operations are properly funded and cost-effectively managed while maintaining an appropriate system of internal control and reporting of accounting, management, and statutory information

36 Performance indicator Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures
SO: to make research relevant to park management and transform the research sector Performance indicator Baseline Annual target 2017/18 Qu 1 Target Qu 1 Actual YTD Target YTD Actual Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures Percentage of new approved research programmes that relate to management New indicator 50 10 29 As iSimangaliso does not have funding for research at best it can shape the research proposals submitted to it to improve their relevance for Park management. The target it sets itself was 50%. It has enjoyed a higher success rate thus far this year Implementation of effective monitoring programme for the Park Monitoring of impacts of St Lucia restoration programme Review report completed A system to monitor various aspect of the Lake St Lucia system has been installed. This information yields reports that track the condition of the system. Number visitor market surveys 2 1 Domestic peak period survey Percentage completion of the environmental education plan 100 25 1108 students visited the Park

37 Performance indicator Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures
SO: to make research relevant to park management and transform the research sector Performance indicator Baseline Annual target 2017/18 Qu 1 Target Qu 1 Actual YTD Target YTD Actual Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures Percentage implementation of plans to mitigate impact of identified threats to rare and endangered species and ecosystems Initiation of implementation 100 10 20 St Lucia rehabilitation – two of the three contractors have completed their work Alien invasive plan has been submitted to DEA Business plan submitted to working for wetlands Percentage completion of plans requested/required this financial year New indicator 80 Co-management plans for uMkhuze & Sokhulu in process IDP workshops – first workshop held in uMhlabuyalingana – iSimangaliso attended

38 Performance indicator Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures
SO: effective financial management Performance indicator Baseline Annual target 2016/17 Qu 1 Target Qu 1 Actual YTD Target YTD Actual Achievements/Challenges/Corrective Measures Unqualified audit Percentage retention of skills 80 90 98 One resignation to take up employment in the city Assessment of and percentage implementation of business improvements New indicator 100 10 Documentation of work flows complete


40 2017/18 Quarter 1 Financial Performance cont.
Income exceeds the budget by R16.2m for the period April to June This difference is due to differences in the basis of preparation of the budget (modified cash basis as required by the PFMA) and the financial statements (GRAP as required by the PFMA and the application of GRAP23).   Other income increased by R0.2m due to the allocation of funding for the bursary programme from the community levies to sundry income.

41 2017/18 Quarter 1 Financial Performance cont.
Expenditure is below budget by R2.7m. This is largely a function of lower depreciation which in turn is a function of delays in the completion of the buildings contract and the capitalisation of these assets, lower personnel costs due to the delay in implementing the cost of living increase and filling of vacant positions as the Board is still to approve the revised organogram, and as well as cost containment measures in other areas. The higher than anticipated repairs and maintenance costs is a result of the funding for boundary integrity – fence maintenance being re-allocated to the Working for Water project for this current financial year.


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