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DESTIN training JANUARY 2017
Agenda General System Overview Contracts/Capacity Release
Nominations & Confirmations Flowing Gas (Measurement, Allocations & Imbalances) Invoicing Reports Next Steps
AMID Overview Daily transactions for capacity release, nominations, confirmation, allocations and invoices will be performed in a Quorum EBB system. QPTM Highpoint Gas Transmission* Highpoint Gas Gathering Alatenn* Bamagas Midla* MLGT Tennessee River (TriGas) SIGCO Intrastate (Chalmette) Destin* Okeanos TIPS Gloria (Louisiana Intrastate Lafitte (Onshore Pipelines) Quivira (Seacrest) Magnolia (Alabama Intrastate) Henry Gas Gathering System Lavaca Yellow Rose *Regulated pipes
AMID Overview Transactions (noms, PDA’s, etc.) in current systems will not be converted. Customers must enter all transactions for February 1, 2017 forward in the new Hi-Energy EBB system (Quorum). Hi-Energy EBB system will be available January 16th to begin entering Nominations, PDA’s, etc. Two separate TSP’s (Destin & Okeanos) Logical Meter for transactions between Destin and Okeanos New meter numbers (cross reference in Appendix) New contract numbers (cross reference will be provided)
Electronic Bulletin Board (EBB)
Hi-ENERGY (Quorum Business Solutions developed and supports NAESB compliant EBB system) New website address One log in for all AMID assets One log in for QPTM and TIPS system to: Submit nominations, enter PDA’s, etc. View allocations, imbalances, and invoices New Customers EBB Logon ID Existing Customers (same user) – add TSP New log on ID’s
EBB Website (
EBB Website Click on the appropriate asset to view information.
EBB Navigation Customer Information: Phone Numbers, Forms, etc.
Click to log into Hi-ENERGY. Informational Postings navigational links.
Hi-ENERGY Log in 1. Click on Hi-Energy from website.
Enter User Name and Password. Select Log On. Note: The latest Citrix version may need to be upgraded/downloaded. Citrix Instructions can be found in the Appendix. 3. Select HPE_PRD03-QPTM or TIPS CAW.
Selecting a TSP 1 Add print screen of what it would look like when you have both TSP open. How to toggle back and forth note. After logging into Hi-ENERGY, Select System>Open TSP… Select one of the TSP’s, Click OK *Repeat steps 1 & 2 to open multiple TSP’s in the same session
Opening two TSPs Currently in HPGT (1) TSP, to open a second TSP select: Select System>Open TSP Select another TSP from list.
Toggle between TSPs Both HPGT and HPGG are opened (1) = HPGT
Select Window to toggle between screens across TSP’s Navigation is available for both TSP
Expanded navigation once logged in
Contracts/capacity release overview
Contracts Overview AMID contract numbering sequence
Type of Service – Asset – XXXX Type of Service = FT1, FT2, ITS, OBA, PS, IMB Jurisdiction = AMID Asset Destin = DES Okeanos = OKE Numbering = next in sequence Example: Interruptible contract on Destin would be ITS-DES-0999 Banking will be tracked on an ITB contract. This contract is a an administrative contract, so there is no hard copy of the contract. To nominate banking quantity in Destin, you will need to nominate on your ITB contract.
Capacity Release Overview
Capacity Release will be in QPTM In QPTM you will be able to: Submit an Offer Submit a Bid Confirm a Prearranged Bid Create a Bid Submit a Recall/Reput
Capacity Release Overview – Submit an Offer
To Navigate to the Offer Screen: Go to the Navigation Tree Click on the Plus Sign (+) next to Capacity Release Click on the Plus Sign (+) next to Offer Double Click on Offer
Capacity Release Overview – Submit an Offer
1. 2. 4. 5. 3. 6. In the header of the Capacity Release Offer screen: The TSP Information will automatically populate Click the New button (N->) to bring up a new offer number Set the Release Start Date and Release End Date Set the IBR indicator Set the Mkt Based Rate Ind Click on the Pick List Button (…) to select the Releasing Shipper
Capacity Release Overview – Submit an Offer
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. On the General Tab of the Capacity Release Offer Screen Set the Release Type The Prearranged Deal Indicator will auto populate based on the Release Type selected The Permanent Release Indicator will auto populate based on the Release Type selected Set the Recall/Reput Indicator Set the Allowable Re-release Indicator The Previous Released Indicator will auto populate if applicable Set the Releasing Shipper Contingency Indicator The Right to Amend Primary Points Indicator defaults to No
Capacity Release Overview – Submit an Offer
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. On the General Tab of the Capacity Release Offer Screen cont. The Disclose Indicator defaults to allowing all minimums to be disclosed on the bid Set the Releasing Shipper Lesser Quantity Indicator Set the Shorter Term Indicator Set Minimum Term if Shorter Term Indicator is set to ‘Releasing Shipper will accept less than full term’ The Minimum Rate Disclosed Indicator defaults to allowing the minimum rate to be disclosed on the bid Set the Replacement Shipper Role Indicator If the Repl SR Role Ind is set to Asset Management Agreement or Retail Choice the Biddable Deal indicator will default to ‘Not a biddable deal’ and the Bid Evaluation Indicator and the Bid Tie Breaker indicator will default to ‘Not Applicable’.
Capacity Release Overview – Submit an Offer
1. 2. 3. 4. On the General Tab of the Capacity Release Offer Screen cont. All Offers will post as soon as submitted by the Releasing Shipper. However, the Releasing Shipper can set the Offer to be posted at a future date and time using the Releaser Requested Posting Date/Releaser Requested Posting Time Indicator. Set the Biddable Deal Indicator. If the Bid Deal Desc indicator is set to ‘Not a biddable deal’, the Bid Evaluation Indicator and the Bid Tie Breaker will default to ‘Not Applicable’ and is not modifiable If Offer is biddable set the Bid Period Start Date/Bid Period Start Time (Do not forget to select AM or PM) If Offer is biddable set the Bid Period End Date/Bid Period End Time (Do not forget to select AM or PM)
Capacity Release Overview – Submit an Offer
1. 2. 3. 4. On the General Tab of the Capacity Release Offer Screen cont. The Bid Evaluation Indicator defaults to ‘Present Value’ but can be modified to Other Method, Highest Rate, Net Revenue If the Releasing Shipper sets the Bid Evaluation Indicator to Other Method, the Releasing Shipper must describe how the bid(s) needs to be evaluated in the Bid Evaluation Box The Bid Tie Breaker Indicator defaults to ‘Pipeline’s Tariff Referenced’ but can be modified to Releaser’s Method Described or Releaser’s Method Referenced If the Releasing Shipper set the Bid Tie Breaker Indicator to Releaser’s Method Described or Releaser’s Method Reference, the Releasing Shipper must describe how to facilitate a tie breaker in the Bid Tie Breaker Method box
Capacity Release Overview – Submit an Offer
On the Contact Tab of the Capacity Release Offer Screen The Releasing Shipper’s contact information can be added by clicking on the Pick List button (…) and selecting the appropriate contact record or by typing in the appropriate contact information. The return contact information will automatically populate
Capacity Release Overview – Submit an Offer
On the Additional Terms Tab of the Capacity Release Offer Screen The Stand Alone Offer Indicator defaults to ‘Offer Is Stand-Alone’ but can modified to ‘Offer Is Not Stand-Alone. Parties Should Read The Offeror’s Not A Stand-Alone Offer Terms and Conditions’
Capacity Release Overview – Submit an Offer
1. 2. 3. On the Pre-Arranged Bidder Tab of the Capacity Release Offer Screen Select the Prearranged Bidder using the Pick List button (…) Select the Prearranged Bidder Contact using the Pick List button (…) Set the Affiliate Indicator
Capacity Release Overview – Submit an Offer
1. 3. 2. On the Recall/Reput Tab of the Capacity Release Offer Screen Set the Business Day Indicator Set the Recall Notification Periods Enter text into the Recall/Reput Terms box
Capacity Release Overview – Submit an Offer
On the Details Tab of the Capacity Release Offer Screen Select the Releasing Contract by clicking on the Pick List button (…) 2. The Releasing Contract Pick List window will appear. Here you will be able to pick which meters you would like to release from that are on your releasing contract. To select a meter, click once on the row to highlight it and click the ok button.
Capacity Release Overview – Submit an Offer
On the Details Tab of the Capacity Release Offer Screen cont. After clicking the Ok Button on the Release Contract Pick List window, the window will disappear and the contract and location information will automatically populate on the Details Tab
Capacity Release Overview – Submit an Offer
On the Details Tab of the Capacity Release Offer Screen cont. Next on the Details Tab, the Releasing Shipper will enter in the quantity to be released in the Max Offer Quantity-Location fields. If the Releasing Shipper desires to accept bids for less than the full quantity being released, the Min Offer Qty- Loc fields will become active for the releasing shipper to enter a minimum acceptable quantity. Please note that all released quantity will be in Dekatherms. 1. 2. Set the Rate Form/Type Indicator 3. Set the Releaser Designation of Acceptable Bidding Basis 2. 3.
Capacity Release Overview – Submit an Offer
On the Details Tab of the Capacity Release Offer Screen cont. The Rate Indicator will default based on what the Rate Form/Type Indicator is set to. Enter in the Minimal Acceptable Rate Reservation Rate Basis Indicator defaults to Per Month The Surcharge Identification Indicator defaults to Annual Charge Adjustment The Surcharge Indicator defaults to Rate(s) stated do not include any applicable surcharges; surcharge detail provided; no surcharge total provided. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. The Bid Quantity – Contract defaults based on the Offer quantities entered 8. The Bid Quantity – Location defaults based on the Offer quantities entered 9. The Bidder Designation of Bidding Basis defaults based on the Rel Acpt Bid Basis indicator 10. The Rate Bid defaults on the Min Acpt Rate entered. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Capacity Release Overview – Submit an Offer
Once all of the required information is entered on the tabs on the Capacity Release Offer Screen, the Releasing Shipper can submit the offer. To the Submit the offer, click the Submit button at the top of the Capacity Release Offer screen. When the Releasing Shipper clicks the Submit button the Offer will automatically update (save) and validate. If a validation does not pass, a message will appear informing the Releasing Shipper what needs to be fixed. After the Releasing Shipper resolves the issue, the offer can submitted again. A message will appear on the screen informing the Releasing Shipper that the offer has been successfully submitted. Note: If the offer is prearranged, the Releasing Shipper will need to notify the Prearranged Bidder that they have submitted the offer and the prearranged bid is ready to be confirmed.
Capacity Release Overview – Submit an Offer
1. 2. 3. To copy an offer: 1. Click on the Pick List button ([…]) to select an offer previously created. After selecting an offer to copy, the offer screen will populate with the details of the selected offer. 2. Then click the New Button (N->) to trigger the system to know that this is a new offer. The Offer No. field on the screen will change from the old Offer Number to “<NEW>” in the Offer No. Field 3. After clicking the New Button, the offer can be updated as needed. Such as updating the Release Start and End Dates and Bid Period Start and End Dates. Once the offer has been updated as needed, the offer can be submitted
Capacity Release Overview – Submit a Bid
To Navigate to the Bid Screen: Go to the Navigation Tree Click on the Plus Sign (+) next to Capacity Release Click on the Plus Sign (+) next to Bid Double Click on Bid
Capacity Release Overview – Submit a Bid
After the offer is submitted and posted it will be available for bidding (if the offer is biddable) at the appropriate time ( 9 AM – 10 AM CCT). If the offer is prearranged, the prearranged bid will automatically be created and will be ready to be confirmed by the Prearranged Bidder. If the Offer is prearranged non-biddable, the prearranged bidder will be able to confirm the prearranged bid as soon as the offer is submitted If the offer is prearranged biddable, the prearranged bidder will be able to confirm the prearranged bid during the bid period for the offer.
Capacity Release Overview – Submit a Bid
To Confirm a Prearranged Bid Click on the Bid No Pick List Button (…) and Select the appropriate Offer. The Pick List window will disappear and the Bid Screen will populate with the Prearranged Bidder’s bid. After reviewing the bid, the Prearranged Bidder will click the Submit button at the top of the Bid screen.
Capacity Release Overview – Submit a Bid
Create a Bid In the header of the Capacity Release Bid screen: The TSP Information will automatically populate Click the New button (N->) to bring up a new bid number Click on the Pick List button (…) next to the Offer No field to select the offer to bid on The bid screen will populate with information from the selected offer 1. 2. 3.
Capacity Release Overview – Submit a Bid
Create a Bid On the General Tab of the Bid Screen The Releasing Shipper Information will automatically populate Click on the Pick List Button (…) to select the appropriate bidder Click on the Pick List Button (…) to select the Bidder Contact Set the Stand-Alone Bid Indicator 1. 000 BATEST 2. 3. 4.
Capacity Release Overview – Submit a Bid
Create a Bid On the General Tab of the Bid Screen Set the Bidder Accept Lesser Quantity Indicator Click on the Pick List Button (…) to select the Return Address Click on the Pick List Button (…) to select the Return Contact Set the Affiliate Indicator 5. 6. 8. 7.
Capacity Release Overview – Submit a Bid
Create a Bid On the General Tab of the Bid Screen The following fields will auto populate based on the offer Prearranged Bidder Indicator SICR Indicator Repl SR Role Indicator IBR Indicator Mkt Based Rate Ind Terms/Notes Terms/Notes – AMA Terms/Notes - Storage
Capacity Release Overview – Submit a Bid
Create a Bid On the Contingency Tab of the Bid Screen Bidder Contingency Indicator defaults to the bid is not contingent but can be modified to allow the bid to be contingent If applicable enter terms in the Bidder Contingency Terms box 1. 2.
Capacity Release Overview – Submit a Bid
Create a Bid On the Detail Tab of the Bid Screen The Detail Tab will auto populate with information from the offer. If applicable enter in a Bid Qty-Loc If applicable enter in a Min Bid Qty-Loc 2. 3. The Bidder Bid Basis Indicator will default based on the offer Enter the rate using the applicable rate fields 4. 5.
Capacity Release Overview – Submit a Bid
Once all of the required information is entered on the tabs on the Capacity Release Bid Screen, the Bidder can submit the bid. To the Submit the bid, click the Submit button at the top of the Capacity Release Bid screen. When the Bidder clicks the Submit button the bid will automatically update (save) and validate. If a validation does not pass, a message will appear informing the bidder what needs to be fixed. After the bidder resolves the issue, the bid can submitted again. A message will appear on the screen informing the bidder that the bid has been successfully submitted.
Capacity Release Overview – Submit a Recall/Reput
To Navigate to the Recall/Reput Screen: Go to the Navigation Tree Click on the Plus Sign (+) next to Capacity Release Click on the Plus Sign (+) next to Awards Double Click on Recall/Reput
Capacity Release Overview – Submit a Recall/Reput
Create a Recall In the header of the Recall/ Reput screen: The TSP Information will automatically populate Click on the Pick List button (…) for the Replacement Shipper Contract 1. 2. In the Pick List window, use the scroll bar in the first grid and scroll to the right to find the Offer Number Column and query for the offer number. BATEST
Capacity Release Overview – Submit a Recall/Reput
Create a Recall After selecting the offer to recall, the pick list window will disappear and the selected offer will populate in the Award/Recall/Reput History grid Select the Locations that have an Awarded status and use the Up and Down arrows to move the Locations to the New Recall/Reput Activity grid
Capacity Release Overview – Submit a Recall/Reput
Create a Recall In the New Recall/Reput Activity grid: The status of the offer will default to Recalled The Release Start Date and Release End Date will default based on the offer The Seasonal Start Date and Seasonal End Date will default to the Release Start and End Date. Use the Seasonal Start and End Date to set the Recall Period. The quantity will default to the awarded quantity but can be modified The Recall Notification Periods will default based on the offer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Capacity Release Overview – Submit a Recall/Reput
Create a Recall After making the desired changes to the fields mentioned in the previous slide, click the Submit to submit the recall A message will appear on the screen saying the recall has been successfully submitted The recall will then appear in the Awarded/Recall/Reput History grid with a status of Recalled
Capacity Release Overview – Submit a Recall/Reput
Create a Reput Select the Locations that have a status of Recalled and use the Up and Down arrows to move the Locations to the New Recall/Reput Activity In the New Recall/Reput Activity grid: The status of the offer will default to Reput The Release Start and End Date will default based on the offer The Seasonal Start Date and Seasonal End Date will default to the Release Start and End Date Use the Seasonal Start and End Date to set the Reput Period The quantity will default to the recalled quantity but can be modified Recall Notification Periods will default based on the offer
Capacity Release Overview – Submit a Recall/Reput
Create a Reput After making the desired changes to the fields mentioned above, click the Submit to submit the reput A message will appear on the screen saying the reput has been successfully submitted The reput will then appear in the Awarded/Recall/Reput History grid with a status of Reput
Nomination Overview Nomination Overview Locations
Nominations Examples – QPTM Nomination Overview
Nominations Overview Hi-Energy EBB system will be available January 16th to begin entering Nominations Nominations will be required in QPTM for Destin and Okeanos Nominations across Destin & Okeanos will utilize new logical meter Shipper can nominate across all contracts per TSP Authorized Overrun transactions must be nominated (TT = 02) Buy back meters will require a nomination Up/Dn K will no longer be required- except where required for confirmations by operator (EX: Florida Gas, Gulf Stream)
Locations New locations for Destin and Okeanos. A cross reference will be provided (Appendix A) Consistent across all AMID assets 01XXXX = Receipt Meter 02XXXX = Delivery Meter 03XXXX = Logical Meter (across Destin & Okeanos) 22XXXX = Buyback 08XXXX = Pool or Payback 09XXXX = PTR Meter Numbering Logic 01 = receipt, 02 = delivery…etc
Nomination Example - General
Wellhead (WH) or Receipt location to Delivery location or Pool on a Transportation contract Delivery Location FT-1/FT-2/ITS/ITB WH/Receipt Location
Nomination Example - Buyback
Wellhead (WH) to Buyback location on a transportation contract Buyback meter FT-1/FT-2/ITS/ITB WH
Nomination Example – Authorized Overrun
2 Nominations One nom with TT 01- Current Business One nom with TT 02- Authorized Overrun EX: Need to nominate 15,000 and MDQ=10,000 Delivery Location FT-1/FT-2/ITS/ITB 1. Nominate to MDQ of 10,000 with TT01 WH/Receipt Location Delivery Location FT-1/FT-2/ITS/ITB 2. Nominate 5,000 with TT02 WH/Receipt Location
Nomination Example - Pool
2 Nominations Wellhead (WH) or Receipt location to Pool on a Transportation contract Pool to Delivery location OR Pool to another Pool on Pooling contract Pool is balanced by the system each cycle Up/dn K not required for pooling transactions Up/dn ID is required for system balancing WH/Receipt Location FT-1/FT-2/ITS/ITB Pool 080016 1. Delivery Location or Pool PS 2. Pool 080016
Nomination Example – Okeanos to Destin
2 Nominations across both TSP’s Okeanos- Wellhead (WH) to Logical Point on a Transportation contract Destin- Logical Point to Delivery location or Pool on a Transportation Contract Logical Point is balanced by the system each cycle Up/dn ID required for balancing Logical Point 030006 FT2/ITS WH 1. On Okeanos TSP Delivery Location Logical Point 030005 FT-1/FT-2/ITS/ITB 2. On Destin TSP
How to Enter a Nomination - QPTM
Navigate to: Nominations/Nomination/Nomination Submission Enter a Service Requester and Date Range. The Open Cycle field will default to the next cycle which is available to nominate. For a different cycle, specify a Query Cycle. Click “Retrieve” button. The PT Nominations tab will become editable. 2 1
How to Enter a Nomination - QPTM
3 4 Chris – Ranks are mentioned here, but I don’t see on Print screen. Select Service Requester Contract from the pick list under Svc Req Name. Selecting a contract will set the Receipt and Delivery Ranks to the system default rank of 1 Select receipt location from the pick list
How to Enter a Nomination - QPTM
5 6 7 8 9 10 5. Select the upstream (UP ID) business party from the pick list. 6. Select upstream contract (optional) 7. Enter the receipt quantity that is being transported. Entering the receipt quantity will automatically set the delivery quantities 8. Select delivery location from the pick list. 9. Select the downstream (DN ID) business party from the pick list. 10. Select downstream contract (optional) NOTE: Up/Dn ID Prop is ID assigned by AMID, Up/Dn ID is the DUNS#; entering either will populate the other
How to Enter a Nomination - QPTM
11 12 13 14 11. Select the Transaction Type from the drop down 12. Click “Validate” button to run validations that have been configured (optional). 13. Click “Save” button to create an activity (optional). An Activity Code will be generated and set in the Act Cd field. This will not submit the nominations (Act Cd can be used for AMID to help with nominations) 14. Click “Submit” button to submit nomination (required). This will submit all the nominations for the given Svc Req, Gas Day, and Cycle This will run any validations that have been configured and report errors.
How to Enter a Nomination – 31 day Popup
4 2 3 1 Double clicking a nomination row will open the 31 Day Popup screen. Enter the receipt or delivery quantity that is being transported for each day. Click “Change” to save changes and close screen. The “Submit” button must be clicked to submit changes (on the main screen)
How to Copy a Nomination
Copy Nominations 1 2 3 4 Click “Copy” to open the Copy Nominations screen – this will Copy all nominations on the screen Set the new begin gas day, end gas day and cycle. Set copy options: Copy Error Transactions – whether to include BI nominations in new nomination Make New Nom Qtys Zero – whether to set all receipt and delivery quantities to zero. Copy Existing Zero Noms – whether to include zero nominations in new nomination Click “OK” Nomination for new gas day and cycle will be created. “Submit” must be clicked to submit nomination *Note: Screen functions like Excel; “Ctrl C” – Copy & “Ctr V” – Paste functionality per row
Nomination Summary Tabs
The summary tabs provide a different view of the same nominations displayed on the PT Nominations tab Tabs are read only
Nomination Path Summary
Provides a different view of the same nominations displayed on the PT Nominations tab Aggregates nominations by service requester contract, receipt location, and delivery location for a quick view of path totals.
Nomination Location Summary
Provides a different view of the same nominations displayed on the PT Nominations tab Aggregates nominations by Receipt and Delivery Locations
Nomination Errors After submit is selected, the status for each nom will be set to LI, BI, or BV (line invalid, business invalid, or valid). Nominations should be BV before noms can be submitted The Error tab will show any invalid noms and the associated validation error. Contact AMID for questions or help reviewing errors
Confirmation Overview
Confirmation Levels Confirmations
Confirmation Overview
Confirm by Exception (CBE) is the default. Beginning gas day 2/1 Timely Cycle, operators currently receiving confirmation reports from BP’s Trellis system will begin receiving from AMID’s Quorum system Add to safe list to ensure s do not go into junk folder Mailbox is not monitored; therefore, DO NOT reply directly to , Questions/issues should go to or call Internal user can change the CBE option per location.
Confirmation Overview
Operators will receive 2 preliminary reports each cycle First report will be sent approximately 25 minutes after each nomination deadline Second report will be sent after system balancing approximately 30 minutes prior to each confirmation deadline Internal user can change the CBE option per location.
Confirmation Overview
Example of report: Test Company XYZ Company Test Company LMN Company Test Company Test Company Test Company ABC Company XYZ Company Internal user can change the CBE option per location. ABC Company Company 123 Company 123 Company
Confirmation Overview
Select Confirmation Response from the navigation to view and enter confirmations Nominations/Confirmation/Confirmation Response
Confirmation Overview- Confirmation Levels
Entity Level – view of shipper activity at the Service Requester DUNS level For Receipt Operators Upstream Entity & Upstream Contract For Delivery Operators Downstream Entity & Downstream Contract Internal user can change the CBE option per location.
Confirmation View – Entity Level
Entity Level – view of shipper activity at the DUNS level
Confirmation View – Upstream Entity Level
Upstream Entity – displays the Upstream ID/Prop and Svc Requester to confirm Up ID = DUNS number Up ID Prop = Business Associate number assigned by AMID for the EBB system
Confirmation View - Upstream Contract Level
Upstream Contract – In addition to Upstream ID/Name and Svc Requester, Upstream Contract is provided to confirm at a lower level Describe Exclude CBE & Exclude Confirmed Locations Subsequent Cycle – manual confirmed quantity to roll as next cycle confirmed quantity.
Scheduled Quantity
Scheduled Quantity for Shipper
Navigate to Nominations/Scheduled Quantity/Scheduled Quantity for Shipper Retrieve by Gas Day for a Shipper or Location Screen displays Nomination, Confirmation, and Scheduled Quantity for all nominations and Reduction Reasons Use Calendar to select different gas days Query by Cycle (optional) 3 1 4 2 2 Note: Scheduled Quantity for Shipper PDF report available in Report Execution
Flowing Gas PDA Transaction Types & Allocation Methods
Daily Allocated Maintenance Quantity Measurement Information Imbalance Reports Flowing Gas
Allocation Changes PDA’s in Trellis effective for Feb. 1 will be submitted in Quorum Allocation are on a 2 day lag Buyback allocations will occur at individual meter Meters not covered by an OBA will require at least a 1 dth nomination to allocate Imbalance Trades are submitted by shipper in the system Authorization to Post Imbalances in system
Flowing Gas Overview Hi-ENERGY supports the following screens
PDA Transaction Types PDA Transaction Type defines what level the gas is allocated at, and by association, what data elements are used in the allocation process. Operators and Shippers can enter PDA in the Hi-ENERGY EBB under Flowing Gas> Pre-Determined Allocation> PDA Submission or PDA form can be filled out and sent to AMID PDA Transaction Types available: Operator to Service Requester (PDA TT 5: Operator) Service Requester to Service Requester Contract (PDA TT 18: Svc Req K) Svc Req K - UP/DN ID (PDA TT 505&506) PDA’s can be entered for the previous 3 gas days
PDA Transaction Types Select Prep ID from pick list
1 2 3 4 Select Prep ID from pick list Select PDA TT from pick list Select PDA frequency DAILY from the drop down Check Load Effective Noms to populate scheduled volumes available to be allocated (optional)
PDA Allocation Method Hi-ENERGY supports the following allocation methods: Pro Rata – default PDA methodology in absence of a PDA entered Percent Swing Rank Operator Provided Value Measured quantity displays quantity available to be allocated
PDA Allocation Method 1 2 3 4 5 Alloc Method (Required): Indicates the method to be used to allocate the gas. Possible field values: Pro-rata, percent, swing, rank, OPV Alloc Rank Ind (Required): Indicates the allocation rank indicator, which provides a different allocation methodology for excess or under production Possible field values: High, Low, Both Alloc Rank Lvl (Optional): Indicates the allocation rank level, which will be percent rank, or OPV based on allocation method Limit Value (Optional): Indicates the maximum allocation allowed Dir Flo (Required): Receipt or Delivery
PDA results review – Daily Allocated Qty Maintenance
Screen: Flowing Gas>Allocation>Daily Allocated Quantity Maintenance Allocation transaction type, location, billing method, and date range are required to query data Enables user to view allocation results for daily allocated locations The final allocation quantities will be used for imbalance and invoicing Daily tab: contains all allocation records for selected transaction type and location for each gas day in the range Summary tab: displays same information as a the Daily Tab, and sums the quantities for all of the gas days in the date range Additional Examples of the PDA Allocation Methods are located in the Appendix * Alloc TT 2: Default-Nom displays nomination line item allocations
Allocation Examples Wellhead (WH) to Delivery location on a Transportation contract Alloc Rec – Alloc Del = Imbalance Shipper Imbalance (50) due pipe Delivery Location FTS/ITS WH Sched Alloc 100 50 Sched Alloc 100
Measurement View Select Measurement Information from the tree view.
Measurement View The screen that opens will be the report viewer that is prepopulated with Report Type = “CAW Allocations” and Report = “Measurement Information (External)” 3 1 2 Select Production Month = month of production you want to view measurement Selection Location ID(only locations you are Operator of are available to be selected) Click Execute
Measurement View Example of the Measurement Report:
Invoicing Overview Cash Out Methodology Sample Invoice Invoicing
Invoicing Overview Transportation imbalances are aggregated at the entity level to an Imbalance (IMB) admin contract in order to be cashed out Cash out of IMB contract are on a 1 month lag For example, January imbalance quantity will display on the January invoice but will not be billed until the February invoice No Changes for the Load Factor Test Pass/Fail of the Load Factor Test will be displayed on the invoice detail
Invoice Examples Invoice Summary
Invoice Examples Payment Remittance
Invoice Examples Invoice Detail
Invoice Examples Imbalance Statement
Reports Overview How to Retrieve Reports Reports
Reports Overview Reports can be ran for Report Types: Nominations, Confirmations, Scheduling, Allocations, Inventory (Imbalances), Billing Each report type has different reports that can be ran See Appendix for report examples and descriptions
How to Retrieve Reports
System>Report Execution Select a Report Type Select a Report
How to Retrieve Reports
Select parameters for the report to be ran on Parameters will differ depending on what report is being ran Unchecking the Ignore Param column allows for a value to be input to run the report on Reports can be generated in PDF, XLS, CSV, etc After entering parameters, click Execute to generate report By default report is sent to the associated with the logged in user id (select additional s if needed) Parameters to retrieve a report will be saved and available the next time the report is executed
Nomination, Confirmations, Scheduled Quantity Reports
Nominations RPT_NNX01 Path Balance RPT_NNX02 Location Balance RPT_NNX03 Pool Balance RPT_NNX08 Daily Activity Grouped by Service Requester RPT_NNX09 Nomination Cycle Comparison RPT_NNX12 Nom Error Report RPT_NNX21 Monthly Nom Activity – Up/Dn RPT_NNX22 Monthly Nom Activity – Path RPT_NNX33 Daily Nomination Confirmations RPT_CFX01 Nominated volumes not scheduled RPT_CFX02 Lesser of Rule Warning RPT_CFX03 Up/Dn Confirmations RPT_CFX05 Path confirmed volumes not scheduled RPT_CFX07 Path confirmations (By location, operator, BP) Scheduled Quantity RPT_CAX14 Scheduled Quantity for Operator RPT_CAX15 Scheduled Quantity for Shipper
* Most frequently used by customers
Allocation, Imbalance, Billing Reports Allocations RPT_ALRX01 Operator Statement RPT_ALRX03 Service Requester Statement of Gas Allocation * RPT_ALRX04 Measurement Information * RPT_ALRX05 Location M-T-D RPT_ALRX17 Monthly Activity – Up/Dn * RPT_ALRX18 Monthly Activity – Path * RPT_ALRX24 Allocation Imbalance Report RPT_ALRX51 Allocated to Scheduled Comparison Imbalances RPT_INX02 Customer Account Monthly Imbalance RPT_INX16 Shipper Imbalance RPT_INX40 Daily Imbalances – Show Daily Detail RPT_INX52 Inventory Imbalance Billing (Invoice) RPT_BLRX_00 Billing Invoice Documents * * Most frequently used by customers
Contact List Next Steps Closing
Contact List COMMERCIAL Current # New # eff. 1/16/17
COMMERCIAL Current # New # eff. 1/16/17 Bruce Whiteford, Commercial Manager SCHEDULING & ALLOCATIONS Patricia De La Rosa, Comm Svcs Director Robyn Burnett, Sr. Gas Scheduler Ed Formell, Gas Scheduler CONTRACTS/CAPACITY RELEASE Chelsea Whitworth ACCOUNTING AND INVOICING Henry Williams, Senior Manager Operational Accounting Maria LaMont, Senior Accountant Joint Ventures Contracts, Nominations, Allocations Customer Service Revised
Next Steps Complete all necessary forms to ensure flow effective February 1 New Customers EBB Logon ID Existing Customers (same user) – add TSP Agency Agreements AMID will Logon ID, passwords and new contracts once proper documents have been received and processed. Hi-ENERGY EBB system will be available January 16th to begin entering Nominations, PDA’s, etc.
Q & A
Customer training January 2017
Appendix PDA Examples Swing, Rank, Percent, OPV
External Report Descriptions Nominations Confirmations Scheduling Allocations Inventory Billing Full Meter List
PDA Examples
Swing Rule - Example PDA TT: 5 Operator to shipper 1 2 3 4
Select PDA TT 5: Operator Select Loc Prop from pick list Select Alloc Method of Swing from the pick Alloc Rank Ind defaults to H (excess production) and L (under production) This example has the H and L swinging to Svc Req Prop 365 Select Svc Req Prop from the pick list
Rank Rule - Example PDA TT: 101 Svc Req to Svc Req K RANK 1 2 3 4 5
Select PDA TT 101: Svc Req K Select a Loc Prop & Svc Req Select Alloc Method of Rank from the pick list Enter the Alloc Rank Level (this is example has TESTITSCW1 ranked 1 and TESTITPCW1 ranked 2) Select Svc Req K from the pick list
Percent Rule - Example PDA TT: 505 Svc Req K to Up ID 1 2 3 4
Select PDA TT 505: Svc Req K – Up ID Select a Loc Prop & Svc Req Select Alloc Method of Percent from the pick list Enter Alloc Rank Level (Percent) – percent must equal 100 Select Up ID from pick list (note check load effective noms)
Operator Provided Value Rule
1 2 3 4 Select PDA TT 5: Operator Select Loc Prop from the pick list Select Alloc Method of OP – Operator Provided Value *Note: High and Low must be entered for each Svc Req Prop (assign same qty to both directions to allocate the qty to shipper) Alloc Rank Lvl: Enter Volume to be allocated Svc Req Dir Flow: select Dir Flow of Location – equal to Receipt or Delivery Svc Req Prop: Select Shipper
External Reports Nominations, Confirmations, Scheduling Allocations
Inventory (Imbalances)
Nomination Reports Report Type: CAW Nominations Report: RPT_NNX01 Path Balance The Path Balance Report shows nominated, confirmed and scheduled quantities for each nominated path for a given gas day and cycle, by service requester and contract. Key Parameters Required: Gas Day Optional: Gas Cycle, Location Analyst, Account Manager, Location, Nom Model, Service Requester Contract, Service Requester, Show Unbalanced Transactions Only, Hide 0 Noms
Report Type: CAW Nominations
Report: RPT_NNX02 Location Balance Nomination Reports The Location Balance report shows the total nominated, confirmed and scheduled quantities for each nominated location for a specified gas day and cycle, by service requester Key Parameters Required: Gas Day Optional: Gas Cycle, Location Analyst, Account Manager, Location, Service Requester, Unbalanced Transactions Only, Hide 0 Noms
Report Type: CAW Nominations
Report: RPT_NNX03 Pool Balance Nomination Reports The Pool Balance report shows nominated and scheduled quantities for pooling locations for specified gas day and cycle Key Parameters Required: Gas Day, Optional: Gas Cycle, Location Analyst, Account Manager, Location, Nom Model, Service Requester Contract, Service Requester, Unbalanced Transactions Only, Hide Zero Noms on Report
Report Type: CAW Nominations
Report: RPT_NNX08 Daily Activity Grouped by Service Requester Nomination Reports The Daily Activity Report shows nomination activity by service requester for a specified gas day. The report will display the path nomination records with the path, upstream, and downstream attributes. Key Parameters Required: Gas Day Optional: Cycle, Location, Nom Model, Service Requester Contract, Service Requester, Hide Zero transactions
Nomination Reports Report Type: CAW Nominations Report: RPT_NNX09 Nomination Cycle Comparison The Daily Activity – Nom Comparison report displays the nominated quantities for the two input gas days and cycles, and the quantity and percent difference between the two gas days and/or cycles. Key Parameters Required: Start Date, End Date, Start Cycle, End Cycle, Show Differences Only Optional: Location Analyst, Account Manager, Nom Model, Service Requester
Report Type: CAW Nominations
Report: RPT_NNX12 Nom Error Report Nomination Reports The Nom Error Report shows invalid nominations for the specified status (either Business Invalid (BI) or Line Invalid (LI)) for a given date range and cycle. Key Parameters Required: From Date, To Date, Cycle Type Optional: Nom Status Code, Hide 0 Noms
Report Type: CAW Nominations
Report: RPT_NNX21 Monthly Nom Activity – Up/Dn Nomination Reports The Monthly Nom Activity – Up/Dn report displays the nominated, confirmed, scheduled, and allocated quantities for up and down nominations, for every day in a given production month. Key Parameters Required: Production Month, Sort By, Hide 0 Noms, UOM Type, Show/Hide Daily Allocations, See Details Optional: Location Id, Service Requester, Up/Dn Contract, Nom Model, Operator, Location Analyst, Account Manager, Up/Dn Id No, Up/Dn Name
Nomination Reports Report Type: CAW Nominations Report: RPT_NNX22 Monthly Nom Activity – Path The Monthly Nom Activity – Path report displays the nominated, confirmed, scheduled, and allocated quantities for path nominations, for every day in a given production month. Key Parameters Required: Production Month, Sort By, Hide 0 Noms, UOM Type, Show/Hide Daily Allocations, See Details Optional: Location Id, Service Requester, Nom Model, Operator, Location Analyst, Account Manager
Report Type: CAW Nominations
Report: RPT_NNX33 Daily Nomination Nomination Reports The Daily Nomination Report displays the nominated quantities for each location and shipper, for every day in a given production month. The report can be grouped by service requester or by location. Key Parameters Required: Group By (Shipper or Location) Optional: Production Month, Location, Service Requester Contract, Service Requester, Nom Model, Location Analyst, Account Manager
Report Type: CAW Confirmations
Report: RPT_CFX01 Nominated volumes not scheduled Confirmation Reports The Nominated Volumes Not Scheduled Report displays up and down nominations where the scheduled quantity is different than the nominated quantity, for a given gas day and cycle. Key Parameters Required: Gas Day, Cycle Optional: Service Requester, Location Analyst, Location ID, Account Manager
Confirmation Reports Report Type: CAW Confirmations Report: RPT_CFX02 Lesser of Rule Warning The Lesser of Rule Warning report displays up and down nominations where the confirmed quantity is different than the nominated quantity, for a given gas day and cycle Key Parameters Required: Gas Day, Cycle Optional: Service Requester, Location Analyst, Location, Account Manager
Confirmation Reports Report Type: CAW Confirmations Report: RPT_CFX03 Up/Dn Confirmations The Online Confirmation report displays the confirmed quantities for each up and down nomination, for a given gas day and cycle, as well as the previous day and month-to-date confirmed quantity. The report can group the data by location, operator, location analyst, or service requester. Key Parameters Required (common to all linked reports): Type, Gas Day, Cycle, Suppress Zero Quantity Records By Location Optional: Location ID, Location Group ID, Operator BP, Reduction Reason, Reductions Only By Location Analyst Required: Location Analyst Optional: Operator BP, Reduction Reason, Reductions Only By Operator Required: Operator Optional: Location ID, Reduction Reason, Reductions Only By Shipper (BP) Required: Service Requester
Report Type: CAW Confirmations
Report: RPT_CFX05 Path confirmed volumes not scheduled Confirmation Reports The Path Confirmed Volumes Not Scheduled report displays path nominations for a given gas day and cycle where the scheduled quantity does not equal the nominated quantity, and the associated reduction reason. Key Parameters Required: Gas Day, Cycle Optional: Service Requester, Location Analyst, Location, Account Manager
Confirmation Reports Report Type: CAW Confirmations Report: RPT_CFX07 Path confirmations The Online Confirmation report displays the confirmed quantities for each path nomination, for a given gas day and cycle. The report can group the data by location, operator, or service requester (shipper). Key Parameters Required (common to all linked reports): Gas Day, Cycle By Location Required: Location Optional: Deadline Type, Deadline Category, Exclude CBE, Exclude CL By Operator Required: Operator Optional: Location By Shipper Required: Service Requester Optional: None
Report Type: CAW Capacity Allocation Scheduling
Report: RPT_CAX14 Scheduled quantity for Operator Scheduling Reports The Scheduled Quantity for Operator report displays the scheduled quantities for each up and down nomination for a given gas day and cycle. The report can be run to show all scheduled quantities or only ones that have been reduced. The data is grouped by location and then by operator. The NAESB view of the report displays all the common codes and data elements required by NAESB. Key Parameters Required: View (NAESB view or Alternate view), Cycle, Show Reductions Only, Suppress Zero Activity Records Optional: Gas Day, Location, Operator, Confirming Party, Reduction Reason
Report Type: CAW Capacity Allocation Scheduling
Report: RPT_CAX15 Scheduled quantity for service requester Scheduling Reports The Scheduled Quantity for Service Requester report displays the scheduled quantities for all nominations for a given gas day and service requester. The report can be run to show all scheduled quantities or only ones that have been reduced. Key Parameters Required: View (NAESB view or Alternate view), Gas Day, Service Requester, Show Reductions Only Optional: Cycle, Reduction Reason
Report: RPT_ALRX01 Operator Statement Allocation Reports The Operator Statement provides the allocated, scheduled, and nominated volume for each location and service requester. Key Parameters Required: As of Date Optional: Production Month, Accounting Month, Location, Operator, Location Analyst, Account Manager
Allocation Reports Report Type: CAW ALLOCATIONS Report: RPT_ALRX02 Up/Dn Statement for a Service Requester The Up/Down Statement for Service Requester provides the allocated, scheduled, and nominated volume for each location and service requester. Key Parameters Required: Service Requester, Hide 0 Noms Optional: Production Month, Accounting Month, Location, Account Manager, Up/Dn Party
Report: RPT_ALRX03 Service Requester Statement of Gas Allocation Allocation Reports The Service Requester Statement of Gas Allocation provides the allocated, scheduled, and nominated volume for each location and service requester Key Parameters Required: None Optional: Service Requester, As of Date, Production Month, Accounting Month, TOS, Contract, Account Type, Account Manager, Shipper
Allocation Reports Report Type: CAW ALLOCATIONS Report: RPT_ALRX04 Measurement Information The Measurement Information report provides a daily detail of measured energy quantity and volume for each location. The report must be run by either production month or accounting month, but not both. Key Parameters Required: None Optional: Production Month, Accounting Month, Location, Location Analyst, Operator
Allocation Reports Report Type: CAW ALLOCATIONS Report: RPT_ALRX05 Location M-T-D The Location M-T-D Imbalance report displays the total allocated and scheduled quantity for each location for a given month. The report also displays the associated location imbalance for each location, which is the difference between the scheduled and allocated quantities, and the imbalance percent, calculated as the imbalance over the allocated quantity Key Parameters Required: Type (Location or Location Group) Optional: Production Month, Accounting Month, Tolerance Percent, Location Analyst, Flow direction, Confirming Party, Floor, Ceiling By Location Group Required: Location Group By Location Optional: Location
Report: RPT_ALRX18 Monthly Activity - Path Allocation Reports The Monthly Activity – Path report displays nominated, confirmed, scheduled and allocated quantities for each day in a given production month. The data is grouped by location, service requester, contract, and path location. Key Parameters Required: Production Month, Hide 0 Noms, Unit of Measure, Show Daily Allocations Optional: Sort #1, Sort #2, Sort #3, Nom Model, Location, Service Requester BP, Contract, Operator BP, Location Analyst, Account Manager, Show Daily Details
Report: RPT_ALRX24 Allocation Imbalance Report Allocation Reports The Allocation Imbalance report displays the prior period and current month allocated quantities and associated imbalance for each path and contract for a given month. This provides the imbalances at a path level Key Parameters Required: None Optional: Accounting Month, Production Month, Contract Number, TOS, Contract Holder, As Of Date, Include Imbalances Only (Daily version only)
Allocation Reports Report Type: CAW ALLOCATIONS Report: RPT_ALRX51 Allocated to Scheduled Comparison The Allocated-to-Scheduled Comparison (Contract Summary) report displays the total allocated and scheduled quantity for each contract for a given month. Key Parameters Contract Summary Required: None Optional: Production Month, Tolerance Percent, Floor, Ceiling Details Required: Service Requester BP Optional: Production Month, Effective Date From, Effective Date To, Contract, Location,
Report: RPT_ALRX54 Scheduled Versus Measured Volumes Allocation Reports The Scheduled versus Measured Volumes report displays the scheduled and measured quantities for each location and gas day in the input gas day range. This report is dependent on having run the allocation process. Key Parameters Required: Gas Day From, Gas Day To Optional: Location ID
Report Type: CAW Inventory
Report: RPT_INX02 Customer Account Monthly Imbalance Inventory Reports The Customer Account Monthly Imbalance report displays the current imbalance by customer account for the specified production or accounting month. Key Parameters Required: Imbalance Settlement Method This is commonly hidden and defaulted to CICO. Optional: Accounting Month, Production Month, Business Party, Account Manager, Top N%, Long or Short, Type of Service, Account Type, Include Accounts with No Activity If you do not specify an Accounting Month, it uses the current open accounting month
Inventory Reports Report Type: CAW Inventory Report: RPT_INX16 Shipper Imbalance The Shipper Imbalance report displays the current imbalance for each service requester and contract, as well as the allocations that created the imbalance. Key Parameters Required: Accounting month or production month Optional: Contract number, inventory account id, type of service
Report Type: CAW Inventory
Report: RPT_INX40 Daily Imbalances – Show Daily Detail Inventory Reports The Daily Imbalances Detail report displays the customer account balance data for each customer account, production month, and accounting month; and the associated daily allocated receipts and deliveries that make up the monthly imbalance. Key Parameters Required: None Optional: Business Party, Production Month, Accounting Month, Account Type
Report Type: CAW Inventory
Report: RPT_INX52 Inventory Imbalance Inventory Reports The Inventory Agreement Balancing Statement is used to confirm imbalances with counterparties. It includes allocation details for the contract, path receipt and delivery location, current allocated quantities, trades, transfers, adjustments, cashout, and current and prior imbalances Key Parameters Required: Accounting Month, Imbalances Only (If the Include Imbalances Only indicator is set, then the contract paths with zero allocation imbalances will be suppressed in the report.)
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