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Kathryn Pierce INF 385E Fall 2006 IA Project

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1 Kathryn Pierce INF 385E Fall 2006 IA Project
Architectural Records Roundtable of SAA Kathryn Pierce INF 385E Fall 2006 IA Project

2 What - The SAA Architectural Records Roundtable web site will be a space that provides information about the organization and matters of interest to those who collect and preserve architectural materials. The main objective is to recognize that architectural records have special needs and to create a reference tool for users dealing with these materials.

3 Who - The primary user groups are the administrators and active members of the ARR. Secondary user groups consists of members of SAA who work with architectural records, curators of architectural archives, any professional who works with architectural materials.

4 Goals of the Site -. -Serve as repository for administrative
Goals of the Site - -Serve as repository for administrative materials of use to co-chairs and members -Provide information on preservation and organization of architectural records -Function as a portal, linking patrons to architectural archives

5 Content -. -Member list, co-chair guides, meeting notes
Content - -Member list, co-chair guides, meeting notes -Information on description & preservation -Resources on architectural records -Links to architectural archives/ professional organizations

6 Process -. -Weekly meeting with client
Process - -Weekly meeting with client -Produce deliverables: user model, site map, card sorting -Refine plan, consult with client -Collect content -Create initial design -Begin construction

7 Decisions - -Change to natural language for ease in navigation (following card sort) Ex. Access = Describing Architectural Records -Change text color to black for ease in readibility (after in-class review) Ex. Brown text changed to black text

8 Tools -. Dreamweaver MX 2004. Adobe Photoshop CS
Tools - Dreamweaver MX Adobe Photoshop CS Sharepoint Vital Stats pages

9 Initial Home Page Design

10 Final Home Page Design

11 IA Mechanics

12 IA Mechanics After making a few changes to left content…<p2></p2> removed

13 Navigation - Site Map

14 Things to do better or add to site
Improvements - -Make more changes based on validation, particularly accessibility -Lay out content to determine design more concretely before construction begins Additions - -Images provided by members, with links to the institution -Continual submissions from members

15 Conclusion Problem - ARR members are spread across the country, only meet once a year, and have no online space dedicated to particular issues that arise when dealing with architectural records. There is also no defined method for transferring co-chair materials and roundtable history. Solution - This site provides a central repository for roundtable administration materials and resources to assist with the task of preserving and arranging architectural records.

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