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Chapter Seven The Media and Politics.

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1 Chapter Seven The Media and Politics

2 Where Do We Get Our Information?
Where do you get your news? Newspapers and magazines Television and radio (television most common) Internet and social media Friends and family Almost 2/3 of adults follow up on information gathered from family and friends. Can you think of other factors that effect our thoughts about political candidates?

3 Print Media: Newspapers and Magazines
Newspaper  television Newsmagazines: often times more insightful than newspapers. Texas Observer, Texas Monthly Print media is an important source of political information More space to cover stories in more detail. Major source of news for the elite Largest gatherers of news More objected, vetted for accuracy

4 Electronic Media: Radio and Television
99% of American homes have a radio. In Texas, there are 950 stations, almost double the number of news papers. Do you listen to the radio? Talk radio and news based radio has increased over the past years. FCC and the Fairness Doctrine Are you influenced by the things you hear on the radio and television alone?

5 Digital Media: The Internet and Social Media
Boom of internet and social media came in Can you think of your first social media experience? Today, news websites and blogs are becoming more and more prominent. What is the difference between social media, news website and a blog?

6 The Media’s Roles in Politics
Providing Information Maintaining Democracy The Partisan Past Professionalism and Democracy Investigative Journalism Scandals and the Media Setting the Public Agenda Shaping Our Views Attack Ads Priming and Framing

7 Campaigns and Citizen Participation
Campaigns and Traditional Media Digital Campaigning Citizen Participation in the Digital Age

8 Bias and Regulation Media Bias and the News
Regulation of Print and Broadcast Media Internet Regulation Net neutrality State and Local Regulation Shield law

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