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Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy : How to Avoid Complications

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Presentation on theme: "Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy : How to Avoid Complications"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy : How to Avoid Complications
굿모닝대홍병원 이선칠

2 Complications after S.H
Improper use of SH can lead to complications which include bleeding, urinary retention, stenosis, and thrombosis.

3 Tech Coloproctol (2012) Immediated (within 1 week) complications of stapled hemorrhoidectomy reported for 1107 patients treated in a 2-year period

4 Tech Coloproctol (2012) Late complications of stapled hemorrhoidectomy reported for patients treated in a 2-year period

5 Major Septic Complications
Pelvic sepsis Intra-abdominal sepsis Fournier gangrene Rectovaginal fistula Rectal perforation : Related to technical errors inappropriate placement of purse-string (too deep or to cephalad in the rectum) Full thickness rectal anastomosis Dis Colon Rectum (2007)

6 Complications after S.H
Literature review of complications after S.H in Korea

7 Post-operative pain Causes
Staple line level(too close to the dentate line) Inclusion of muscle fibers 그 외, narrow anal canal , excessive sphincter tone, staple dehiscence, mucosal injury, thrombosis.

8 Smooth Muscle Including

9 Smooth Muscle Including

10 Early post operative bleeding (within 24hr)
* Causes Staples did not achieve proper hemostasis Too much folded mucosa in the staple Taking larger bites of the mucosa in to the purse-string

11 Late post operative bleeding (after 24hr)
Causes Suture line dehiscence, infection, necrosis.

12 Treatment of postoperative bleeding
① . Bed rest and supportive treatment ② . Anal packing ( Foley catheter, Gauze) ③ . Injection of Epinephrine ④ . Suture ligation

13 술 후 출혈을 예방하기 위한 Tips Pre Operative 1. 혈전용해제 복용유무 확인 2. 출혈에 영향을 주는 질환들
: Hemophila, DM, Hypertension, Liver cirrhosis, Leukemia 3. Prophylatic antibiotics

14 술 후 출혈을 예방하기 위한 Tips Intra operative
1. Purse-string suture시 mucosa and submucosa layer만 균일하게 6~8 stitches 2. SH firing 하기 전, 후 적어도 15초 이상 기다린다. 3. 수술시 Electrocautery 사용은 조심스럽게. : 나중 delayed local tissue necrosis 야기, 심하면 retroperitoneal sepsis 4. Pumping artery : Suture ligation Oozing : Compression or Electrocautery 5. 지혈제 사용. (Spongostan, Gelform, FloSeal, etc.)

15 술 후 출혈을 예방하기 위한 Tips Post operative
1. Antibiotics (Metronidazole, Cefa.) 2. Stool softening, 과도한 strain 금지.

16 Urinary Retention Etiology - higher spinal anesthesia level of C.H.
- BPH in male, urinary bladder disorder in old female Incidence - In Korea : 9.4%(4 – 20%) urinary retention + catheterization

17 Rectal Stenosis / stricture
Causes : residual sphincter hypertonia scar tissue retration In Korea 0.9% (0 – 3.2%) Management: Finger & Hega dilatation in OPD Surgical intervention Prevention Post-op. 3-4weeks : distal rectal exam if, ring-like diaphragm : finger fracture & dilatation 수술 시 staple line이 anal verge에서 항상 4cm 정도 되도록 한다

18 Postoperative Anal incontinence
No complete anal incontinence after S.H Self-limiting Causes : Temporary sphincter dysfunction Dilation with anoscope Post-operative tissue edema Reduction in anal sensation Prevention Avoidance of over-stretching of internal sphincter

19 Recurrence Two major technical concerns
Misapplication of purse-string suture (either too higher, too deep, or too superficial) 2. Inadequate control of the amount of rectal mucosa and submucosa to be excised double or spiral purse-string suture Higher recurrence of prolapsing hemorrhoids incomplete mucosal resection in grade Ⅳ volume of prolapsed tissue exceeds the volume of the stapler casing

20 Chang Gung Med J (2010)

21 * Complication (출혈, 협착으로 수술한 경우)
In my clinic * Complication (출혈, 협착으로 수술한 경우)



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