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The NeCTAR Research Cloud: An Open Platform for Research Computing

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1 The NeCTAR Research Cloud: An Open Platform for Research Computing
National eResearch Collaboration Tools and Resources NeCTAR is supported by the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy to establish eResearch infrastructure in partnership with Australian research institutions, organisations and research communities. The University of Melbourne has been appointed as the Lead Agent, Objectives: to enhance research collaboration through the development of eResearch infrastructure.

2 Australian eResearch Infrastructure
NCRIS eResearch Investments (Super Science): Shared Data: Australian National Data Service (ANDS) AU$48M Research Apps, Collaboration, Cloud NeCTAR AU$47M Data Storage Research Data Storage Infrastructure (RDSI) AU$50M High Performance Computing National Computational Initiative (NCI) AU$50M Pawsey Centre AU$80M Networks National Research Network (NRN) AU$37M

3 eResearch Infrastructure Compute Data Networks Tools
Use new tools, apps, work remotely and collaborate in the cloud NeCTAR Do computational modeling, complete data analysis, visualize results NCI Pawsey Keep data and observations, describe, collect, share, find, and re-use them ANDS RDSI eResearch Infrastructure Compute Data Networks Tools Generate new theories using data at scales previously inconceivable Understand mechanisms impossible to observe or experiment with directly Undertake novel research studies more extensive than ever before

4 The NeCTAR Research Cloud…
A world first… The NeCTAR Research Cloud is a partnership between 8 institutions and research organisation’s who are deploying and operating Australia’s first federated research cloud. University of Melbourne National Computation Infrastructure (NCI) Monash University Queensland CyberInfrastructure Foundation (QCIF) eResearch SA (eRSA) University of Tasmania Intersect, NSW iVEC, WA The value of building our own cloud - embedded, integrated and co-located with significant research and eresearch infrastructure - the data sources - future growth may be a mixture of embedded capacity and commercial partners - on-shore data hosting and processing

5 NeCTAR - Research Cloud - Why???
A platform for innovation… Reducing barriers to rapid deployment and wide sharing of research apps and services….. Hosting research applications in the cloud… A robust, scalable platform for research apps Supporting cross-institution collaborative access Computational resource … complementing HPC A computational infrastructure for many computation needs Cost effective and scalable for many classes of computation

6 A single, federated infrastructure
An OpenStack based cloud infrastructure A single cloud deployed across 8 host organisations Implemented using OpenStack Cells So, with the middlew are all strung to a central API endpoint, how different can nodes look?

7 Leveraging OpenStack Developments
OpenStack global industry & international innovation 40% annual growth rate, $883M est. market revenue 2014 “Kilo” version - 1,500 contributors from 169 companies 6,000 at OpenStack Summit (May 2015 in Vancouver) Enterprises using – eBay, PayPal, WalMart, Comcast, Time-Warner Cable, Yahoo, Adobe, Amex, GoDaddy, Sony Others – CERN, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab, CLIMB (bioinformatics – UK) Each OpenStack release brings new features and improved reliability And some problems too….

8 Any researcher, anywhere…
NeCTAR Research Cloud… Supporting Australian researcher needs Supporting researchers at scale Over 7,500 research users since January 2012 34,000 CPU cores available Low barriers to access: Dashboard login with University username and password Australian Access Federation Small resource allocations available on demand. Any researcher, anywhere… The value of building our own cloud - embedded, integrated and co-located with significant research and eresearch infrastructure - the data sources - future growth may be a mixture of embedded capacity and commercial partners - on-shore data hosting and processing

9 Supporting the breadth of Australian research

10 Supporting Research at Scale
Self Service infrastructure - scalable “Any Researcher, Any Where, Any time” - any timezone Allocations to Australian researchers Small resources available on-demand (project trials) 2 vCPU cores over 3 months 4600 project trials current: 30% have active machines now 25% go on to apply for a larger project allocation 1225 full allocations approved, 500 last 12 months, 54 research organisations GLENN

11 Plant Energy Biology – On the Cloud
Lead: University of Western Australia Plant Energy Biology – On the Cloud Plant Energy Biology Centre of Excellence – Building collaboration on the Cloud. Researchers study how plants capture energy from sunlight, how they store that energy, and how they use that energy to grow and develop. Researchers are hosting collaborations with the Max Planck Institute and the Beijing Genomics Institute – on the NeCTAR Research Cloud. “NeCTAR makes it much easier, much faster. It means more collaborations — projects that would have just been too hard to go ahead.” Professor Ian Small, Director, Laureate Fellow, West Australian Scientist of the Year.

12 Centre of Excellence for Particle Physics
Use NeCTAR Research Cloud for: Local cluster, ATLAS, Belle2 Configuration: Scientific Linux 6 (SL6), Puppet controlled Active instance booted from a working snapshot different snapshot for each use case Snapshot regularly updated with package updates PBS/Torque for Local and Belle2. Condor for ATLAS Storage: CVMFS for experimental software Ephemeral disk used for CVMFS scratch and TMPDIR Local cluster mounts NFS home and data directories VMs started based on queued jobs by: Dynamic Cluster (Local and Belle2) Cloud Scheduler (Condor) (ATLAS) Thanks to Sean Crosby and Lucien Boland

13 NeCTAR Virtual Laboratories
Formed around engaged Research Communities… Collaboratively creating collaborative infrastructure Exemplars for sector adoption of capability Building on existing research capabilities Instruments and Data, Compute and Tools, Modelling, Analytics Integrating access to national and institutional research infrastructure: Research Facilities, Instruments, Laboratories, Collections, Applications, Sensor networks, Repositories, Data, Computing, Remote Access, Research Workflows Supporting research workflows Automating and sharing research methodologies Across institutional and discipline boundaries Adding value to existing infrastructure and investments

14 Genomics Virtual Laboratory - GVL
Lead: University of Queensland Genomics Virtual Laboratory - GVL Easy access to Genomics tools and resources for Australian biologists. The Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre is using the GVL in the NeCTAR Research Cloud, allowing researchers to collaborate easily and to access their data no matter where they are. “This is the best exemplar of this kind of platform in the world… Genomics capability for the masses." Associate Professor Andrew Lonie, Head of the Life Sciences Computation Centre at VLSCI.

15 Biodiversity and Climate Change VL
Lead: Griffith University Biodiversity and Climate Change VL Simplifies biodiversity-climate change modelling. The Virtual Laboratory accelerates biodiversity modelling, allowing researchers to integrate, analyse and model across large disparate datasets quickly and easily. “BCCVL decreases the time to complete biodiversity and climate analysis from 2 months to 5 minutes, supporting new applications in research, government and industry.“ Professor Brendan Mackay, Director, Griffith Climate Change Response Program

16 Characterisation Virtual Laboratory - CVL
Lead: Griffith University Characterisation Virtual Laboratory - CVL Integrating Australia’s key research imaging instruments with data and analysis tools on the cloud. Building collaborative analysis workbenches in the cloud for neuroscience, structural biology, cryo-EM and X-ray science. “The CVL project is leading the effort to move science data analysis to the cloud and provide a more flexible and more powerful research environment.“ Dr Anna Ceguerra, University of Sydney

17 Marine Virtual Laboratory - MARVL
Lead: University of Tasmania Marine Virtual Laboratory - MARVL Ocean observations and modelling to improve planning for marine and coastal environments. Ian Coghlan is studying coastal erosion. MARVL saves him 3 months effort to access local data, wave model simulations and computing resources. “MARVL enables you to start thinking about your problem sooner.” Dr Roger Proctor, Director e-Marine Information Infrastructure Facility.

18 NeCTAR Virtual Laboratories
Climate and Weather Science Laboratory – Bureau of Meteorology Integrated environment for climate and weather science modelling and data Genomics Virtual Lab – University of Melbourne Easy access to Genomics tools and resources for Australian biologists. Endocrine Genomics Virtual Lab – University of Melbourne Statistical power for clinical research Marine Virtual Lab – University of Tasmania Ocean observations and modelling to improve planning for marine and coastal environments. All Sky Virtual Observatory – Astronomy Australia Limited Theoretical and observational astronomy data, simulations and tools accessible from your desktop Biodiversity and Climate Change Virtual Lab – Griffith University Simplifies biodiversity-climate change modelling. Humanities Network Infrastructure - HuNI– Deakin University Integrating 28 of Australia’s most important cultural datasets Characterisation Virtual Lab – Monash University Integrating Australia’s key research imaging instruments with data and analysis tools on the cloud. Geophysics Virtual Lab – CSIRO Easy access to geophysics workflows, simulations and datasets. Human Communications Sciences – Alveo – U Western Sydney Studying speech, language, text, and music on a larger scale Industrial Ecology Virtual Laboratory – Sydney University Supporting comprehensive environmental carbon footprinting and sustainability assessments Also funded 16 Research Tools projects across broad research disciplines and domains. More details at:

19 Further funding through NCRIS
National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy Additional funding for NeCTAR operations $9.4M through to June 2015 $3.4M Virtual Lab Support, $6M Research Cloud $4.9M through to June 2016 $2.3M Virtual Lab Support, $2.3M Research Cloud Objectives (NCRIS) Continued operation and development of Research Cloud infrastructure Support operations of Virtual Labs infrastructure aligned with national investments Increased focus on improved operations GLENN Currently NeCTAR is in a phase of work that improves and continues the operations of eResearch Infrastructure, and supports the ongoing operations of Virtual Labs. There are still 2 main components to the program, the Research Cloud which will incorporate the National Server Program and the Virtual Labs. 2 components to the program Cloud Research software

20 Many changes (under the hood)
2015 Q1 delivered Allocation system improvements Federated change control process, monitoring, common tools repository Icehouse version upgrades at all nodes, Juno at core services 2015 Q2 Additional Virtual Machine Flavours - thin VMs, memory, compute optimised etc. Volume storage quotas Object storage federation Juno version upgrades at all nodes – major stability improvements (Growing turnover of technical staff to industry) 2015 Q3 & Q4 Advanced networking services (stages 1 & 2) Compute quotas by node Improved orchestration (Heat) & apps catalogue (Murano) User VM metrics Kilo version upgrades

21 Delivering new features
Delivering advanced cloud services - OpenStack Advanced Networking (SDN) – OpenStack Neutron Database as a Service – Openstack Trove Filesystem as a Service – OpenStack Manilla Application Catalogue – Openstack Murano Managed services and applications Computing Cluster as a Service – eResearch SA and NCI Hadoop as a Service – Pawsey Centre

22 Future Directions– Research Community Clouds?
Partnering with Research-domain focussed national infrastructure investments (NCRIS): Co-plan and co-deliver e-infrastructure with research infrastructure Leveraging a common underpinning hybrid cloud infrastructure

23 Future Directions… International Collaboration
Broadening the partnership Technical interoperation with international research cloud infrastructures – eg. EGI, OSG, Compute Canada, … Benefits of common approaches, shared solutions Reducing barriers to international research collaboration (interoperability) Also interest from the region – Japan, Malaysia, Korea, … Supporting research community driven international collaboration NeCTAR Virtual Laboratories -> EGI communities, VREs. Eg. Genomics Virtual Lab (and BioPlatforms Australia) -> Elixir Characterisation Virtual Lab <-> Human Brain Project Biodiversity VL (and TERN) -> LifeWatch … and many more potential opportunities

24 Thank you

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