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Component updates, SSS-OSCAR Releases, API Discussions, External Users, and SciDAC Phase 2 Al Geist January 25-26, 2005 Washington DC.

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Presentation on theme: "Component updates, SSS-OSCAR Releases, API Discussions, External Users, and SciDAC Phase 2 Al Geist January 25-26, 2005 Washington DC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Component updates, SSS-OSCAR Releases, API Discussions, External Users, and SciDAC Phase 2
Al Geist January 25-26, 2005 Washington DC

2 Scalable Systems Software
ORNL ANL LBNL PNNL SNL LANL Ames IBM Cray Intel SGI NCSA PSC SDSC Participating Organizations Problem Resource Management Accounting & user mgmt System Build & Configure Job management Monitoring Computer centers use incompatible, ad hoc set of systems tools Present tools are not designed to scale to multi-Teraflop systems Goals Collectively (with industry) define standard interfaces between systems components for interoperability Create scalable, standardized management tools for efficiently running our large computing centers To learn more visit

3 Participating Organizations
Coordinator: Al Geist Participating Organizations ORNL ANL LBNL PNNL SNL LANL Ames NCSA PSC IBM SGI Cray Intel Running suite at ANL, and Ames Running components at PNNL Maui w/ SSS API (3000/mo), Moab (Amazon, Ford, TeraGrid, …) How do we position ourselves with respect to the - National Leadership-class facility? NLCF is a partnership between ORNL (Cray), ANL (BG), PNNL (cluster) - NERSC and NSF centers

4 Goals for This Meeting Updates on the Integrated Software Suite components Preparing for next SSS-OSCAR software suite release quarterly releases this year Planning for SciDAC phase 2 – whitepaper and meeting with MICS director Results of Scalability tests Warehouse Discussion of Less Restrictive Syntax

5 Scalable Systems Software Suite
Any Updates to this diagram? Grid Interfaces Components written in any mixture of C, C++, Java, Perl, and Python can be integrated into the Scalable Systems Software Suite Meta Scheduler Meta Monitor Meta Manager Meta Services Accounting Scheduler System & Job Monitor Node State Manager Service Directory Standard XML interfaces Node Configuration & Build Manager authentication communication Event Manager Allocation Management Usage Reports Process Manager SSS-OSCAR Job Queue Manager Validation & Testing Hardware Infrastructure Manager Checkpoint / Restart

6 Highlights of Last Meeting (Aug. 26-27 at ANL)
Details in Main project notebook FastOS presentations - SNL, ORNL, ANL, LBL, and LANL Discussed what they proposed and how SSS can help. SC04 Suite Release – version 1.0. What do we show/demo at SC? API Discussions - Less Restrictive Syntax introduced SSSRMAP version 3 described. Discussion of – accomplishments, the need to get our software on large clusters, priorities for wrapping up project.

7 Since Last Meeting “Hackerfest” meeting to prepare release 1.0
October 6-8 at ORNL SC04 SSS posters and demos Ames, ANL, LBL, PNNL Telecoms Every Tuesday - Resource Management group Every other Thursday – Process Management group New entries in Electronic Notebooks Five notebooks provide a dynamic SSS web site Over 360 pages of ideas, APIs, and meeting notes

8 Major Topics for This Meeting
Latest news on the Software Suite components Preparing for third SSS-OSCAR software suite release Planning for SciDAC phase 2 and meeting with MICS director February 17 whitepaper all day meeting with 1 ½ hour for SSS Presentation of System and Job Monitor API Presentation of Less Restrictive Syntax Vote on Process Manager API Also discuss getting our components out on large clusters Are components robust enough to use at NLCF or NERSC? Ssslib version with RMAP Fred asks if we can incorporate NWPerf, and OTP security

9 Agenda – January 25 8:00 Continental Breakfast
8:30 Al Geist - Project Status 9:00 Fred Johnson - MICS report, next steps in scidac 9:30 Scott Jackson - Resource Management components 10:30 Break 11:00 Will Mclendon - Validation and Testing 12:00 Lunch (on own in hotel) 1:30 Paul Hargrove Process Management and Monitoring 2:30 Narayan Desai - Node Build, Configure 3:30 Break 4:00 Craig Stefan - "Warehouse" system monitoring package 5:00 Rusty Lusk – Present Less Restrictive Syntax, 5:30 Adjourn for dinner

10 Agenda – January 26 8:00 Continental Breakfast
8:30 Thomas Naughton - Preparing for next SSS OSCAR software release 9:00 Rusty - discussion and vote on Process Manager API 9:30 incorporating NWperf into SSS suite 10:00 Group discussion of whitepaper, closure of this project, and ideas for what to propose next. 10:30 Break 11:00 Discussion - finalizing the Whitepaper, Meeting with Mike Strayer in February 17, SciDAC PI Meeting in June (invited to give poster), Set next meeting date: May in SanFran or ANL 12:00 Meeting Ends

11 CS ISIC Presentations February 17
Presentations will be made to head of SciDAC by all four CS ISICS One hour presentation followed by 30 minutes for discussion Each will also prepare a whitepaper Outline What are the System Software challenges for SciDAC Goals of project standardized and flexible API modular architecture (portable across HW) scalable reference implementation Highlights (include impact) XML based API independent of language and protocol (ssslib) architecture that allows plug and play (SD, EM, meatball) suite releases (SSS-OSCAR, integrated components) production users (ANL, Ames, PNNL, NCSA?, others?) adoption of API by existing products (Maui, Moab) Future CS ISIC ideas National Leadership Computing facility (Cray, IBM BG, SGI, clusters) FastOS (discussions from last meeting) Cray software roadmap (Al and Rusty attending from SSS) 1 page 2 pages 1 page

12 High-End science problem Unified Computing Environment
SciDAC Science teams Capability Platform Ultrascale Hardware Rainer, Blue Gene, Red Storm HW teams Research team High-End science problem Tuned code Computational Science Teams Software & Libs SW teams Breakthrough Science Unified Computing Environment Common look&feel across diverse HW

13 Meeting notes Al Geist – presents project overview and goals for this meeting Fred – what’s going on in MICS. President’s FY06 budget out in couple weeks. $80B going to the war – budgets going to be tight rest of decade SciDAC and CS base program are not going to be impacted (they avoid the otherwise 10% cut across the board) Viz and data management taken over by Fred in MICS office Recruiting second Math PM in MICS office to help Gary Ed Oliver is being replaced this summer. New Secretary of Energy SciDAC PI mtg: Late June in San Francisco (URL) Much broader – emphasis on science Math ISICs held get together to discuss SciDAC++ in December And generated common whitepaper for Strayer who has Math interest CS ISIC he has broader view. What Is going in the ISICs Up to 4 people per ISIC will meet in building 3 blocks from HQ Issues: first round scidac got Math ISICs and CS ISICs Should scidac++ have a more blended ISICs, we have 5 yrs experience Whitepaper 2-5 pages written to Michael who is advocate for SciDAC Vision, progress, success/impact, gaps/opportunities

14 Meeting notes What is the vision changes in scidac++
Petascale systems, blended ISICs, gaps that you (Fred) see Haven’t sat down and asked What are the scientific goals yet SciDAC++ Call in early October CS gaps – SDM understanding gigantic data sets (viz and analysis) - should viz be a part of scidac++ ? Common viz infrastructure needed? PERC ongoing emphasis on understanding scidac app performance SSS understand what happens with and without system software how to handle SGI (NUMA) if it matters first 5 yr lot of infrastructure build up – what next step Getting vendor buy in, plus Linux cluster strategy CCA transition of apps, what is rate of adoption SciDAC is a layered approach. Math and CS working with apps teams ISICs initial impact from math side of house, CS would take longer We have had time so now how do we help? In future we will have Large Heterogeneous systems across DOE Parallel File system research do we need to add to scidac++ ?

15 Meeting notes Compute plateform in scidac-1 was singular NERSC IBM.
SciDAC++ this will be much more challenging, heterogeneous How much integration SSS can help with? Incl. File system Portability and Common software base/environment on DOE systems To Strayer - Site wants to use PBS-pro how to do this with SSS Lines of code in SSS, RAS strategy, HPSS support, data migration Number of daemons (scalability) and any kernel mods? Security and NWPerf are two things to consider for SSS

16 Meeting notes Scott Jackson – Resource Management components
Python based SSSRMAP SDK almost finished – need integrate w/ other SDK Craig initial efforts on SSSRMAP integration into ssslib General evidence of adoption and value of SSS components Bamboo – supports chkpt/restart, PBS/Loadleverler syntax Gold –production use on multiple PNL systems incl TF cluster dozens of downloads, began discussions with DOD HPCMP Maui – support for chkpt, enhanced prioritization, throttling, and QOS installed on 2,500 clusters, downloaded 100,000 running more supercomputers than any other in world 17 of top 20 and 75 of top 100 in top 500 list.

17 Meeting notes Scott Jackson – Resource Management components (cont)
Full support for SSSRMAP v3 Gold improvements over Qbank, improved robustness Added support for SQLite embedded database (fast as postgress) New reservation design Maui has added buffer overflow prevention for security Silver – metascheduler also called Grid scheduler using SSS job object and message communication protocols. Available for release 3 months Handles cross site data staging, grid fairness, multi-cluster job allocation MCOM common library between Maui and Silver Future work Portability testing – Linux (Red Hat fading out) Fedora, Sosa, AIX, Tru-64, OS-X Fault Tolerance supporting 25% cluster loss Multisite authentication and authorization Future work focused on Silver development

18 Meeting notes Will McClendon – Validation and Testing
Mostly doing bug fixing on current release v0.2.5 Test driver tool for testing software – ordered tests and API tests APItest is now in SSS-OSCAR v1.0 Finishing up User Guide Gives overview of APItest and screenshots Future work Being able to diff files Configuration file Add more SSS component tests He gives a short demo Ron Oldfield – setting up SSS integrated test suites Hired contractor full time this month to durability and performance tests He presents talk on “Lightweight File System Project” w/ Lee Ward, himself Risk mitigation for red storm FS (Lustre) Initial focus on secure storage architecture (not a FS) – nice work here. Describes this project Lee Ward knows the answer but can’t express it Barney Mcabe knows the answer but it is wrong.

19 Meeting notes Paul Hargrove – Process Management components
Checkpoint Manager – BLCR status Handles Files if unmodified between checkpoint and restart, or only appended between, or pipes between processes. MPI if LAM/MPI7.x over tcp and GM including migratable task if OpenMPI since it will inherit LAM/MPI support if ChaMPIon/Pro (Verari) Platforms IA32 only using (future x86_64 but no plans for IA64) Linux Stock 2.4.x, SuSE , RedHat7.2-9, RHEL3/CentOS3.1 2.6.x port in process (FC2 & SuSE 9.2) Future work Cover process groups and sessions Handle directories and mutable files SSS integration chpt manager works w/ Bamboo, Maui, MPDPM upgrade API to LRS Process manager being hardened and converted to LRS preparation for BG/L (one full rack)

20 Meeting notes Craig – Warehouse components
Starting to monitor does not wait for all connections to finish Connection and monitoring thread pools are independent Future need to add “full reset” Any component can be restarted no longer depends on start order. Testing Ran on Platinum cluster at NCSA on 120 nodes Infinite Itanium cluster (128 processors) T2 cluster (Dell Xeon 500+ nodes) xtorc warehouse test did autodiscovery of new clients David Boxer, RA, doing main programming on warehouse. IBM hired him. Future Work API to Node State Manager Intelligent error handling

21 Meeting notes Narayan Desai – Build configure components
Conversion to LRS is in process – not trivial BG/L arrived – will run SSS software but there are some issues Single process/node, no direct TCP support, RAS interface unusual, allocation granularity must be 2^n Compute node OS is reloaded for each job (like Scyld model) Chiba RM (scheduler, QM, allocation manager) used as-is New implementation of PM – system partitioning, BG/L kernel loading, PMI implementation New configuration management components different diagnostic model Craig Stefan – New Warehouse information storehouse Node info list and Resource Consumers Goes over a couple examples New protocol design and sender DONE Protocol parser NOT DONE

22 Meeting notes Rusty Lusk – Less Restrictive Syntax
Best of both words. See notes from last meeting on discussion of Two families of syntax. Command language in XML that: Identify a set of objects, specification of function, construct response Desirable features – completeness, validation, readability, conciseness Goes over example of differences between RS and LRS Goes over the BNF (detailed normal form) Then goes over several examples of LRS. Much more readable. LSF needs a better name. Suggestion by Paul to call it “S5” Thomas Naughton – SSS OSCAR V1.0 release Nov 04 with all SSS components represented. Preparing v1.1 release for Feb 15 – still oscar3.0 based Shift to oscar4.1 in v1.2 release in 2Q 2005 Future: extend SSS component tests, improve documentation, ordering Longer term – support more Linux types, make it an OSCAR “package set” Release dates this year (v1.2 Fedora core2 May 15), Aug 15, v2.0 SC05

23 Meeting notes Rusty Lusk – Process Manager API and vote
Goes over the spec as written in the Process Manager Notebook Functionality start/stop process groups, query state of job, deliver signals. Uses Less Restrictive Syntax for its five commands CreateProcessGroup GetProcessGroup SignalProcessGroup KillProcessGroup WaitProcessGroup Datatypes: ProcessGroup and ProcessGroupSpecification Events: start of job and end of job Go through some examples w/ discussion Vote to accept Process Manager API Yes No Abstain-0 Al Geist – CS gaps for the whitepaper Unified Software Environment across diverse systems including development (interactive) environment Other gaps are I/O, Fault tolerance, and security

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