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Association of National Stakeholders in Traffic Safety Education (ANSTSE) Technical Assistance to States for Novice Teen Driver Education and Training.

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Presentation on theme: "Association of National Stakeholders in Traffic Safety Education (ANSTSE) Technical Assistance to States for Novice Teen Driver Education and Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Association of National Stakeholders in Traffic Safety Education (ANSTSE)
Technical Assistance to States for Novice Teen Driver Education and Training Administrative Standards

2 Presentation Topics ANSTSE What is Technical Assistance?
Technical Assistance in Conjunction with a NHTSA State Assessment Requesting Technical Assistance Technical Assistance Process Types of Technical Assistance Examples of Technical Assistance States who have Conducted Technical Assistance Contact Information

3 Association of National Stakeholders in Traffic Safety Education ANSTSE
Formed as a result of the Administrative Standards project initiated by NHTSA Volunteers representing National Associations Premise of voluntary consensus-seeking partnerships that identify and advocate areas of common ground for the improvement of traffic safety education in America

4 ANSTSE/NTDETAS Technical Assistance
State driver education programs can request technical assistance from ANSTSE, at no cost to the state, to assist with adopting and implementing the standards and to make improvements in driver education. For more information visit

5 Technical Assistance in Conjunction with a NHTSA State Assessment
Provide preliminary analysis of the States driver education program. State may use funds to conduct a NHTSA Assessment/Peer Review. Provide post analysis technical assistance to assist with implementing the recommendations.

6 Requesting Technical Assistance
Requested by sending a formal letter to Brett Robinson, Highway Safety Services, LLC from the State indicating: The goals of the technical assistance Areas to concentrate on: Program administration, Education and training, Instructor training, Parent involvement; Coordination with driver licensing

7 Technical Assistance Process
A conference call will be conducted with the state to determine what type of technical assistance is needed and what areas need to be reviewed. HSS and ANSTSE Chair and Vice-Chair will determine individuals in providing technical assistance.

8 Offsite Technical Assistance
Can provide assistance remotely. Can refer States or individuals to Association members or driver education experts in the field. Can provide resources and documents. Can conduct webinars and conference calls.

9 Onsite Technical Assistance
Two ANSTSE members or HSS Staff/ consultants will be assigned to travel to the state to meet with state officials. They will provide guidance and assistance on implementing the standards and improving driver education. Travel expenses will be covered for the ANSTSE members or HSS Staff.

10 Onsite Technical Assistance
The meeting will be approximately ½ days in length. The first two days will be to meet with the state officials and the half day will be a report out on the recommendations provided by the technical assistance team.

11 Onsite Technical Assistance
Technical Assistance Team Members include:

12 Technical Assistance Report
A report will be provided to the State within 30 days detailing the visit or assistance. The report will consist of: Overview of visit. Recommendations for the state. Additional assistance needed. Actions the State will undertake to implement the recommendations.

13 Examples of Technical Assistance
Preliminary Analysis – prior to a NHTSA assessment Analyzing State statutes and rules governing novice driver education standards to understand the State’s current status and where the State meets, exceeds, or does not meet the NTDETAS.

14 Examples of Technical Assistance
Reviewing two or three of the following areas: Program Administration (state oversight); Education/Training (novice driver classroom and in-car instruction); Instructor Qualifications (including instructor training); Parent/Guardian Involvement (including state GDL supervised driving hours); and Coordination with Driver Licensing (learner’s license, intermediate license, full license).

15 Examples of Technical Assistance
Post Analysis – provided after conducting a NHTSA State Assessment. Determining how the State may implement the Administrative Standards. Determining how the State may implement the Administrative Standards without the need to adopt statutes and/or rules. Determining how to establish short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals in implementing the Administrative Standards.

16 Examples of Technical Assistance
Post Analysis continued Determining funding potential from federal, State and tuition sources for driver education programs. Providing samples of recent student programs for classroom and behind the wheel from other States and organizations. Providing an update on the recent work of ANSTSE in the areas of delivery standards, instructor development and on-line training.

17 States Who Have Conducted Technical Assistance to Date
Delaware (2013) – offsite New York (May 2014) – onsite North Carolina (July 2014) – onsite Idaho (September 2014) – onsite Michigan (July 2015 – present) – offsite North Dakota (December 2015) – onsite Illinois (January 2016) – onsite Missouri (June 2016) – onsite Currently discussing TA with New Jersey

18 Contact for Technical Assistance
Brett Robinson Association Secretariat Highway Safety Services, LLC 1434 Trim Tree Road Indiana, PA 15701 Phone: (724) Fax: (724)

19 Questions ?

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