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Magazine rationale By Sebastian Amaya

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1 Magazine rationale By Sebastian Amaya

2 Magazine genre For my media studies class I will have to create a front cover, contents page and double page spread for a music magazine. The genre that my magazine will cover is Hip Hop/ R&B. I have chosen this genre because these are two genres of music that I enjoy listening to. This means that I may be able to include some of my own knowledge and understanding of these genres in the production of my own front cover allowing me to create an effective cover. This will also mean that I will put more effort and work into this magazine cover because it is of two genres that I prefer which means that I will be more focused and dedicated when it comes to the work.

3 Target audience The target audience for my magazine cover will be teenagers and young adults ranging from the ages of 16 years to about 26 years of age. I think that this is the appropriate age range for my magazine cover because I think that this is the range of ages that mostly listen to Hip Hop and R&B I have also started the age range at 16 because Hip Hop is a very raw and emotional way of expression for the artists meaning that there is a lot of swearing which I think may be inappropriate for younger views which would mean that i would have to censor many things if i was aiming the magazine at the younger audiences. The age range ends at 26 because I think that Hip Hop more that R&B does not really appeal to people above this age maybe because of the amount of foul language and discrimination included in some songs. My target audience will be interested obviously in Hip Hop and R&B music but they will also be interested in finding out about the artists and other things related to these genres of music.

4 Title??? THE URBAN GRIND I have chosen this title for many different reasons: Firstly I have chosen this name for my magazine because I think that it relates directly to the genres of music that my magazine consists of. The Hip Hop and R&B scene is very URBAN as Hip Hop originates from the Bronx, New York City. This is why I thought that the word urban would be appropriate for the title of my magazine. I have also chosen the word GRIND: I have chosen this word because it has created its origin within the Hip Hop music scene. To be on the GRIND means to work hard and HUSTLE meaning to make money , which is what many artists within this genre focus on. Grinding is also a form of dancing which is done to Hip Hop and R&B music having further relevance to my magazine cover.

5 Masthead experimentation
These are a few examples of fonts that I may use for my front cover. Later on I will scan in a few hand drawn ideas.

6 Focal image for my front cover
I have a few ideas for the focal image for my front cover. I think that I will be taking a picture of someone who shows interest in the genres of my magazine. I think that i will have to focus greatly on the clothing used by the model because clothes can depict the type of music that someone listens to very easily. In the Hip Hop scene the use of long t-shirts, jeans, jumper and a long chain is very common however recently the SWAGGA (Clothing worn) has changed the nerdy look seems to be in fashion so I might use this look for the covers model. I think that if I chose the clothing and the way that the model is portrayed i can capture the interest of potential buyers. They are beginning to dress slightly smarter and I use the term lightly. Therefore this is one of the aspects that I will have to focus greatly on when it comes to the model for the main image. I would also like for the focal image to be aimed at the wider audiences not just appeal to a specific gender or ethnicity. I will have to find a way to achieve this. I am going to say that the model in the focal image is an up coming artist in the Hip Hop and R&B scene meaning that i will have to portray this person in the most effective way possible, making him/her look good.

7 Photography I could use a Low angle shot like the one seen to the right. A low angle shot portrays power, authority and dominance which could suggest that the up coming artist (model) will have a BIG impact on the Hip Hop and R&B scene. I could also use a mid shot will allow the viewers to asses the models assets. This may allow the viewers to familiarize themselves with the model more than say a close up would allow them to. However, a close up shot will allow me to show the viewers the main focus of the magazine. This is something I want as the model will be the main focus as an up coming artist. A close up could also be used to say that all eyes are on this new up coming artist to see if he/she succeed or fail.

8 Mise-en-scene Location
I think that for my cover i will not be using an actual location in the image such as park class room etc. However, if along the way I come across a location which fits in with the style of the up coming artist then I will consider it, but for the time being i think that I will use a plain background for my front cover. Clothing As I mentioned earlier on the clothing will play a big part in the portrayal of the model and must fit in with the genres of the magazine. As I said I might be going for the nerdy look which seems to be what is in fashion which consists of the thick glasses and maybe the long chain, however I am still undecided on this. Also because I do not have access to props such as clothing I will have to pick a model who already dresses in this manor. Use if colour I would like to have a plain simple background, however I also thought that I would use a contrasting colours to the colour of the models clothes because I thought that this would make the model stand out against the background. Similarly, I could also use colours that coordinate with the colour of what the model is wearing to give the magazine a more uniform look.

9 Sell Lines Sell lines that i may use:
Other articles within the magazine. Mention big Hip Hop and R&B starts. This will draw the consumer in as they will want to know more about them Competitions- this will entice the consumers to want to buy the magazine because the stand the chance of winning a competition. This may be things such as Win tickets to a concert Win a chain as seen on Win exclusive goodies from Reviews of Hip Hop and R&B CD’s- this will also entice consumers because they will want to know what the magazines reviewer thought of new released CD’s which could alter the consumers desire to purchase the CD’s and save them some money.

10 Contents page This may include:
A list of what is in the magazine followed by page numbers A montage of images within the magazine together with the page they will be found on. List of featured writers/interviewers List of features artists included in the magazine

11 Double page spread From the beginning i wanted the double page spread to consist of an interview with the upcoming artist featured on the front cover. This will consist of some questions asked by me and answered by the artist allowing the viewers to get to know this new artists and learn what make him/she tick. I may also include the artist’s opinion on current events within the Hip Hop and R&B scene which will further allow the reader to familiarize themselves with this new artist . I would also like to include a montage of images or a photo shoot of different images of the artist in different posses and in different clothing, which is what many magazines do for their main article. However, if i don not choose to go with this then i have other options. I could possible review a new CD just recently released. I could also review concerts or Hip Hop and R&B related shows etc.

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