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Cont… We were sad to hear recently that our landlord in Nepal wants his property back, so we need to find a new house and move pretty soon. Would you pray.

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Presentation on theme: "Cont… We were sad to hear recently that our landlord in Nepal wants his property back, so we need to find a new house and move pretty soon. Would you pray."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cont… We were sad to hear recently that our landlord in Nepal wants his property back, so we need to find a new house and move pretty soon. Would you pray too for God's provision there? Thank you for praying. Love Debbie and Chris Come and join the cell group team! On Wednesday evenings in term time a great bunch of young people from across our local churches gather at the Methodist Centre to explore faith, hang out and generally have a good time! We're looking for adults to come alongside them and support them in small groups as they chat and think about faith. If you'd like to find out more, please contact Hannah Dey or Ben Cordy Thanks, Hannah Free Board Games Day Sat 1st October. Drop in, 10am-8pm at Stainbeck Church, Stainbeck Rd Choice of games or bring your own Age guideline 8+ Includes Bring and Buy, plus Refreshments Information: James Spearing , Kairos Training 10 Session course: 25 Sep-27th Nov, Sunday evenings 6-30pm-9.15pm at Harehills Lane Baptist Church. Course fee £60 “The Bible tells us God's heart is for all people, from every nation. Kairos Course unpacks this in the light of scripture, history and what God is doing today. It will help you explore how you can reflect God's heart for the nations in your situation.” To register please Set up in October – Mark Riches house group Set up in November - Lis Farquhar Please note that we are not allowed to use the equipment in the lower playground and that any children playing there must be supervised by an adult. Thank you! SUNDAY 25th September 2016 Today Stuart Esplin will be leading our worship. After the break Simon will be speaking to us on Luke Welcome to Chapel A THIS COMING WEEK Tuesdays at 11am in the church office - a short prayer meeting with the staff and whoever would like to pray for Chapel A. Housegroups generally meet on Monday, Tuesday and alternate Thursday evenings. Please see notice board in corridor. Tuesdays - Totally Tuesday for Years 5-7, pm in Chapel All. Methodist Hall. Wednesday – WOW youth group for Years 8+ in Chapel Allerton Methodist Hall. Please contact Hannah Dey on or about any of our usual groups for young people. Prayer Space We appreciate that praying privately and confidentially can be difficult in church particularly as often people are clearing away at the end of the service. If you would like to chat and pray in private there is a small room on the main school corridor that you can use.  There should be a sign indicating which room it is so please feel free to use it.  Likewise, if you would like someone to pray with you, Simon, Robin or one of the leadership team would be more than happy to. Prayer Request Debbie and Chris have been in contact to ask for prayer regarding their visa and accommodation. Below is an extract from the they sent. Dear Friends We've written recently to explain the difficulties we have been having with getting our visa to return to Nepal. You may recall that we're staying with friends in France whilst we wait for confirmation that we can return to Nepal. It's now more than 6 weeks since we should have returned. Please would you pray with us that the final documents would be signed off by the government? Send newsletter notices and news to or phone the church office on Thursday is the cut-off for any notices for that Sunday’s news-sheet. Our new office address is First Floor, 126 Harrogate Rd, Chapel Allerton, Leeds LS7 4NZ. The ministers of the church are Simon Hall ( ) and Robin Thomson ( ).

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