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Consider! Can a person’s circumstances cause them to behave in a bizarre manner? Can repression or severe restrictions upon one’s life cause mental.

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Presentation on theme: "Consider! Can a person’s circumstances cause them to behave in a bizarre manner? Can repression or severe restrictions upon one’s life cause mental."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consider! Can a person’s circumstances cause them to behave in a bizarre manner? Can repression or severe restrictions upon one’s life cause mental instability?

2 By William Faulkner Gothic Tale
A Rose for Emily By William Faulkner Gothic Tale

3 Setting Tip: The setting will help you understand characters’ behavior because of the values and beliefs of the time period. A Rose for Emily: Post Civil War, small town in the deep south of the US.

4 Their House

5 Traditions Higher class did not mingle with those considered beneath them. Social status was important so proper behavior was expected at all times. Male-dominated society: A women’s value and respect came from having a husband and family.

6 Miss Emily-Pay attention to the following:
Character Analysis Miss Emily-Pay attention to the following: Motives Behavior Motivation

7 Let’s Read

8 Comprehension Questions
1. What conflict drew the community to call upon Miss Emily? Upon refusing to speak with them, what was the first conflict that drew the community to Miss Emily thirty years before? 3. How does she behave after her father died? After her boyfriend supposedly left? 4. Why did Emily not date when her father was alive? 5. What did the community think of the Griersons? 6. Why was Emily without family? 7. Who is Homer Barron and why did he not want to marry Emily? 8. What happened to Barron? 9. Upon her death, what was found in her house?

9 Cause Effect Result Family’s Snobbery Barron’s Rejection
Overprotective Father: No suitor worthy of his daughter Emily was denied a future with a husband and family as her chances slimmed with age. Family’s Snobbery Societal Expectations Barron’s Rejection Mentally Unstable Aunt

10 Writing Prompt- 1st Essay Focus
Miss Emily is odd character that draws the reader to feel sympathy for her lonely plight. She displays characteristics that hint at mental issues. Analyze Emily’s character to explain her odd nature and mental instability. Be sure to consider her father’s treatment and the effects of her family’s snobbery.

11 MLA Heading


13 Guidelines for Essay Needs to be typed Double-spaced
12 inch Font (Black) Must have heading on left-hand side Must have title centered MUST BE PRINTED PLAGIARISM

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