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Reception Curriculum Meeting
The seven areas of learning
The foundation stage curriculum is split into seven areas of learning: Personal, Social and Emotional development Communication and Language Physical Development Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design
The seven areas of learning are then split into a further 17 Aspects:
PERSONAL, SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT is split into: Making Relationships Self Confidence and Self Awareness Managing Feelings and Behaviours COMMUNICATION AND LANGUAGE is split into: Listening and Attention Understanding Speaking PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT is split into: Moving and Handling Health and Self Care LITERACY is split into: Reading Writing The 17 Aspects
The 17 Aspects MATHEMATICS is split into: Number
Shape, Space and Measure UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD is split into: People and Communities The World Technology EXPRESSIVE ARTS AND DESIGN is split into: Exploring and using Media and Materials Being Imaginative The 17 Aspects
The Early Years Curriculum is developed around developmental age bands that set the expectations for typical child development. A document called “ What to expect When” helps you to understand the expectations for children in Reception At the beginning of Reception, children should be working within the months developmental age band Some children may still be working at the end of the 30-50months developmental age band By the end of the Reception Year, the children need to be confident with all of the skills in the 40-60months developmental age band to reach the Early Learning Goal for each area of learning These skills must be done independently by the children without the need for adult support The 17 Aspects
By the end of the year the children are expected to achieve something called the Good Level of Development This means that they must achieve the Early Learning Goal in the areas of: Personal, Social, Emotional Development Communication and Language Physical Development Literacy Mathematics to achieve the Good level of development expected by the end of the Reception Year. The 17 Aspects
By the end of the Reception Year, practitioners will need to make a decision about your child.
The practitioners will have to describe your child as one of the following: emerging - which means they haven’t met the Early Learning Goals required just yet expected – which means they have reached all of the Early Learning Goals required to gain the good level of development exceeding – which means they have reached all of the Early Learning Goals and are now working towards the Year 1 curriculum. The 17 Aspects
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
To develop your child’s confidence and resilience To develop your child’s independence To help your child to learn to manage their feelings and to be sensitive to those of others To develop your child’s social skills – taking turns, sharing To help your child to share their ideas and also to listen to the ideas of others around them To be able to resolve conflicts with their peers by themselves, developing solutions
To understand and actively show that they are following the rules, routines and behavioural expectations in Reception
Physical Development To develop fine and gross motor skills, using a range of large and small equipment To handle tools with basic control and understand how to use them safely To help children to develop a sense of space around themselves and others To understand and be able to talk about the importance of being healthy To demonstrate skills when throwing, catching and kicking balls
Physical Development To handle equipment and tools with increasing control including pencils for writing To ensure letters formed are recognisable and correctly formed To take risks and show an understanding of safety
Communication and Language
To help your child to become a child that is ready for learning – developing their attitude/excitement/love for learning To teach your child to listen to stories and to talk about these, sharing their ideas about these, answering questions about these To help develop your child’s understanding so that they can follow instructions To help your child to both answer and ask questions To develop children’s speaking and language skills
Communication and Language
To help children create and tell their own stories To help children to talk about events in the past, present and future tenses To be able to have a dialogue/conversation, listening to the ideas of others and responding accordingly To encourage the children to talk in full sentences
Literacy – Reading To continue a rhyming string
To help your child to hear initial sounds in words To understand that print carries meaning To help your child to put the sounds in words together for reading To help your child read many familiar words To help your child to read and understand simple sentences To read tricky words e.g. to, the, you To show an understanding of what they have read
Literacy – Writing To be able to give meaning to marks and drawings
To be able to use identifiable letters for meaning To be able to hear initial sounds in words To be able to hear sounds in words To be able to represent sounds correctly in writing To write simple words To write their name To be able to write labels and captions
Literacy – Writing To be able to write simple sentences that are phonetically plausible that can be read by themselves and others Exceeding: To be able to write short narratives/stories
Mathematics To help your child to count forwards and backwards to and from 20 To be able to count objects with 1:1 correspondence To help your child to understand the value of a number – 3 – 3 teddy bears, 3 shells, number 3 on a bus To help your child to understand the language of more and less To help your child to be able to recognise numbers to 20 and to be able to put these in order To say what number is one more/less than a number to 20 To be able to add and subtract with numbers to 9
Mathematics To help your child understand the concepts of:
sharing – snap cards/fruit salad halving – making sandwiches doubling Exceeding: Counting in 2s, 5s, 10s
Mathematics To recognise 2D shapes – circle, square, rectangle (Oblong), triangle, diamond, semi-circle and to be able to talk about the properties of these To recognise 3D shapes – cuboid, cube, sphere, pyramid, prism Using language relating to size: bigger, smaller, smallest, biggest Using language relating to weight: heavier, lighter, heaviest, lightest Using language relating to position: next to, behind, in front of, under, over Using language relating to money: pennies and pounds
Understanding the World
To help your child to learn about the beliefs and celebrations of different children e.g. Eid, Christmas, Diwali, Chinese New Year, Jehovahs Witnesses To help your child to develop the respect and to be aware of the differences between themselves and their friends and to be able to talk about these To help your child to learn to explore their natural environment, gaining an understanding of where they live To help your children to talk about animals, plants, minibeasts and bird To help your child to understand the cause and effect of communication and technology
Understanding the World
To help your child to explore using different types of technology
Expressive Arts and Design
To help your child to sing songs, make music and dance and to change these and make up their own To help your child to explore playing different musical instruments To help children to explore using different materials tools and techniques e.g. painting, collage, paper mache, sculpting To help your child to explore colour, design and form and to get messy, exploring different textures To help your child to be reflective in their learning
Expressive Arts and Design
To help your child to represent their ideas in design, art, music, dance, imaginary play and story creation. To help your child to select colours for a purpose To help your child to create clear representations To help your child to develop their imaginary play skills To help your child to build and to think about the features of what they are building
Tapestry During your child’s year in Reception we will be collecting observations on your child This will help us to build a picture of where your child is developmentally in terms of their learning We will then be able to support your child to extend their learning further and to support them in areas that they might need more support in All of these magical moments will be captured online and you will be able to see these moments on your phones/ipads/laptops
Tapestry We will be able to communicate with all parents on a 1:1 basis through this online program. Please do leave us comments/questions and we will respond to them If your child needs help in any areas, we will also advise you on this If your are still unable to gain access to the program, please do let us know – please do check junk folders though as well as inboxes
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