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NAEH Preconference Session July 17, :00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

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Presentation on theme: "NAEH Preconference Session July 17, :00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m."— Presentation transcript:

1 NAEH Preconference Session July 17, 2017 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Revising and Strengthening the Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness NAEH Preconference Session July 17, 2017 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

2 Agenda Welcome, Purpose, and Introductions
Refresher Course on Current Federal Strategic Plan and Currently Identified Priorities for Strengthening the Plan Input on Qualities and Essential Elements of Effective Strategic Plans Discussions of Themes and Objectives of Current Plan Discussion to Prioritize Recommendations Wrap-up

3 Agenda Matthew Doherty, Executive Director
Jasmine Hayes, Deputy Director Beverley Ebersold, Director of National Initiatives Jen Rich, Director of Communications Lindsay Knotts, Policy Director Joe Savage, Regional Coordinator Robert Pulster, Regional Coordinator

4 Revising and Strengthening the Plan
Purpose: To identify opportunities to strengthen the Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness by: Sustaining or building on what is working and leading to positive outcomes Reflecting learnings and evolving practices Identifying opportunities to address areas in need of greater attention Identifying opportunities to align strategies with emerging federal, state, and local priorities

5 Planning and Input Processes
Input processes for local, federal, and national partners and other stakeholders: Listening sessions Community visits Online input processes Working group meetings Council Policy Group Council

6 Agenda Welcome, Purpose, and Introductions
Refresher Course on Current Federal Strategic Plan and Currently Identified Priorities for Strengthening the Plan Input on Qualities and Essential Elements of Effective Strategic Plans Discussions of Themes and Objectives of Current Plan Discussion to Prioritize Recommendations Wrap-up

7 Current Federal Strategic Plan
Opening Doors Issued in June 2010 Amended in 2012 to include the Federal Framework to End Youth Homelessness, as well as additional strategies to improve the educational outcomes for children and youth. Completely updated and amended in 2015 to include an operational definition for an end to homelessness, clarifications regarding the role of health and behavioral health systems in supporting services for permanent supportive housing, the use of metrics and accountability, and improved guidance for retooling crisis response systems.

8 Poll Question On a Scale of 1 (not so familiar) to 5 (very familiar), how familiar are you with the objectives and strategies of Opening Doors? Note: Please use handout, which outlines the core content of the federal strategic plan, to follow along.

9 Vision No one should experience homelessness.
No one should be without a safe, stable place to call home.

10 Four Goals Finish the job of ending chronic homelessness by 2017
Prevent and end homelessness among Veterans by 2015 Prevent and end homelessness for families, youth, and children by 2020 Set a path to ending all types of homelessness

11 Operational Definition of an End to Homelessness
An end to homelessness does not mean that no one will ever experience a housing crisis again. Changing economic realities, the unpredictability of life, and unsafe or unwelcoming family environments may create situations where individuals, families, or youth could experience, re-experience, or be at risk of homelessness. An end to homelessness means that every community will have a systematic response in place that ensures homelessness is prevented whenever possible or is otherwise a rare, brief, and non-recurring experience.

12 Operational Definition of an End to Homelessness
Specifically, every community will have the capacity to: Quickly identify and engage people at risk of and experiencing homelessness. Intervene to prevent the loss of housing and divert people from entering the homelessness services system. When homelessness does occur, provide immediate access to shelter and crisis services, without barriers to entry, while permanent stable housing and appropriate supports are being secured, and quickly connect people to housing assistance and services—tailored to their unique needs and strengths—to help them achieve and maintain stable housing.

13 Five Themes Increase leadership, collaboration, and civic engagement
Increase access to stable and affordable housing Increase economic security Improve health and stability Retool the homeless crisis response system 10 objectives organized by these themes

14 Five Themes Increase leadership, collaboration, and civic engagement
Increase access to stable and affordable housing Increase economic security Improve health and stability Retool the homeless crisis response system

15 Objective 1: Provide and Promote Collaborative Leadership
USICH is recommending strengthening information on: Improving partnerships with faith-based providers and stakeholders Increasing public/private partnerships USICH is recommending adding information related to: Engagement with federal regional partners The role of philanthropy in ending homelessness

16 Objective 2: Strengthen the Capacity of Public and Private Organizations
USICH is recommending strengthening information on: Improving data collection, reporting, and interpretation including: Using different data sources to shape an understanding of need and response Generating by-name or active lists Sharing/matching data Using data to measure performance Increasing knowledge about rural and tribal homelessness USICH is recommending adding information related to: The role of philanthropic and private partners

17 Five Themes Increase leadership, collaboration, and civic engagement
Increase access to stable and affordable housing Increase economic security Improve health and stability Retool the homeless crisis response system

18 Objective 3: Provide Affordable Housing
USICH is recommending strengthening information on: Enlisting and maximizing mainstream affordable housing resources in ending homelessness USICH is recommending adding information related to: Engaging landlords to ensure people exiting homelessness have access to units Strengthening outcomes in connecting people experiencing homelessness to available housing

19 Objective 4: Provide Permanent Supportive Housing
USICH is recommending strengthening information on: Aligning health, behavioral health, and housing strategies and resources at the state-level to scale supportive housing opportunities USICH is recommending adding information related to: Conducting assertive identification, outreach, and engagement efforts

20 Five Themes Increase leadership, collaboration, and civic engagement
Increase access to stable and affordable housing Increase economic security Improve health and stability Retool the homeless crisis response system

21 Objective 5: Improve Access to Education and Increase Employment
USICH is recommending strengthening information on: Lessons learned on the role of employment programs and supports in preventing and ending homelessness The role of higher education and early childhood education USICH is recommending adding information related to: Opportunities under new and revised federal rules and regulations impacting the delivery of education and employment- related services

22 Objective 6: Improve Access to Mainstream Programs and Services
USICH is recommending strengthening information on: Emerging best practices for connecting people experiencing homelessness to Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits

23 Five Themes Increase leadership, collaboration, and civic engagement
Increase access to stable and affordable housing Increase economic security Improve health and stability Retool the homeless crisis response system

24 Objective 7: Integrate Primary & Behavioral Health Care Services with Homelessness Assistance
USICH is recommending strengthening information on: The role of health and behavioral health systems in preventing and ending homelessness, including: identifying people experiencing homelessness co-locating services ensuring that wrap-around support is available for maintaining stable housing USICH is recommending adding information related to: Approaches for addressing the intersection of the opioid crisis and homelessness

25 Objective 8: Advance Health and Housing Stability for Unaccompanied Youth and Youth Aging Out of Systems USICH is recommending strengthening information on: The role of the child welfare system, family reunification and preservation programs, and lessons learned from two-generation approaches Emerging strategies for addressing youth homelessness, including targeting the most vulnerable youth USICH is recommending adding information related to: The role of the health and behavioral health care system in ending youth homelessness

26 Objective 9: Advance Health and Housing Stability for Frequent Users
USICH is recommending strengthening information on: Opportunities to strengthen focus on housing stability outcomes within re-entry practices Addressing the intersection substance use and homelessness USICH is recommending adding information related to: Efforts to connect diversion and/or discharge planning to permanent housing connections

27 Five Themes Increase leadership, collaboration, and civic engagement
Increase access to stable and affordable housing Increase economic security Improve health and stability Retool the homeless crisis response system

28 Objective 10: Transform Homelessness Services to Crisis Response Systems
USICH is recommending strengthening information on: The role of mainstream programs and the homelessness service system in preventing households from experiencing homelessness The role of low-barrier emergency shelter in making swift connections to permanent housing Emerging practices for promoting alternatives to the criminalization of homelessness The role of transitional and bridge housing in efforts to end homelessness Emerging best practices for implementing coordinated entry processes

29 Objective 10: Transform Homelessness Services to Crisis Response Systems
USICH is recommending adding information related to: Best practices for diverting households from homelessness Practices for ending homelessness for people living in encampments Opportunities to develop effective systems for addressing the needs of people fleeing domestic violence

30 Agenda Welcome, Purpose, and Introductions
Refresher Course on Current Federal Strategic Plan and Currently Identified Priorities for Strengthening the Plan Input on Qualities and Essential Elements of Effective Strategic Plans Discussions of Themes and Objectives of Current Plan Discussion to Prioritize Recommendations Wrap-up

31 Discussion Questions Q1: What are the qualities of effective strategic plans that help to increase their impact? Q2: What are some of the essential elements of Opening Doors that have helped it to have an impact?

32 Agenda Welcome, Purpose, and Introductions
Refresher Course on Current Federal Strategic Plan and Currently Identified Priorities for Strengthening the Plan Input on Qualities and Essential Elements of Effective Strategic Plans Discussions of Themes and Objectives of Current Plan Discussion to Prioritize Recommendations Wrap-up

33 Five Themes Increase leadership, collaboration, and civic engagement
Increase access to stable and affordable housing Increase economic security Improve health and stability Retool the homeless crisis response system

34 Objective 1: Provide and Promote Collaborative Leadership
USICH is recommending strengthening information on: Improving partnerships with faith-based providers and stakeholders Increasing public/private partnerships USICH is recommending adding information related to: Engagement with federal regional partners The role of philanthropy in ending homelessness

35 Objective 2: Strengthen the Capacity of Public and Private Organizations
USICH is recommending strengthening information on: Improving data collection, reporting, and interpretation including: Using different data sources to shape an understanding of need and response Generating by-name or active lists Sharing/matching data Using data to measure performance Increasing knowledge about rural and tribal homelessness USICH is recommending adding information related to: The role of philanthropic and private partners

36 Discussion Questions Q1: Are there areas of focus, objectives, or specific strategies that need to be strengthened in or added to this theme and these objectives? Q2: What kind of guidance or information would be most helpful?

37 Opening Doors: Five Themes
Increase leadership, collaboration, and civic engagement Increase access to stable and affordable housing Increase economic security Improve health and stability Retool the homeless crisis response system

38 Objective 3: Provide Affordable Housing
USICH is recommending strengthening information on: Enlisting and maximizing mainstream affordable housing resources in ending homelessness USICH is recommending adding information related to: Engaging landlords to ensure people exiting homelessness have access to units Strengthening outcomes in connecting people experiencing homelessness to available housing

39 Objective 4: Provide Permanent Supportive Housing
USICH is recommending strengthening information on: Aligning health, behavioral health, and housing strategies and resources at the state-level to scale supportive housing opportunities USICH is recommending adding information related to: Conducting assertive identification, outreach, and engagement efforts

40 Discussion Questions Q1: Are there areas of focus, objectives, or specific strategies that need to be strengthened in or added to this theme and these objectives? Q2: What kind of guidance or information would be most helpful?

41 Opening Doors: Five Themes
Increase leadership, collaboration, and civic engagement Increase access to stable and affordable housing Increase economic security Improve health and stability Retool the homeless crisis response system

42 Objective 5: Improve Access to Education and Increase Employment
USICH is recommending strengthening information on: Lessons learned on the role of employment programs and supports in preventing and ending homelessness The role of higher education and early childhood education USICH is recommending adding information related to: Opportunities under new and revised federal rules and regulations impacting the delivery of education and employment- related services

43 Objective 6: Improve Access to Mainstream Programs and Services
USICH is recommending strengthening information on: Emerging best practices for connecting people experiencing homelessness to Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits

44 Discussion Questions Q1: Are there areas of focus, objectives, or specific strategies that need to be strengthened in or added to this theme and these objectives? Q2: What kind of guidance or information would be most helpful?

45 Five Themes Increase leadership, collaboration, and civic engagement
Increase access to stable and affordable housing Increase economic security Improve health and stability Retool the homeless crisis response system

46 Objective 7: Integrate Primary & Behavioral Health Care Services with Homelessness Assistance
USICH is recommending strengthening information on: The role of health and behavioral health systems in preventing and ending homelessness, including: identifying people experiencing homelessness co-locating services ensuring that wrap-around support is available for maintaining stable housing USICH is recommending adding information related to: Approaches for addressing the intersection of the opioid crisis and homelessness

47 Objective 8: Advance Health and Housing Stability for Unaccompanied Youth and Youth Aging Out of Systems USICH is recommending strengthening information on: The role of the child welfare system, family reunification and preservation programs, and lessons learned from two-generation approaches Emerging strategies for addressing youth homelessness, including targeting the most vulnerable youth USICH is recommending adding information related to: The role of the health and behavioral health care system in ending youth homelessness

48 Objective 9: Advance Health and Housing Stability for Frequent Users
USICH is recommending strengthening information on: Opportunities to strengthen focus on housing stability outcomes within re-entry practices Addressing the intersection substance use and homelessness USICH is recommending adding information related to: Efforts to connect diversion and/or discharge planning to permanent housing connections

49 Discussion Questions Q1: Are there areas of focus, objectives, or specific strategies that need to be strengthened in or added to this theme and these objectives? Q2: What kind of guidance or information would be most helpful?

50 Five Themes Increase leadership, collaboration, and civic engagement
Increase access to stable and affordable housing Increase economic security Improve health and stability Retool the homeless crisis response system

51 Objective 10: Transform Homelessness Services to Crisis Response Systems
USICH is recommending strengthening information on: The role of mainstream programs and the homelessness service system in preventing households from experiencing homelessness The role of low-barrier emergency shelter in making swift connections to permanent housing Emerging practices for promoting alternatives to the criminalization of homelessness The role of transitional and bridge housing in efforts to end homelessness Emerging best practices for implementing coordinated entry processes

52 Objective 10: Transform Homelessness Services to Crisis Response Systems
USICH is recommending adding information related to: Best practices for diverting households from homelessness Practices for ending homelessness for people living in encampments Opportunities to develop effective systems for addressing the needs of people fleeing domestic violence

53 Discussion Questions Q1: Are there areas of focus, objectives, or specific strategies that need to be strengthened in or added to this theme and these objectives? Q2: What kind of guidance or information would be most helpful?

54 Agenda Welcome, Purpose, and Introductions
Refresher Course on Current Federal Strategic Plan and Currently Identified Priorities for Strengthening the Plan Input on Qualities and Essential Elements of Effective Strategic Plans Discussions of Themes and Objectives of Current Plan Discussion to Prioritize Recommendations Wrap-up

55 Discussion Question In 10 words or less …
Of all the issues and ideas discussed today, what you would encourage USICH to prioritize in revising and strengthening the federal strategic plan?


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