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Meat, Chicken & Fish.

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1 Meat, Chicken & Fish

2 Meat Includes: Beef Veal Pork- Usually tender cuts from young animals

3 Marbling The flecks of fat in the meat muscle tissue
Contributes to moisture & flavor of the meat

4 Selecting Inspection & Grading is done by the USDA 3 Grades:
Prime (Expensive) Choice (Most common) Select (Used in frozen meals) Grades are based on: Marbling Animal’s age at time of slaughter Texture of meat Appearance


6 Storage Must be stored in the refrigerator ASAP
Store uncooked meat below cooked/fresh foods to avoid cross contamination of juices Look for meat with a bright red color (fresh) that is not slimy or have “off” odors (indicating spoiling)

7 Nutrition Excellent source of iron Ground round is the lowest in fat
High in protein Good source of zinc, phosphorus & B vitamins Saturated fat is found in all animals

8 Preparing Meat After cutting: Wash & sanitize knife and cutting board!!! Check internal temperature to see if meat is done (should be F)

9 Dry Heat – used for tender cuts
Broiling, Grilling & Roasting Broiling & grilling meats 3-4 in. from heat for best result Moist Heat – used for tough cuts Moisture helps tough cuts become tender enough for eating (avoiding “hard to chew” meals) Slow cooker, Microwave & Tenderizing methods Tenderizing “Grinding” process that breaks down the elastin in tough meat fibers Simmering & braising involve tenderizing

10 Poultry Includes: Chicken Turkey Duck Goose

11 Selecting Inspection/Grading is done by the USDA
Grade A is the most common and means the bird is “practically” free from defects

12 Storage Store fresh poultry in the refrigerator wrapped no more than 2-3 days, freeze immediately if you know you will not use in that timeframe Boneless strips will cook fastest because they are typically small and thin Avoid poultry with off color and odors Thaw IN refrigerator to keep bacteria out

13 Nutrition Boneless, skinless chicken breast is lowest in fat
Fat is located in the skin of birds Older birds contain more fat and dark meat Protein Iron Calcium B vitamins

14 Preparing Pink flesh is HARMLESS if completely cooked
A chemical reaction causes the pink color Moist Heat: Stewing & Microwaving Stewing (crockpot) is a good cooking method for large older chickens Tenderizing: same as with meat

15 Dry Heat – Roasting, Grilling & Broiling
Wash the bird Stuff loosely just before cooking (if stuffing at all) Thermometer must be placed in the THICKEST part of the thigh for a correct reading Done when thermometer reaches appropriate temperature ( F) Roasting in bag = shorter cooking time

16 Fish Includes: Finfish Shellfish Lean fish (white fish)
Fat fish (salmon) Shellfish Crustaceans (lobster, crab & shrimp) Mollusks (oysters, clams & scallops)

17 Selecting Fresh fish have bright, bulging eyes
“Deveined” – shrimp without an intestinal tract Fresh finfish have red gills & live in fresh or saltwater (ex. Flounder) Filet = one side of fish without the backbone

18 Storing Fresh fish should be consumed within 1-2 days
Spoilage fish has a STRONG fish odor (overpowering) Fish can be frozen up to 6 months Thaw in the refrigerator

19 Nutrition Low in saturated fat High in omega 3 fats Good brain food
Good for the heart B Vitamins Iron Protein

20 Preparing Fish are VERY tender because they have little connective tissue to hold them together Cook very quickly using any dry cooking method (grill, boil, roast) Not suitable for moist cooking- fish will completely break apart

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