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A young persons’ perspective by Liam Beattie

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1 A young persons’ perspective by Liam Beattie
‘Youth proofing’ the negotiations – how can young people be central to discussion? A young persons’ perspective by Liam Beattie

2 My involvement in the EU referendum
At the age of 24, I was one of the least unlikely to vote in the referendum. Most of my knowledge regarding the EU came from previous internships working in Brussels. Active in the Young European Movement Edinburgh. Wrote several articles for the Huffington Post. Spoke at the European Youth Event in Strasbourg on a panel ahead of the vote.

3 BBC Generation project – giving young voters a voice in the media
A pool of around 200 young voters aged 18 – 24 from across the UK. The project has run since the 2014 Scottish independence referendum. Young people invited to appear and contribute across a range of BBC platforms, including BBC News Channel, BBC Radio Scotland and BBC website. Contributions are made in a meaningful way – not simply ‘giving the young persons’ perspective’. Young people are supported ahead of interviews and have a direct contact at the BBC to raise concerns and thoughts.

4 Giving a voice to young voters during EU referendum.

5 BBC Generation: EU referendum
A focus on empowering young voters from Remain, Leave and those undecided to become engaged and active during the referendum. A real interest was made to young voters in Scotland, in particular questions whether the high levels of participation at the 2014 referendum would be repeated. The first live debate was a young voters special in Glasgow featuring contributors from across the UK. Contributors were active within special online discussion groups, so participation off camera/microphone was still possible.

6 Reflections on the media input of young voters
Following the referendum result, the prominence of young voters were side-lined due to media focus going elsewhere – was this a mistake? Throughout the referendum it was clear there were varying degrees of understanding regarding the EU among BBC contributors. Media remains a powerful tool to engage and empower young people. Around 1/3 of registered voters aged 18 – 24 did not vote, with 90% of over 65s voting.

7 Where next? How to engage young people during Brexit?
The media will remain a key tool to engage young people but it does have its limits. There must be a clear involvement strategy for young people announced by the UK Government. The Scottish Government should look to incorporate young people in its discussions with the UK Government ahead of triggering Article 50. The Scottish Parliament’s European & External Relations Committee must be proactive in reaching outside parliament as part of its Brexit inquiry. Civic society and campaigning groups, for example the Young European Movement UK have a clear role to facilitate discussions.


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