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主讲人: 会计学院         陈丹 TEL:13767443022         

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Presentation on theme: "主讲人: 会计学院         陈丹 TEL:13767443022         "— Presentation transcript:

1 主讲人: 会计学院         陈丹 TEL:

2 How to pass f8?

3 书名:审计学一种整合方法(第12版) 作者: 阿尔文·A·阿伦斯 (Alvin A.Arens) 出版社: 中国人民大学出版社

4 truth and fairness (text P12) 2010 Dec Q2a materiality (text P13)
What is audit? (text P4) truth and fairness (text P12) 2010 Dec Q2a materiality (text P13) Misstatement 2011 June Q5a 江西铜业股份有限公司2011年年度报告

5 ISA 450 Misstatement is a difference between the amount, classification, presentation, or disclosure of a reported financial statement item and the amount, classification, presentation, or disclosure that is required for the item to be in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework. Misstatements can arise from error or fraud. uncorrected misstatements are Misstatements that the auditor has accumulated during the audit and that have not been corrected.

6 There are three categories of misstatements:
(i) Factual misstatements are misstatements about which there is no doubt. (ii) Judgemental misstatements are differences arising from the judgements of management concerning accounting estimates that the auditor considers unreasonable, or the selection or application of accounting policies that the auditor considers inappropriate. (iii) Projected misstatements are the auditor’s best estimate of misstatements in populations, involving the projection of misstatements identified in audit samples to the entire populations from which the samples were drawn.

7 accountability VS responsibility
why are the F/Ss of a company required to be audited? case study (text P6) accountability VS responsibility 我想哭……

8 statutory audits non-statutory why are some not-for-profit organizations required to have an audit?

9 advantage of statutory audits
auditors provide impartial view to shareholders. recommendations are made in relation to accounting and control system. auditors may detect fraud and error.

10 assurance engagement (text P8)
Audit of F/Ss Review of F/Ss High level of assurance Moderate level of assurance Reasonable assurance Limited assurance Positive assurance Negative assurance F/Ss do give a true and fair view. Nothing has come to professional accountant’s attention to suggest that the F/Ss do not give a true and fair view. Auditors are frequently required to provide assurance for a range of non-audit engagements. Required: List and explain the elements of an assurance engagement. (5 marks) June 2a other assurance engagements (not included in F8)

11 An assurance engagement will involve three separate parties;
assurance engagement (text P8) An assurance engagement will involve three separate parties; – The intended user who is the person who requires the assurance report. – The responsible party, which is the organisation responsible for preparing the subject matter to be reviewed. – The practitioner (i.e. an accountant) who is the professional who will review the subject matter and provide the assurance. ………. Audit of F/Ss Review of F/Ss High level of assurance Moderate level of assurance Reasonable assurance Limited assurance Positive assurance Negative assurance F/Ss do give a true and fair view. Nothing has come to professional accountant’s attention to suggest that the F/Ss do not give a true and fair view. other assurance engagements (not included in F8)

12 assurance engagement (text P8)
The subject matter is the data that the responsible party has prepared and which requires verification. Suitable criteria are required in an assurance engagement. The subject matter is compared to the criteria in order for it to be assessed and an opinion provided. Appropriate evidence has to be obtained by the practitioner in order to give the required level of assurance. An assurance report is the opinion that is given by the practitioner to the intended user and the responsible party. Audit of F/Ss Review of F/Ss High level of assurance Moderate level of assurance Reasonable assurance Limited assurance Positive assurance Negative assurance F/Ss do give a true and fair view. Nothing has come to professional accountant’s attention to suggest that the F/Ss do not give a true and fair view. other assurance engagements (not included in F8)

13 High level of assurance Moderate level of assurance
assurance engagement Audit of F/Ss Review of F/Ss High level of assurance Moderate level of assurance Reasonable assurance Limited assurance Positive assurance Negative assurance F/Ss do give a true and fair view. Nothing has come to professional accountant’s attention to suggest that the F/Ss do not give a true and fair view. other assurance engagements (not included in F8)

14 The extent of work carried out is normally less
why different level of assurance? positive negative Sufficient work The extent of work carried out is normally less AEIOU More evidences So: More reliance AEI Less evidences Less reliance

15 why does auditor provide a high, but not absolute, level of assurance?
limitations of auditing (text P13)

16 assurance engagements
related services others agreed –upon procedures compilation engagement

17 Relationship between Evidence Accumulation and Assurance Attained
Level of None (compilation) Moderate (review) High (audit) Minimal Significant Extensive Amount of Evidence Accumulated

18 June 08 Q5(d) ……A cash flow forecast prepared internally shows Smithson requiring significant additional cash within the next 12 months to maintain even the current level of services. Smithson’s auditors have been asked to provide a negative assurance report on this forecast.

19 (d) In the context of the cash flow forecast, define the term ‘negative assurance’ and explain how this differs from the assurance provided by an audit report on statutory financial statements. (4 marks)

20 1 mark per action (0·5 if brief or unclear)

21 Negative assurance means that nothing has come to the attention of an auditor which indicates that the cash flow forecast contains any material errors. The assurance is therefore given on the absence of any indication to the contrary. In contrast, the audit report on statutory financial statements provides positive or reasonable assurance; that is the financial statements do show a true and fair view.

22 With negative assurance, the auditor is warning that there were limited audit procedures that could be used; the cash flow relates to the future and therefore the auditor cannot obtain all the evidence to guarantee its accuracy. Financial statements relate to the past, and so the auditor should be able to obtain the information to confirm they are correct in material respects.

23 Using negative assurance, the auditor is warning users that the cash flow forecast may be inaccurate. Less reliance can therefore be placed on the forecast than the financial statements, where the positive assurance was given.

24 Dec 06 Q1(c) When reporting on a cash flow forecast, explain the term ‘negative assurance’ and why this is used.(4 marks) definition Forecast relates to future – uncertainty Conditions may not turn out as expected (future conditions do not agree with those under which the forecast was prepared) limited audit procedures Accuracy of cash flow not confirmed

25 June 05 Q5 (c) The directors of Hood Enterprises have prepared a cash flow forecast for submission to the bank. They have asked you as the auditor to provide a negative assurance report on this forecast. Required: Briefly explain the difference between positive and negative assurance, outlining the advantages to the directors of providing negative assurance on their cash flow forecast. (4 marks)

26 One mark per point Meaning of positive assurance Meaning of negative assurance Advantages of negative assurance Some comfort provided Credibility Cost effective

27 The advantages of providing negative assurance include:
The user of the financial information receives some comfort that the information is correct, even though that assurance is less than positive assurance. The report adds some credibility to the financial information because it has been reviewed by a professional accountant. For the preparer, the report will be more cost effective than obtaining a full positive assurance report.

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