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Preparing Students for Entrepreneurship Careers

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing Students for Entrepreneurship Careers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing Students for Entrepreneurship Careers
Medgar evers college, school of business An analysis of student Entrepreneurs from Medgar Evers, New York and Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya.

2 Agenda Introduction of co-authors and institutions represented
Research Problem, Method .Data Summary

3 Introduction of co-authors and institutions represented
Jo-Ann Rolle, PhD: Medgar Evers College (CUNY) Iris Billy, PhD: Medgar Evers College (CUNY) Roberto Acevedo, PhD: Universidad Mayor. San Pio X. N° 2422, Santiago, Chile Jackline Kisato, PhD: Kenyatta University Nairobi, Kenya.

The following research questions were posed: 1. What motivators led the students to entrepreneurship? 2. What significant challenges have the students faced in their entrepreneurship journey? 3. Which environmental factors have contributed to the students’ pursuit of entrepreneurial career? RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Descriptive survey Research instrument- Questionnaire with both open and close ended questionnaires. An interview guide was also used to better understand the entrepreneurs. Random Sampling method used for the Chandaria group but purposive sampling for the Medgar Evers entrepreneurs. DATA ANALYSIS Descriptive statistics- Use of Graphs, Tables and Pie Charts. Likert scale summarized in graphs.

5 Discussions AND FINDINGS

6 Age of founders

7 Area of Study/ Course- Chandaria BIIC
Frequency Percent BioTechnology 1 11.1 Commerce Computer studies 3 33.3 Econ &Finance Entrepreneurship 2 22.2 Film& Theatre Arts Total 9 100.0

8 Programs, presentations and projects from our collaborators
Innovation or Business Sector Frequency Percent Business Development 2 25.0 Food & Beverage 1 12.5 Agriculture Computer/ICT Finance Fashion-Manufacturing Total 8 100.0


10 Challenges/Obstacles to starting a business

11 What Motivated you to become an entrepreneur? - Medgar Evers

12 What Motivated you to become an entrepreneur? - CHANDaRIA

13 what were the main demotivators to entrepreneurship? - medgar Evers

14 what were the main demotivators to entrepreneurship? – chandaria

15 environmental factors and the students’ motivation for entrepreneurial career –MEDGAR EVERS

16 environmental factors and the students’ motivation for entrepreneurial career –CHANDARIA

17 SUMMARY A. Research observation B. Future implications on entrepreneurship and role of human capital C.  Invitation to colleagues for future collaboration

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