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Neutron Activation Analysis in Mongolia
FNCA Workshop on Neutron Activation Analysis November 2014, Philippine, Manila Neutron Activation Analysis in Mongolia Baljinnyam N, Damdinsuren G* Central Geological Laboratory, Mongolia *Nuclear Research Centre of National University of Mongolia.
Our neutron source In Mongolia, at the Nuclear Research Center of National University of Mongolia, we have been using compact electron accelerator (MT-22) for the neutron activation analysis research. We are developing methodic of activation analysis for mineral resources, construction materials, samples of environmental studies including air pollution, and import products such as foods, medicines are very essential in Mongolia. Therefore sharing experiences with FNCA member countries is very important for the development of NAA in Mongolia.
Potential end-users for NAA in Mongolia
Mining companies Environmental monitoring organizations Inspection Agency
Erdenet Mining Corporation (EMC) Oyu Tolgoi mine Koje Gobi –AREVA Mongolian mining companies
Mining companies interested in:
Elemental analysis in geological and ore samples To assess the impact of the contamination from the industrial and mining processing activities. Workplace monitoring and occupational health studies
Environmental monitoring organizations interested in:
To determine concentrations of heavy metals and other trace elements in environmental samples (water, soil, plants and sediment samples) Biomonitoring air pollution in capital and industrial cities through trace-elements and radionuclides: temporal and spatial trends To detect the source of contamination of the environment
Inspection Agency interested in:
Use of INAA in studying health impacts of toxic elements consumed through foodstuffs contaminated by industrial activities in Mongolia Use of INAA in elemental analysis of some Mongolian medicinal plants Use NAA for control of the import products such as foods and construction materials
Erdenet Mining Corporation (EMC)
The town Erdenet is the second largest industrial and mining city with 100 thousand population in Mongolia. An ore-processing plant was commissioned in 1981 and Erdenet began exporting copper (30%) and molybdenum (50%) concentrates. Today the Erdenet Mining Corporation (EMC) extracts 25.5 million tons of ores and produces 500 thousand tons of copper and 2 thousand tons of molybdenum concentrates per year
Oyu Tolgoi mining company
The Oyu Tolgoi is a combined open pit and undergound mining project in Khanbogd sum within the south Gobi Desert, approximately 235 kilometres (146 mi) east of the Omnogovi Province. The site was discovered in 2001 and is being developed as a joint venture between Turquoise Hill Resources (a majority owned subsidiary of Rio Tinto) with 66% ownership and the Government of Mongolia with 34%. The mine began construction as of 2010 and shipped its first batch of copper, all 5,800 tons of it, on July 9, 2013.
The Oyu Tolgoi mining project is the largest financial undertaking in Mongolia's history and is expected upon completion to account for more than 30% of the country's gross domestic product. Copper production is expected to reach 450,000 tonnes (500,000 short tons) annually. Financing for the project has come in part from the Rio Tinto Group and an investment agreement between Ivanhoe Mines and the government of Mongolia.
JINR- Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
JINR has: 18 Member States: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Cuba, the Czech Republic, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, the Russian Federation, the Slovak Republic, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Vietnam. Seven Research laboratories and University Centre The JINR is an international intergovernmental scientific research center. It is situated in Dubna not far from Moscow in the Russian Federation.
FLNP- Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics
FLNP is one of the seven JINR Laboratories. Main Scientific Directions: - Neutron-nuclear investigations - Condensed matter physics - Investigations at electrostatic generators and transient radiation - Applied research - Activation analysis and ecological studies – my research direction FLNP has two large-scale neutron sources: 1. The IBR -2M pulsed fast reactor 2. Intense REsonance Neutron source (IREN)
Parameters of IBR-2 Average power, MW 2 Fuel PuO2
Number of fuel assemblies 69 Maximum burnup, % 9 Pulse repetition rate, Hz 5; 10 Pulse half-width, µs: fast neutrons thermal neutrons Rotation rate, rev/min: main reflector auxiliary reflector MMR and АМR material nickel + steel MR service life, hours 55000 Background, % 7.5 Thermal neutron flux density from the surface of the moderator*: - time average - burst maximum ~ 1013 n/cm²·s ~ 1016 n/cm²·s
Heavy metals in the ENVIRONMENTAL objects OF NON-FERROUS INDUSTRIAL region OF MONGOLIA, THE TOWN OF ERDENET Baljinnyam N, Damdinsuren G* Central Geological Laboratory, Mongolia *Nuclear Research Centre of National University of Mongolia.
Overall Objective Specific Objectives
To develop a system of complex monitoring of heavy metals in the environment of Mongolia in the areas affected by hazardous industrial impact the biomonitoring techniques were applied in combination with nuclear and related analytical methods For assessment pollution in industrial region Erdenet of Mongolia level of some heavy metals and trace elements in lichen, soil, river water and inner organs were study and results were compare to literature data in other industrialized and rural areas Specific Objectives
Location of the study area
Study area The town Erdenet is the second largest industrial and mining city with 100 thousand population in Mongolia. An ore-processing plant was commissioned in 1981 and Erdenet began exporting copper (30%) and molybdenum (50%) concentrates. Today the Erdenet Mining Corporation (EMC) extracts 25.5 million tons of ores and produces 500 thousand tons of copper and 2 thousand tons of molybdenum concentrates per year.
The experimental objects
Air Water Animal Soil
Jargalant River Hangal Govil 1 2 3 4 lichen samples 1 2 3 Water samples Inner organs samples Soil sample
The samples of this study
1. Air pollution: Lichen (Paltegera) 2. Soil pollution: samples of soil (Jargalant) 3. Water pollution: samples river water (Hangal and Govil river) 4. Animal pollution: samples inner organs (lung, spleen, liver, kidney and heart) from goats and sheep
Experimental methods - lichen (Paltegera) (41elements)
1. Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) using epithermal neutrons at the IBR-2 reactor, FLNP, JINR, Dubna: - lichen (Paltegera) (41elements) - soil samples (39 elements) - inner organs (35 elements) 2. Total reflection X-ray fluorescent analysis (TXRF) at Nuclear Research Centre of the National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar: - water samples from river Hangal and Govil (16 elements)
Points for lichen samples
Clean area Ulaan taiga Polluted area Erdenet
Results of the study air pollution
We determined 41 elements in lichen samples from polluted and clean areas by INAA. We compared to samples with data of clean and other data from polluted area of Marrocco Comparison results are shown the polluted level of Erdenet aerosols same as in some European countries and Marrocco (south-western Africa)
Ratio content of elements in samples clean and polluted areas
(mg/kg) Mean contents in lichen from clean area Mean contents in lichen from polluted area (South eastern) Ratio contents of elements in clean and polluted lichens (Western –east) (North) Mg 466,5 50400 108,04 28500 61,09 17900 38,371 Cl 1,69 308 182,25 307 181,66 152 89,941 Ca 78,2 7100 90,79 7010 89,64 5490 70,205 Ti 50 2020 40,4 741 14,82 508 10,16 Cr 1,34 15 11,19 6,4 4,78 3 2,239 Mn 25,7 927 36,07 407 15,84 141 5,486 Fe 519 9850 18,98 4510 8,69 2350 4,528 Co 0,28 6,45 23,04 2,5 8,93 1,09 3,893 Cu 6,3 712 113,02 142 22,54 53,2 8,444 As 0,35 7,62 21,77 3,46 9,89 2,06 5,886 Zr 172 101,78 98,7 58,4 36 21,302 Ba 8,45 398 47,1 216 25,56 131 15,503 Au 0,0025 0,044 17,6 0,087 34,8 0,084 33,6 Th 0,202 2,64 13,07 1,45 7,18 0,73 3,614
Diagram of the ratio content of elements in lichen samples from polluted and clean areas
Erdenet - polluted area Marrocco – compared area Ulaan taiga – clean area
Compared concentration of heavy metals in lichen samples around Erdenet
Results of the study soil and river silt
We determined 39 elements in soil and river silt samples from polluted area and river around Erdenet town Heavy metals and toxic elements data of these samples compared to with the maximum permitted metal concentration limit (MPMCL) in Mongoila and world average Results of this study show that contents of some heavy metals and toxic elements (Cr, Ti, V, Cu, As, Se, W and Se) in these samples are exceeded about 2-20 times than the Maximum permitted metal concentration limits (MPMCL) in Mongolia and world average content.
Mean content of heavy metals in soil samples around Erdenet
Elements mg/kg Soil around Jargalant MPMCL in /Mongolia/ around Erdenet (1974) /Vinogradov/ Clark /World/ Pb - 20 65 10 16 Cd 0.9 0.5 0.13 Zn 82.7 40 21.6 50 83 As 9.5 5 1.7 Cu 935 30 95.5 47 Mo 2 7 1.1 Cr 58.1 80 200 Co 13.0 13.3 8 18 Ni 20.1 41 58 Ba 579 500 650 V 120 100 90 Sn 2.5 Mn 839 850 1000 Fe 31500 38000 W 3.89 1.3 Sr 371 300 340 We have determined content of 39 elements soil and river silt samples in around Erdenet Mining Corporation by INAA techniques. Results of this study show that contents of heavy and toxic elements (Cr, Ti, V, Cu, As, Se, W and Se) in these samples are exceeded about 2-20 times than the Maximum permitted metal concentration limits (MPMCL) in Mongolia and world average content.
Results of study for inner organs samples from goats and sheep
We determined by INAA 35 elements in inner organs samples from goats and sheep around Storage of slag heap tail in Erdenet Results of comparison of mean contents for some elements of liver and kidney with international reference material (Pig kidney CRM 186) and literature results from other industrial area in European and Asia 3.Contents of Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn in kidney and liver very well have been matched with other results from non-industrial regions.
Results of the study for water samples
We have determined contents of some heavy meatls and toxic elements in water samples around Erdenet by total reflection X-Ray Fluorescence techniques Concentration of some heavy toxic metals in water of river such as Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Br, Sr и Pb are exceeded than MPMCL in Mongolia Technological water (№1, 2) from Power plant had Mn level and in tap water Zn level higher than normality in Mongolia Results of this study show that waters around Erdenet town was polluted by industrial liquid waste from Erdenet Mining Corporation Hangal River has third level pollution in Mongolia
down from center Erdenet
Elements (mg//kg) River Hangal, down from center Erdenet River Hangal around village Ulaan Tolgoi Technological water, №1 Power plant Erdenet Drinking water Shaft № 2 Tap water Hotel Selenge Technological water, № 2 MPMCL /Mongolia/ P, (mg//kg) 5,45 4,51 6,45 3,34 1,25 0,97 0.05 S 45,45 34,25 69,25 29,25 7,58 3,52 - Cl 54,85 36,25 35,65 14,52 4,95 8,52 30 K 8,53 6,43 7,35 2,61 6,13 3,13 5.0 Ca 125 102 149 72 28,2 32,2 180 Ti, (g//kg) 115 332 172 405 65 211 Cr 159 96 85 61 66 50(g//kg) Mn 67 92 408 25 26 21 100 Fe 1239 3760 1516 779 439 491 Ni 121 324 69 86 91 200 Cu 249 134 161 56 187 141 Zn 169 144 181 101 379 375 As 189 1965 50 55 Br 302 213 76 Sr 1799 1520 1040 561 251 278 Pb 326 298 369 139 153 234
Conclusion The Nuclear Analytical (INAA) Technique has sensitivity and accuracy method for the heavy metal and trace element studies of biological (such as lichen and inner organs) indicators. Accumulation of heavy metal and trace elements in all samples from around Erdenet town polluted by white dust or tail and industrial wastes from Erdenet Mining Corporation ISINN – 17, May , Dubna, 2009
Results of our study will be important to determine biogenic or essential macro, micro and non-biogenic or other elements in samples of human and animal body Biomonitoring is an important tool for assessing pollution and in monitoring the dynamic behavior of environmental changes These results give us a lot of information for future researches
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