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Analysis of the First Semester Resource Management and Performance Report January 1 to June 30, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Analysis of the First Semester Resource Management and Performance Report January 1 to June 30, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analysis of the First Semester Resource Management and Performance Report
January 1 to June 30, 2016


3 2. Financial information
All funds

4 2. Financial information
2.1 Regular Fund

5 Original appropriation, modified as of 9/30/16
US$ 84,324.1 million (1) Resolution CP/RES (2) as of 9/30/2016

6 Modified Appropiation and executed budget as of 30/9/16

7 Executed and obligated budget, and balance as of 9/30/2016
15,669.2 12,995.3 13,044.8 9,306.2 7,774.8 3,992.7 4,290.4 3,646.6 3,317.3 3,017.7 2,975.9 1,847.9 1,595.3 820.0 Executed Obligations Balance

8 Original appropriation, modified as of 9/30/16
Reductions Original appropriation, modified as of 9/30/16 Chapter 2.- Office of the Assistant Secretary General Chapter 7.- SEDI PROGRAM INCREASE REDUCTION Office of ASG 64.7 Office of GA, MC, PC 103.2 National Offices 849.9 Conferences and Meetings 435.6 General Assembly 30 Permanent Council 124.6 Preparatory Committee 11.7 General Committee 24 CAJP 25 CSH 1 CAAP 5.1 Special sessions of GA 18.2 CISC 52 Permanent Council services 99.1 Budget adjustments 386.7 TOTAL 648.1 1,582.7 TOTAL REDUCTION (934.60) PROGRAM INCREASE REDUCTION SEDI 307.7 Administrative Section 72.0 Dept. Economic Development 411.9 Dept. Human Development 377.2 Dept. Sustainable Development 7.1 CIP 22.2 Budget adjustments 151.1 TOTAL 180.4 1,168.8 TOTAL REDUCTION (988.40)

9 Original appropriation, modified as of 9/30/16 Increases
Chapter 12.- Infrastructure and common costs Chapter 1.- Office of the SG PROGRAM INCREASE REDUCTION Office equipment 2.0 Building maintenance 465.6 Recruitment and transfers 72.0 Terminations and repatriations 1,519.6 Human resources development 11.6 Building maintenance - Cleaning 229.7 Building maintenance - Security 204.7 Utilities 230.1 TOTAL 2,300.9 434.4 TOTAL INCREASE 1,866.50 PROGRAM INCREASE REDUCTION Office of the SG 470.4 Protocol 11.4 TOTAL 481.8 - TOTAL INCREASE 481.80

10 2. Financial information
2.1 Specific Funds

11 Balance 1/1/16 78,374,692.79 Contributions 27,943,638.02
106,318,330.81 Expenditures 36,798,031.82 69,520,298.99 Transfers, Interest, and Repayments 1,278,458.93 68,241,840.66 Obligations 12,473,154.64 55,768,685.42 Balance as of 9/30/16

12 Expenditure specific funds by type of contributor

13 Expenditure specific funds by budget chapter
81% 36,798,031.82

14 Proportion of the budget of the Organization Executed as of 9/30/2016

15 Proportion of the budget of the Organization Executed as of 9/30/2016

16 3. Projects sent to the Project Evaluation Committee

17 3. Projects sent to the Project Evaluation Committee (PEC)
In the period, the PEC issued reports on 26 projects, for the amount of US$ 69.2 million: 23 were approved 3 are pending Of the 26 projects for which reports were issued, 17 were fully or partially funded, for the amount of US$ 43.8 million; and 9 projects were not funded, representing US$ 25.5 million US$43.8 million US million

18 3. Projects sent to the Project Evaluation Committee (PEC)
ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES - Department of Planning and Evaluation Projects submitted to the Project Evaluation Committee (PEC) in 2016 with total or partial funding

19 3. Projects sent to the Project Evaluation Committee (PEC)
ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES - Department of Planning and Evaluation Projects submitted to the Project Evaluation Committee (PEC) in 2016 without funding Name of proposal Purpose Coordinating / executing unit Total amount Proposed donor Beneficiary countries PEC decision Estimated duration 8 SID SID1601 Caring for our common home: Guaranteeing more rights for more people in the Americas Caring for our common home, guaranteeing more rights for more people in the Americas. Department of Sustainable Development - Office of the Secretary General US$ 2,227,280.14 OAS: US$ 270,704.00 Other donors: US$ 1,956,576.14 Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela Approved 48 months 9 SAF SAF1604 Critical Maintenance Projects at OAS Headquarters Buildings / Infrastructure Upgrades Improve infrastructure in critical condition at OAS Headquarters Buildings. General Services - US$ 6,678,203.32 OAS: US$ 657,907.16 6,020,296.16 General Secretariat 24 months Code

20 3. Projects sent to the Project Evaluation Committee (PEC)
ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES - Department of Planning and Evaluation Projects submitted to the Project Evaluation Committee (PEC) in 2016 with total or partial funding ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES - Department of Planning and Evaluation Projects submitted to the Project Evaluation Committee (PEC) in 2016 without funding

21 proposal 3. Projects sent to the Project Evaluation Committee (PEC)

22 7. Administration and Management
Travel information and control measures

23 7. Administration and Management
7. Administration and Management. Travel information and control measures As of the first semester of 2016, US$ 5.1 million in travel expenditure has been executed:

24 7. Administration and Management
7. Administration and Management. Travel information and control measures

25 7. Administration and Management
7. Administration and Management. Travel information and control measures Air travel During this period, Omega World Travel issued invoices for 1,618 trips, for a total cost of US$ 1.5 million, and an average unit cost of US$949.91 97.6% of travel was in economy class; 0.9% authorized not economy class, and the remaining 1.5% was for travel by the SG, ASG, and CPC. Nonetheless, total air fare expenditure was US$ 1.8 million. The distribution of the balance by type of fare is not reported.

26 Section IV. Human Resources

27 Services and Revolving Funds 10 1.8% Associate 19 3.5%
Personnel by source of financing SOURCE OF FINANCING AMOUNT % Regular Fund 388 71.2% ICR 33 6.1% Specific funds 80 14.7% Leo Rowe Fund 2 0.4% Trust Americas 13 2.4% Services and Revolving Funds 10 1.8% Associate 19 3.5% TOTAL 545 100.0% 85.9%

28 Personnel by gender 545

29 Personnel by gender 63% 37% 25% 75% 545

30 REGULAR FUND – Personnel by grade (Management and professional)

31 REGULAR FUND – Personnel by grade (Management and professional)

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