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Presentation on theme: "USING D2L for ADVISING APPOINTMENTS"— Presentation transcript:

Rachel Hall and Patti Williamson Pre-major Advising Center Loretta Estes and Tabitha Greear Waldron College of Health and Human Services Shannon Porter College of Business and Economics You will hear how D2L is used as an advising supplement in 3 different colleges Academic Advising

2 Goals of Presentation Encourage use of D2L for advising
Discuss advantages for advising Provide handouts and information for your own D2L modules Techniques that can be implemented immediately ideas about how to get their students to reflect on content before coming into appointments encouraging self-sufficiency. Time for questions at the end Academic Advising

3 Advantages to Utilizing D2L
Students are better prepared Information source is always available More time for developmental advising STUDENTS: Are familiar with D2L Shells Advising as teaching. responsible for reviewing their own requirements before making an advising appointment Student reflection is important advising information is more useful ADVISORS: developmental versus prescriptive advising advisors review student input before appointment springboard for discussions: more meaningful, intentional conversations Less frustrating less chance of advising errors Academic Advising

4 Pre-major Advising Center
Started using D2L to provide advising information to UNIV100 classes Why not use D2L as an advising supplement for all of our advisees? While in D2L training (D2L was new Fall 2011) we had an epiphany D2L could take care of many of our needs NOT ENOUGH TIME in our advising appointments! Needed a way to cover more information than a 30 minute appointment could accomplish: Our time needed to be more effective and efficient. Transition issues Taking them the process of choosing a major – unique to them Academic success to include mid-term grades and withdrawing from classes Policies and procedures that affected them personally – such as SQ and P policies, and criteria to declare majors Academic and recovery plans Students could not process all of the information we were verbally providing and not returning for follow-up appointments with the written information Students needed to complete the FOCUS2 Career Assessment prior to their appointment. Academic Advising

5 Pre-major Advising Center
Common set of learning outcomes Utilizing the advising syllabus Understanding Degree Audit Processing FOCUS2 career assessment Knowledge of majors and careers Academic success Involvement on and off campus Course registration and academic planning To make sure our advising modules have consistency we agree on a common set of learning outcomes in the spring for the next fall We then use our own advising style to create the modules in each of our shells. Our advisees are on a spread sheet at the beginning of the fall that is downloaded into the D2L class list by Lisa McDaniel’s office. As we each receive new advisees we add them to our class list. About once a month I compare my class list to my advisee list and delete the ones that are no longer my advisee. Academic Advising

6 Pre-major Advising Center
Fall Spring Patti will talk about Fall and Rachel will discuss spring module examples. D2L module examples Academic Advising

7 Pre-major Advising Center
Future Plans More emphasis on policies and procedures Update and change content Use other D2L technologies Assessment Realizing we can’t repeat and put policies such as suspension in too many places. Use of D2L technologies such as intelligent agents. Include on our advising assessment Academic Advising

8 Waldron College Advising Center
Results: Most students completed the module and reported it was helpful to them. They came to their appointment prepared and less anxious. They prepared a list of proposed classes and most had questions listed. Very positive results as reported by students and advisors. Academic Advising

9 Waldron College Advising Center
Possibilities for the Future: Create a college-specific module for pre-Orientation advising Create modules based on major within Waldron Create a module for students on probation Create a module for new transfer students If group advising is used, the modules will be even more important. Academic Advising

10 College of Business and Economics
Math skills assessment for Quest students Pre-advising FOCUS2 course for undecided business students Future D2L Uses: College-specific module for Pre-Orientation advising FOCUS2 course required for all new COBE students Started using D2L for math skills assessment summer 2015 (Pre-Calc/MATH 125 skills assessment) address DWF rate of MATH 126 not required but “highly encouraged” for students to pass pre-calculus or this assessment before taking MATH 126 had to enroll through COBE Advising Center RESULTS: few students challenged their math placement by their advisor, those that did were not successful in completing the pre-calculus skills assessment *Caught students who would otherwise have received a DWF in MATH 126 replaced with current/new pre-req Haven’t reevaluated DWF rate of MATH likely to do so after spring grades to gauge effectiveness of “math placement strategy” FOCUS 2 course developed for implementation fall 2016 focus 2 required for PBUS since fall 2014 required before being able to schedule advising appointment PURPOSE: to increase students self-understanding of skills, interests, and personality to promote good major choice *the sooner a student is connected with their major the sooner they find purpose and motivation in their course work *most COBE curriculums incorporate freshman/sophomore level courses and/or are fall/spring sequenced, so a late major declaration can put students behind in their course work this course will insert more flexibility into students ability to complete requirements in a timely manner Reduces responsibility from semester-long oversight of all GAs in office to oversight by one GA frees up GAs for more office-related projects Academic Advising

11 Not going over the same information student over and over
ADVISORS: more engaged Not going over the same information student over and over Can’t express enough the retention related outcome of more meaningful and intentional conversations STUDENTS: Greater academic awareness and self-advocacy. Students don’t have to keep up with as many advising papers and folders We hope you too will find success in using D2L for an aspect of your advising. Creating a D2L pre-orientation module for all incoming new students signed up for Quest Academic Advising

12 Utilizing D2L as an advising supplement
Decide on your Content – What are YOUR needs? advising syllabus Degree Audit FOCUS2 Career Assessment introduction to majors academic success engagement careers course registration academic planning skills assessment Academic Advising

13 Discussion, Questions and Comments
What do you think some of the pros and cons would be to utilizing D2L as an advising preparation for your students? With what technology initiatives are you finding successful? Academic Advising

14 for your interest and attending our session today!
Academic Advising


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