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Drug Testing: A Critical Clinical Tool

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1 Drug Testing: A Critical Clinical Tool
Kirk Moberg, MD, PhD, FASAM Executive Medical Director, Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine and Psychiatry & Behavioral Medicine University of Illinois College of Medicine Illinois Alcohol and other Drug Abuse Professional Certification, Inc. Itasca, IL March 22, 2017


3 Unfortunately Drug test results are often misinterpreted

4 Drug Tests do not detect
Impairment Addiction Diversion Physiologic Dependence

5 Pearl #1 Drug Tests detect

6 Pearl #1 Drug Tests detect
Recent Use

7 Pearl #2 You only get what you test for…

8 Goals of testing Discover if compounds are present that should not be.
Confirm that compounds are present that should be.

9 Pearl #3 Timing is everything
Intoxication Minutes to hours Impairment Under Influence Blood Minutes to days Oral fluid Urine Hours to days Sweat Weeks Hair Days to years

10 Pearl #4 Know your source

11 The question is: is the concentration in the body fluid in equilibrium with blood?

12 Oral fluids Pros Easy to collect Difficult to adulterate
Correlation between concentration and impairment Detects recent use Cons Saliva production rate variable Oral and smoked drugs contaminate saliva Narrow window of detection

13 Sweat Pros Noninvasive Relatively tamper proof
Long term monitoring (1-2 weeks) Criminal justice system Cons Variable rate in sweat production Total sweat production not known Accidental removal Possible environmental contamination Intersubject variability

14 Sweat can be used to detect
Ethanol Nicotine/Cotinine Morphine Amphetamine Methamphetamine PCP Methadone Cocaine

15 Hair Long time window Easy to collect Second collection capability
Noninvasive May not detect recent use Environmental contamination New science with few controlled studies

16 A drug test has two components

17 Immunoassay screens Antigen/Antibody reactions
If concentration of drug is above the cut off then the test is positive.

18 Pearl #5 Don’t Jump the Gun The Problem of False Positives and Negatives
Class specific false positives Forensic false positives False Negatives

19 Same class Opiates Morphine Codeine 6-monoacetyl-morphine Hydrocodone

20 Same class Amphetamines (not comprehensive) Amphetamine
Methamphetamine 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) 3,4-methylenedioxyethylamphetamine (MDEA) Selegiline Bupropion

21 Forensic false positive
Amphetamine/Methamphetamine Chloroquine Labetalol, propanolol Mexiletine, Ranitidine Trazodone LSD Amitriptyline Verapamil Chlorpromazine, thioridazine Doxepin Fluoxetine, sertraline Haloperidol Metoclopramide

22 Forensic false positives
Barbiturates Phenytoin Benzodiazepines Oxaprozin (Daypro®) Opiates Fluoroquinolones (ofloxacin, levofloxacin) Cannabinoids Pantoprazole (Protonix®) Efavirenz (Sustiva®) HIV medication Phencyclidine Venlafaxine (Effexor®) Dextromethorphan

23 Immunoassay screens Antigen: antibody reactions
Point of care Competitive type Sandwich type Reference labs Label Analyte Antibody

24 Point of Care Testing Competitive type: positive test will show one line Conjugate: colored particles labelled with target analyte Test line: antibodies to target analyte; unlabelled analyte will bind to test lineno color Control line: antibody to compound in matrix Urine flow Salt/sugar matrix

25 Sandwich method

26 Confirmation Discussion Further analysis

27 Further analysis: GC/MS or LC/MS
GC—separation MS—identification Cannabis metabolites

28 Output is quantitative
Dependent upon Exposure time Dose Frequency and pattern of use Not an indication of compliance

29 Pearl #6—Cutoffs (ng/mL)
Opiates—2000 Morphine—2000 Codeine—2000 6-acetylmorphine—10 6-AM—10 Amphetamines—500 Methamphetamine—250 (with amphetamine—100) Amphetamine, MDMA, MDA, MDEA—250 Phencyclidine—25 PCP—25 Benzoylecognine—150 BE—100 THC—50 THC—15

30 Cut-offs

31 Department of Transportation
Opiates Morphine Codeine 6-monoacetyl-morphine Amphetamines Amphetamine Methamphetamine MDA MDMA MDEA Cocaine Marijuana Phencyclidine

32 Opioids Opioid cutoff = 2000 ng/mL

33 Testing issues Restriction of testing Burden of proof
Morphine Codeine Heroin metabolite Burden of proof Borne by the MRO Cross reactivity and metabolites


35 Unique Burden of Proof: borne by MRO unless…
15,000 ng/mL morphine 6-monoacetyl morphine Clinical evidence of opiate abuse

36 4 reasons for positive urines (morphine/codeine)
Ingestion of poppy seeds (?) Use of codeine containing products Use of morphine containing products Use of heroin Hamantashen Mohn = poppy seed Tash = pocket

37 Yes, with regards to poppy seeds
Types of poppy seeds How prepared

38 There are bagels… and there are bagels
IF… Bagel has 1-2 tsp poppy seeds 12 bagels = 10 mg morphine

39 Desserts 3-4 slices = 10 mg morphine

40 What to do? Thebaine: poppy seed—yes heroin—no

41 A “typical” opiate screen
Morphine Codeine 6-monoacetyl-morphine Hydrocodone Oxycodone

42 Pearl #7 Know your lab

43 Stimulants


45 Other “caines” Lidocaine, Benzocaine, Mepivacaine
I just went to the dentist!

46 Cocaine in Tea Illegal in U.S. unless decocainized
Yerba mate (Uruguay & Argentina) vs. Coca mate (Argentina, Bolivia, Peru)

47 b-phenylethylamines 3,4 methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) amphetamine
3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) methamphetamine 3,4 methylenedioxyethylamphetamine (MDEA) b-phenylethylamines 3,4 methylenedioxyphenyl-2-butanamine (MBDB)

48 Issues in testing Metabolism of amphetamines Sterioisomers

49 Amphetamine testing Metabolism
Metabolism and elimination Orally: 30-54% methamphetamine; 10-23% amphetamine IV: 45% methamphetamine; 7% amphetamine

50 Amphetamine Testing Chirality

51 So what?!

52 Chirality Screening test Confirmatory test

53 Methylenedioxymethamphetamine MDMA

54 Synthetic cathinones (bath salts)
Ephedrone Mephedrone Methylone MDPV Valente et al., 2013

55 Methcathinone (ephedrone) metabolism
norephedrine cathine cathinone methcathinone ephedrine both methcathinone and ephedrine will cross react with methamphetamine on immunoassays

56 Cannabis 11 hydroxy THC

57 Issues Dronabinol (Marinol®) Creatinine correction Passive inhalation
Hemp oil, hempseed oil, hemp seed Marijuana used for medical conditions Synthetic cannabinoids

58 Dronabinol

59 Creatinine correction
Cannabis level at entry 193 Cannabis level one week later 234

60 Creatinine correction
Urine Creatinine concentration at entry: 193 Urine Creatinine concentration one week later: 288

61 Formula Cannabis at entry x normalized Cr/Cr at entry
= normalized cannabis 193 x 100/193 = 100 Cannabis one week later x normalized Cr/Cr one wk later 234 x 100/288 = 81

62 Pearl #8 Passive exposure
6 volunteers, 8x8x7 ft enclosed room exposed to 200 mg freebase cocaine vapor—all negative urines 3 marijuana non-smokers exposed to 8 smokers (32 joints) in a 10x10x8 enclosed room—all negative urines

63 There’s more…common theme
Cut off is 20 ng/mL by immunoassay DOT cutoff is 50 ng/mL

64 Legal status

65 Hemp oil and hemp seed

66 Sedatives Issues in Testing
Long half-lives

67 Detectability in Urine Sedatives
Barbiturates Ultra short acting (thiopental) 24 hours Short acting (secobarbital, butalbital) Intermediate acting (pentobarbital) 48-72 hours Long-acting (phenobarbital) 16 days or more Benzodiazepines Short acting (triazolam, alprazolam) Intermediate acting (temazepam, chlordiazepoxide) 40-80 hours Long-acting (diazepam) 7 days or more

68 Benzodiazepine metabolism
Nordiazepam = hours

69 Alcohol testing


71 Ethyl gluconoride (EtG)/ Ethyl sulfate (EtS)

72 Metabolic pathways



75 Sample contamination In vivo In vitro

76 Pearl #9 People do the darndest things

77 Case: Henry This is a 39 year old man with history of chronic pain to the right hip s/p MVA in He has had a THR that became infected and required 2 revisions. He reports pain management with OxyContin 40mg BID “down from 80” and occasional diazepam. On addiction interview, he says “I was in the service. I have never used drugs!” 77

78 Case: Henry, UDT 78

79 Case: Henry, UDT He states, “Your lab screwed up. It’s not my urine. I’ll do another test right now.” 79

80 Case: Henry, UDT 80

81 Examples of Metabolism of Opioids
Codeine Morphine 6-MAM* Heroin t½=25-30 min t½=3-5 min Hydrocodone Hydromorphone Oxycodone Oxymorphone Not comprehensive pathways, but may explain presence of apparently unprescribed drugs *6-MAM=6-monoacetylmorphine Gourlay DL, et al. Urine Drug Testing in Clinical Practice. The Art & Science of Patient Care. Ed

82 Benzodiazepine metabolism

83 Case: Henry, UDT “ OK, doc. I did use cocaine twice Once on Jan 1 and once on Feb 1. No other times.” 83

84 Hmm… What’s going on? What do you recommend?

85 Drug Test Quiz

86 Drug Screen Results Opioids present Fentanyl Morphine Naltrexone
Codeine Methadone Buprenorphine Hydrocodone Meperidine Oxycodone 6-monoacetyl-morphine Propoxyphene

87 Drug Screen Results Opioids present Fentanyl Morphine Naltrexone
Codeine Methadone Buprenorphine Hydrocodone Meperidine Oxycodone 6-monoacetyl-morphine Propoxyphene

88 Drug Test results 6-monoacetyl-morphine and morphine present

89 Drug Test results 6-monoacetyl-morphine and morphine present Heroin

90 Drug test results Morphine and quinine present

91 Drug test results Morphine and quinine present

92 Drug test results Morphine and quinine present

93 Drug Test results Large amounts of hydrocodone and oxycodone

94 Drug Test results Large amounts of hydrocodone and oxycodone

95 Drug Test results Less than 10% hydrocodone in a patient taking codeine

96 Drug Test results less than 10% hydrocodone in a patient taking codeine

97 Drug Test results less than 10% hydrocodone in a patient taking codeine
Morphine 6-MAM* Heroin t½=25-30 min t½=3-5 min Hydrocodone Hydromorphone Oxycodone Oxymorphone *6-MAM=6-monoacetylmorphine

98 Drug Test results Buprenorphine present

99 Drug Test results Buprenorphine present and nor-buprenorphine absent

100 Drug Test results Buprenorphine present and nor-buprenorphine absent

101 Drug Test results Your patient’s urine drug test shows benzoylecgonine is present. She says She received the medicine in the Emergency Department. Could this be true?

102 Drug Test results Your patient’s urine drug test shows benozylecgonine is present. She says she received the medicine in the Emergency Department. Could this be true? The American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery considers cocaine to be a valuable anesthetic and vasoconstricting agent when used as part of the treatment of a patient by a physician. No other single drug combines the anesthetic and vasoconstricting properties of cocaine. Position Statement—Medical Use of Cocaine

103 Drug Screen results Methamphetamine present in a patient treated for depression

104 Drug Screen results Methamphetamine present in a patient treated for depression

105 Drug Screen results A patient with Parkinson’s Disease has a UDS
which shows methamphetamine present

106 Drug Screen results A patient with Parkinson’s Disease has a UDS
which shows methamphetamine present

107 Drug Test results True or False
Synthetic cannabinoids will test positive for cannabis on the screen but not on the confirmation

108 Drug Test results True or False
Synthetic cannabinoids will test positive for cannabis on the screen but not on the confirmation

109 It is impossible to test for synthetic cannabinoids at this time
Drug Test results True or False It is impossible to test for synthetic cannabinoids at this time

110 It is impossible to test for synthetic cannabinoids at this time
Drug Test results True or False It is impossible to test for synthetic cannabinoids at this time

111 What assists in the drug test interpretation of urine in which cannabis and ethyl glucoronide are present?

112 What assists in the drug test interpretation of urine in which cannabis and ethyl glucoronide are present? Cut-offs

113 Drug Test results A physician is a patient in the Illinois Professional Health Program. He produces an observed urine sample. His urine shows the presence of no substances tested. However, epithelial cells are present in the urine.

114 Drug Test results A physician is a patient in the Illinois Professional Health Program. He produces an observed urine sample. His urine shows the presence of no substances tested. However, epithelial cells are present in the urine.

115 Additional info Microsomal enzyme system
Uridine diphosphate-glucurolyosyltransferase Sulfotransferase Fermentation issue Degradation issue 5:1 ratio Cut offs EtG 500 ng/mL EtS 100 ng/mL

116 Some final generalizations
Benzodiazepines can be easier to detect with current technology. The so-called “Z drugs” (zolpidem, etc.) are now detectable by new technology but only if requested. Some semi-synthetic (buprenorphine) and all synthetic (methadone, fentanyl) opioids will not cross react on a general opioid screen. Newer synthetics such as synthetic cannabinoids and synthetic cathinones may not show up on some panels and others will not show up on any.

117 Final Clinical Pearl The drug(s) most easily abused are the ones legitimately present in the urine.

118 Most importantly… A drug test is an ingredient, the interpreter is the chef.


120 Detectability in Urine Stimulants
Amphetamine 2-3 days Methamphetamine 48 hours MDMA 30-48 hours Cocaine 6-8 hours Benzoylecgonine (cocaine metabolite)

121 Detectability in Urine Sedatives
Barbiturates Ultra short acting (thiopental) 24 hours Short acting (secobarbital, butalbital) Intermediate acting (pentobarbital) 48-72 hours Long-acting (phenobarbital) 16 days or more Benzodiazepines Short acting (triazolam, alprazolam) Intermediate acting (temazepam, chlordiazepoxide) 40-80 hours Long-acting (diazepam) 7 days or more

122 Detectability in Urine Opioids
Methadone (maintenance dosing) 7-9 days Codeine/morphine 24 hours 6-monoacetyl morphine 2-4 hours Morphine glucuronides 48 hours Codeine glucuronides 3 days Propoxyphene/Norpropoxyphene 6-48 hours Dihydrocodeine Buprenorphine 48-56 hours Buprenorphine conjugates 7 days

123 Detectability in Urine Cannabinoids
Single Use 3 days Moderate Use 4 days Heavy Use (daily) 10 days Chronic Heavy Use Up to 36 days

124 Detectability in Urine Others
Methaqualone 7 days or more PCP 8 days LSD 24 hours Nicotine 12 hours Cotinine (Nicotine metabolite) 2-3 days

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