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Ch. 5 The Integumentary System

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1 Ch. 5 The Integumentary System

2 Terms to fill out prior to class
Keratinocytes & functions Melanocytes & functions How many and name sub-layers of epidermis Which sub-layers of epidermis contain living cells Which sub-layer does mitosis Which sub-layer is only in palms and soles

3 I. Integumentary System
Skin = Cutaneous Membrane Includes Skin derivatives

4 A. Epidermis Tissue = # layers– depending on location
1. Cells of Epidermis Keratinocytes: Melanocytes: Dendritic (Langerhans’) cells – function = Tactile (Merkel) cells or Merkel Discs: Attached to: Function: Intercellular junctions:

5 2. Layers of the Epidermis: a) Stratum basale (basal layer)
Location: Age of cells: Mitosis: Cells Present: Keratinocytes Melanocytes Merkel Disc Figure 5.2b

6 b) Stratum spinosum (Prickle layer)
Appearance: Cells present: Keratinocytes Extensions of Meloanocytes Langerhans’ cells numerous Figure 5.2b

7 c) Stratum granulosum (Granular layer)
Thin: keratinocytes: Granules: keratin Keratohyaline: Glycolipid: Figure 5.2b

8 d) Stratum lucidum (Clear Layer)
Alive? A few rows Contains clear protein Location: Function Function: barrier to water Figure 5.2b

9 e) Stratum Corneum (Horny Layer)
Location: Thickness: Functions include: Waterproofing Protection: Keratinized = Cornified Replaced: Shed everyday and Figure 5.2b

10 3. Skin Color Melanin – pigment of skin color
Produced by: Basic Color: Also affected by: Amount depends upon: Function:

11 Skin Color can indicate Homeostatic Imbalance STUDENTS DO
Cyanosis (blue) Redness Pallor Jaundice Bruises

12 5.1 … C. Dermis ‘hide’ (leather)
Overall Components Fibers: Cells: Vessels: Nerves Accessory structures Overall Functions:

13 1. Dermis: 2 layers a) Papillary layer Location Tissue Dermal papillae
Capillary loops Mesiners Corpuscles: Merkel Discs: Sensory Nerve Endings: Fingerprints: Epidermal Pegs Fingerprints: Reticular Layer Dermal Papillae

14 b) Reticular layer Location Tissue Blood vessels Sweat and oil glands
1. Dermis: 2 layers … b) Reticular layer Location Tissue Blood vessels Sweat and oil glands Pacinian Corpuscles: Sensory Nerve Endings

15 c) Hypodermis (subcutaneous layer)
Tissue: blood vessels: storage site for: Other functions:

16 II. Accessory Structures of the Skin

17 5.2 Accessory Structures … A. Hair and Hair Follicles
a) Composition: b) Color: c) Hair Parts: Hair shaft – Hair root – 2. Hair Follicle = epidermis that lowered into dermis Figure 4.7c

18 b) End Portion = Hair Bulb Hair Root Plexus:
2. Hair Follicle … a) Wall: 3 layers b) End Portion = Hair Bulb Hair Root Plexus: Hair Matrix: Mitotic cells produce: Hard Keratin c) Hair papilla – vascularized dermal CT Function 3. Arrector pili – NEXT SLIDE  Hair Matrix is like stratum basale Figure 5.5c

19 3. Arrector pili … Function =


21 III. Accessory Structures
A. Nails– made of Function Sweat Glands Sudoriferous Glands Excretion Method: 1. Merocrine (Eccrine) Open onto skin surface, most common locations Function: Locations: palms, soles of feet, forehead Function: Thermoregulation

22 A  axillary  hair puberty  get big larger one
C. Sweat Glands … 2. Apocrine Larger (Lab Model) Deepest in dermis Associated with: Location: Odor: Activated at: Function A  axillary  hair puberty  get big larger one

23 3. Sweat and Its Function Composition 99%: Salts, vitamin C,
Dermicidin = Some metabolic waste pH 4-6 usually Function heat waste Inhibits For Apocrine: Dermicidin = protein

24 C. Sebaceous Glands – usu. empty into hair follicles
Produce oil – Location Method of secretion activated at: Functions Lubricant: brittle hair Kills:

25 Plugged sebaceous gland = PIMPLE! Acne = plugged oil glands
C. Sebaceous Glands … Problems with Plugged sebaceous gland = PIMPLE! Acne = plugged oil glands

26 III Functions of the Integumentary System
Protection – Cutaneous sensation: Thermoregulation: Vitamin D Synthesis: Excretion: Objective: Describe the functions of the skin and the structures that enable them.

27 IV. Diseases, Disorders, and Injuries to skin
A. Injuries  Burns = damage from: 1. Results of Severe Burns = Immediate Threat fluid electrolyte Kidneys: Circulatory Shock Infections Later Infections: 2. Rule of 9’s:

28 3. Severity of Burns First-degree burns Layer: Appearance: Healing:
Second-degree burns Layers: Third-degree burns

29 4. Critical Burns: 2nd Degree: > 3rd Degree: > OR 3°burns to:

30 B. Disease  Skin Cancer CANCER =
Basal cell carcinoma Layer: Danger: Prevalence: Squamous cell carcinoma Malignant melanoma Often develop from a:

31 Contributing Factors & Detection
Is there such a thing as a Safe Tan? DETECTION– ABCD Rule: detecting malignant melanoma A = Asymmetry B = Border irregularity C = Color D = Diameter E = Elevation

32 END

33 Review Questions 6. The stratum _______ of the epidermis is responsible for producing every other layer of the epidermis and the stratum ________ is composed of dead cells filled with keratin.

34 Dermis …

35 Review Question 2. Describe 2 ways the skin helps to moderate body temperature.

36 Review Questions 3a. Ultimately, all epidermal cells including hair and nail cells come from the __________ layer of the epidermis. 3b. What layer of the skin delivers nutrients to the above mentioned epidermal layer? 2a. Stratum basale 2b. dermis or papillary layer

37 Less than 25% 2° = nope, but jumping fires still not recommended
Review Questions 4a. Uncle John tries to jump over a camp fire and trips and falls into the fire. He receives 2nd degree burns to the front and back of his left leg, but not his feet. What percentage of his body is burned? 4b. Are the burns critical? 9% anterior + 9% posterior = 18% Less than 25% 2° = nope, but jumping fires still not recommended

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