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Integrating eHealth into the Undergraduate Nursing Curriculum

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1 Integrating eHealth into the Undergraduate Nursing Curriculum
NURSE EDUCATOR eHEALTH RESOURCE Integrating eHealth into the Undergraduate Nursing Curriculum SECTIONS Introduction to the Nurse Educator eHealth Resource eHealth, Informatics and Nursing Information and Communication Technologies Information and Knowledge Management 5. Socio-cultural, Regulatory, Ethical, and Interpersonal Considerations 6. Computer Literacy eHealth and the Nursing Profession Tools to Support Curricular Integration Bibliography The purpose of this resource is to support faculty with the integration of eHealth knowledge and skills into entry-level curricula and to raise awareness among nursing faculty as to the significance of national and provincial eHealth directions and the impact on nursing practice. Each section includes up to date, well-researched information about eHealth along with specific suggestions for integration of content into the curriculum including: Student Learning Objectives Course Placement Possible Assignments Cases and points for discussion Teaching Tips Access the Nurse Educator eHealth Resource at:

2 eLearning eHealth for Every Nurse Nurses and Mobile Technology:
eHealth at the Point of Care This interactive program has been developed to help nurses learn about eHealth and how it affects their daily practice. It also provides nurses with necessary background information to appreciate how eHealth can enhance their nursing practice and client care. Modules: Nursing, Quality Healthcare and eHealth Computers and Information Processing The Electronic Health Record (EHR) and information and communication Ontario eHealth Initiatives Professional Issues for Nurses eHealth and the Nursing Role Consumer eHealth Nurses, Nursing Students and Social Media in Healthcare Professional Development, Knowledge Management and eHealth Conclusion: Nursing and Healthcare Strengthened through eHealth This course can be accessed at: This course has been designed to: Provide an engaging, practical, "hands-on" curriculum for nurses to develop confidence in the use of mobile technology. Demonstrate the value and effectiveness of integrating mobile technology into nurses' daily routine, in various practice settings. Demonstrate ways to use mobile technology to facilitate patient / client-centred learning. Modules: Nursing & Mobile Technology Basics Integrating Mobile Technology in Nursing Mobile Technology & Client Education This course can be accessed at:

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