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Muscles of the Leg.

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Presentation on theme: "Muscles of the Leg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Muscles of the Leg

2 Anterior Compartment Tibialis anterior muscle
Extensor hallucis longus muscle Extensor digitorum longus muscle Fibularis (peroneus) tertius muscle All supplied by the deep fibular nerve

3 Tibialis anterior muscle

4 L4, L5 DF Inversion

5 Extensor Hallucis Longus muscle

6 L5, S1 Extends big toe Assists dorsiflexion of ankle Weak ankle inversion

7 Extensor Digitorum Longus muscle

8 L5, S1 Extends lateral four toes Ankle dorsiflexion Everts the foot at the subtalar joints


10 Fibularis tertius muscle
Not seen in all people L5,s1 Ankle eversion at subtalar joint DF of foot at ankle joint

11 Lateral Compartment Muscles
Fibularis longus muscle Fibularis brevis muscle Both innervated by the superficial fibular nerve, L5, S1, Both have actions of: Plantar flexion of ankle Eversion of ankle

12 Fibularis longus muscle
Common fibular nerve Superficial fibular nerve


14 Fibularis brevis muscle

15 Posterior Leg Muscles Which nerve? Superficial posterior muscles
Gastrocnemius muscle Soleus muscle Plantaris muscle Deep posterior muscles Popliteus muscle Flexor digitorum longus muscle Flexor hallucis longus muscle Tibialis posterior muscle

16 Gastrocnemius muscle

17 S1, S2 PF ankle Flexes leg at knee Inverts the foot at the subtalar joints

18 Soleus muscle

19 S1, S2 PF ankle Postural muscle Inverts the foot at the subtalar joints

20 Plantaris muscle

21 S1, S2 Weak PF Weak knee flexion Inverts the foot at the subtalar joints

22 Popliteus muscle

23 L4, L5, S1 Flexes knee Medially rotates the leg at the knee in open chain Laterally rotates the femur at the knee in closed chain

24 Flexor digitorum longus muscle

25 Assists inversion of the foot at the subtalar joints
L5, S1, S2 Flexes lateral 4 toes Primarily distal phalanx PF ankle Assists inversion of the foot at the subtalar joints

26 Flexor hallucis longus muscle

27 L5, S1, S2 Flexes distal phalanx of big toe PF ankle Inversion of foot at subtalar joints

28 Note relationship of FDL and FHL

29 Tibialis posterior muscle

30 L4, L5 PF Inverts foot Supports arch of foot

31 Muscle Hints Tibialis *** muscles Fibularis *** muscle Common action:
Common spinal level: Fibularis *** muscle

32 Superficial Post. Comp. muscles
All Anterior and Lateral compartment muscles EXCEPT for Tibialis ant. muscle Common Spinal level: Superficial Post. Comp. muscles Common spinal level:

33 Toe flexor muscles Popliteus muscle Common spinal level
Common actions: Popliteus muscle Spinal levels:

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