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Jessica Pense, Andrew Wells, Kathryn Hall

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1 Jessica Pense, Andrew Wells, Kathryn Hall
GR Training Jessica Pense, Andrew Wells, Kathryn Hall

2 Overview Philosophy Educational process
Student development and success

3 Philosophy Housing mission Office of student conduct
Comfortable, affordable, & Secure Academic Success and personal growth Office of student conduct Enhance the learning environment by: Educating about rights and responsibilities Fair and educational process Opportunities for learning and development Outreach services

4 Where does conduct fit in?
Academic success Development and growth Comfortable Affordable Safe Impacts all areas of your role examples

5 Student development Having an impact Cognitive Psycho-social

6 Training and Development
JA – August 18-22

7 SDSC Office • Creswell Hall (North) • 706.542.8191
Housing Conduct Staff Keener Scott, Associate Director for Staff Development and Student Conduct Kathryn Hall, Senior Coordinator for Staff Development and Student Conduct Andrew Wells, Doctoral Intern for Student Conduct SDSC Office • Creswell Hall (North) •

8 Code of Conduct Defines the University’s expectations for behavior & outlines the conduct process when alleged violations occur

9 Community Guide Defines University Housing’s expectations for behavior within the residence halls and informs students that they will be referred through the conduct process when alleged violations of housing policies occur

10 Conduct Review Board The Conduct Review Board (CRB) is the peer level conduct hearing body for University Housing at the University of Georgia CRB is responsible for hearing conduct cases involving alleged housing policy violations from each of the nine campus residential living communities. Each student invited to a Conduct Review Conference has a right to have their case heard by CRB. The primary purpose of the CRB is to educate residents about residence hall policies while encouraging students to consider what it means to be responsible members of their residence hall community and be accountable for their actions. CRB members determine whether or not a violation of University Housing policies has occurred and deliberate appropriate educational sanctions. CRB enables residents to have a voice in their community.

11 Conduct Record vs. Housing Policy Record
Is retained by the OSC for 5 years after the last date of enrollment Will show up on a Dean Certification Housing Record Is retained by University Housing for 5 years after the last date of enrollment Will not show up on a Dean Certification

12 Housing Policy Review Incident is documented
Documentation is entered into Judicial Action Area/Senior Coordinator reviews incident documentation Area /Senior Coordinator determines if a housing policy may have been violated Area/Senior Coordinator assigns a conduct officer (AC, SC, RHD or GR) to meet with the student(s) – Conduct Review Conference (CRC) Student is notified of the meeting and possible housing policy violation by a Notice to Appear (NTA) letter Student arranges meeting (Conduct Review Conference – CRC)

13 Housing Policy Review During the Conduct Review Conference (CRC), the conduct officer shares documented information with the student and provides the student with the opportunity to share information about the incident If the conduct officer does not find enough information to move forward with the housing policy charges the case is resolved through No Action and the student will receive a Not in Violation letter If the conduct officer finds enough information to move forward with any of the alleged policy violations, the case is resolved during a Conduct Review Conference (CRC) or sent to Conduct Review Board (CRB) If the student accepts responsibility for the policy violation, then a Notice of Decision is issued to resolve the case The student may request their case be heard by the Conduct Review Board (CRB) or the conduct officer may decide to send the case to the CRB.

14 CRC Protocols Designed to guide Conduct Review Conferences
CRC Protocol will be stored on the staff website Review these carefully, send Kathryn Hall or Andrew Wells any questions or concerns Follow CRC protocol consistently Should have received these in an on yesterday

15 Training and Supervision for GRs
All GRs are eligible to meet with student for CRCs; only 2nd-year GRs are eligible to hear UCR cases. GRs will be assigned CRC cases in their duty area. To serve as Case Officers for Housing Community Guide violations, GRs must first observe 2 CRC meetings held by an AC/SC/RHD, and must in turn be observed by an AC while conducting a CRC To serve as Case Officers for University Conduct violations, GRs must meet the same training expectations as those set for RHDs Ideally, GRs will meet these requirements early in the Fall semester so they can contribute to the management of CRC cases throughout the year, as well as develop their conduct management skills

16 Training Requirements
for Graduate Staff Conduct Case (2nd year Graduate staff only): Observe 2 conduct meetings (1 with AC/SC & 1 with Jessica Pense) & be observed by AC/SC or Jessica Pense in 1st conduct meeting CRC Case: Observe 1 CRC with AC/SC/RHD& be observed by AC/SC/RHD in 1st CRC meeting

17 Possible Sanctions, Student judiciary,
Questions? Possible Sanctions, Student judiciary, Different Violations, Graphics, formal vs informal resolutions, student driven educational, min. sanctions, off camp0us violations, alcohol sanctioning, walk them through a situation and/or meeting

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