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R Williams Stourport Health Centre

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1 R Williams Stourport Health Centre
TSH monitoring audit 2015/16 R Williams Stourport Health Centre

2 Introduction TSH monitoring no longer in QOF for 2015/16
Reporting mechanism less robust as consequence System on diary entry for TSH recall implemented but not being fully used by all clinical staff Significant event June 2015 – reminder not in place for pt on thyroxine – repeat blood test not done and operation cancelled as result

3 Initial audit July 2015 Search of clinic system – patients overdue TSH on thyroxine 30 patients overdue bloods by 12/12 + 10 had no reminder Reminders added and recalls arranged for those patients

4 Follow up cycle August 2015 More detailed audit of TSH monitoring
391 patients on thyroid hormones (script 4/12) 388 thyroxine 3 liothyronine 40 patients overdue TSH (12/12 +)

5 40 overdue patients Only 2 had no reminder – both new patients – notes not yet summarised Of 38 with reminder 28 done within past 13 months and therefore being called this month Remainder all called several times – clear trail on system

6 Improvement from previous results
As follow on audit – all 391 records check to ensure reminder on 33 additional patients on thryoxine with no reminder

7 33 patients with no reminder
8 had wrong reminder code (although should have been called) 6 patients had only recently started thyroxine – although reminder should still have been added

8 Repeat audit cycle Mar 2016 Following introduction of more robust recall system and reporting mechanism a further audit of TSH reminders was carried out 408 patients were taking thyroxine All patients on thyroxine had a reminder 17 patients were overdue

9 Overdue patients Mar 16 17 patients 2 done in sec care
5 due this month or next – and called 1 palliative 4 new patients – notes not received but reminders still added for all 5 patients overdue – 3 very overdue – all had been called regularly and the 3 very overdue patients had flags on notes

10 Discussion Removal of monitoring from QOF creates clinical risk as monitoring systems less robust Creation of new system effective 100% had reminders on system Small number of patients overdue – all appropriately managed Continue to monitor system but appears robust

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