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The European Federation of Light, Experimental and Vintage Aircraft

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1 The European Federation of Light, Experimental and Vintage Aircraft
EFLEVA . eu The European Federation of Light, Experimental and Vintage Aircraft Progressing the future of European Light, Experimental & Vintage Aircraft Draft General Presentation 14 Oct 2007

2 European Federation Inaugural Meeting VICHY13 & 14 July 2007
Concept agreed Next stage meeting Prague 20 & 21 October 2007 Moving forward

3 Others have their own European Federation or Union.
Discussions on EFLEVA have been going on a long time and we now need to formalise matters Germany, Austria, France, Sweden, Switzerland, UK have shown interest. With the exception of aeromodeling and ballooning, we are the only sports and Recreational Aviation activity not represented at European level. Others have their own European Federation or Union. It is now time to move forward and create ours.

4 We need to ensure our interests are properly represented
European Federation The regulatory environment in Europe is getting more and more complicated. The progressive transfer of authority to European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), as it keeps developing, requires close consultation links We need to ensure our interests are properly represented

5 European Federation The proposal is to found a European Federation of Light, Experimental and Vintage Aircraft ( EFLEVA) The purpose of EFLEVA is to support and to represent the interests of its Members at European level, in respect of all relevant regulatory matters. Members are the national bodies representing the interests of amateur built and vintage aircraft. The Federation is expected to become a member of Europe Air Sports which needs to be ratified during the inaugural conference

6 From past discussion, the proposal is:-
European Federation From past discussion, the proposal is:- The Federation be constituted under French Law and located in France The statutes will be based on the PFA proposal and EPFU according to the French Law The Executive Committee will be comprise a President, Vice President, Tresorer, Deputy Tresurer, Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General Number of total board members to be decided Each association will nominate two representatives to be members of the ” Management Board” Those representatives should have full decision power Note: all existing European Federations and Unions are under French Law

7 Objectives of EFLEVA: European Federation
Federation should be more than just another Federation represented at European level Our aim, should be to manage our future, particularly when Annex II disappears (in say 5 – 10 years time) We should harmonise amateur building so as to benefit from a single, simple and affordable regulatory environment. We should establish an organisation recognised by EASA . Initial ideas of a single qualified entity are probably not appropriate We should support our members in terms of insurance, airspace, pilot license and operations

8 Scope European Federation The Federation will cover
Light aircraft of less than 1,000kg MTOM (new EASA classification) Amateur built aircraft Plans built Advanced raw material Kits Prototypes Replica Vintage aircraft Orphan Old timer Historical Warbirds Note: Aircraft include aeroplanes – seaplanes - gliders – balloons – microlights – autogyros – helicopters

9 Rulemaking process Lobbying European Federation
Provide experts in the field of Airworthiness Maintenance Pilot licensing Aircraft operations Airspace Proposed experts for the inaugural meeting (joined a CV -mandatory) Lobbying Participate in Eurocontrol and EASA working groups. Be recognise by the EU commission and European Parliament (Find the European representatives who will support our approach) Maintain good relationship with our respective National Authorities and other Sports and Recreational organisations.

10 Communication European Federation Internal External Means
To each member (national association) of the Federation External Aeronautics media Mass media Partners EASA – EU Commission – EU Parliament Means Our respective magazines and news letters EFLEVA Website ( ) Target Mailing National and International events and shows

11 Central structure National Entity National Entity National Entity
European Federation Central structure Board Technical Director Technical Officers Process Directives National Entity Experts Inspector National Entity Experts Inspector National Entity Experts Inspector National Entity Experts Inspector National Entity Experts Inspector National Entity Experts Inspector Structure proposal

12 European Federation The structure
EFLEVA is composed of a central entity and satellites The central entity groups the Executive Committee, Management Board, Technical Director, Technical Officers and elected Board members (number to be agreed) The satellites are represented in each country by the members organisation. They will provide to the Federation the Board Members, Technical Officers, Experts and Inspectors

13 European Federation The functions Central function Satellites
The Executive Committee propose the year working plan and budget implement the organisation structure Lead Communication aspects Relation with other European bodies Together with Technical Director and team Prepare the organisation manual in view of EASA agreement Issue procedures and directives Approve new aircraft design Survey the fleet : safety statistics Satellites Each national association Provide experts for the working groups and technical matters cover airworthiness aspects : New aircraft project supervision C of A , permit renewal Incidents – safety statistics

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