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Managing your Documents with SharePoint and OneDrive

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1 Managing your Documents with SharePoint and OneDrive
Gareth Johns IT Skills Development Adivsor

2 Course Aims Explore how SharePoint and OneDrive for Business can be used to store, share and manage documents, effectively.

3 Session Objectives By the end of the session you should be able to: Identify how SharePoint and OneDrive for Business should be used at Cardiff Met. Recognise the benefits of using SharePoint/OneDrive to store documents. Search SharePoint and OneDrive for Business efficiently. Use OneDrive for Business to access, store and manage personal documents from anywhere. Utilise team sites to access, store and manage shared documents and collaborate with colleagues. Recognise when sharing through OneDrive for Business is appropriate. Make use of document collaboration tools, such as real- time co-authoring, version history and properties to enhance the way documents are worked on together.

4 What is SharePoint? OneDrive?
SharePoint is a web-based document management system that can be used to store, share and manage shared documents. OneDrive for Business is a cloud storage service that can be used to store, share and manage personal documents.

5 Why SharePoint/OneDrive?
Accessible Share Storage space Reliable Secure Document Collaboration Features Does anyone use SharePoint to store documents at the moment? Accessible - Anywhere with web access – including mobile devices Secure – complies with Data Protection Act – next slide come back to. Password protected, servers are physically secure. Reliable – 99.97% up time. Recover documents - Backed up – backed up every evening. Backups kept for 6 months. Huge volume of backup tapes – 6 or 7 1TB tapes per day (changes from previous days). Weekly basis 4 or 5 6TB tapes. Split over two campuses. DPA again. Share – securely share documents with colleagues. Doc collaboration features – version history, alerts, check-in check out. QUOTA – unlimited on Team Sites. Quota on My Site (500MB). Recover documents

6 Securing Personal Data
“Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data.” Principle 7, Data Protection Act 1998 technical organisational 8 eight principles of the Data Protection Act which refers to protecting personal data. Can anyone give some examples of personal data? [Student marks, student address details, staff performance review forms] technical– e.g. password protection and permission levels Organisational - E.g. not taking data off corporate systems, including SharePoint, The Student System, Trent etc. If accessing on a mobile device, need a screen lock in place. Accidental loss/destruction – back ups. Security e-lesson covers this in more detail

7 Where should I save my stuff?
Documents The Staff Room (Portal) Team Sites My Site Content visible and relevant to all staff Creative Services Each school and unit has a team site, visible only to their members. Communications and Marketing Graphic Design We now know why we should use SharePoint, but where should we save to on SP and how do we go about? SP is split into three sections. Recommend Team Sites over My Site for most documents. OneDrive for Business has replaced My Site and should be used for Personal Documents. Personal Site, used to store private documents. Student Recruitment OneDrive for Business

8 1. Using OneDrive for Business to manage personal documents

9 OneDrive for Business OneDrive is the place to save all your “personal” documents: you do not wish to share with other staff working on privately in preparation for sharing with other staff. Replacement for My Site

10 E.g. SM98765 E.g.
All Cardiff Met staff also have an Office 365 account. So you now have two accounts: Your normal Cardiff Met account.  Continue to use this account to log-on to computers and access other services such as or SharePoint. Usernames for this account are usually of the form SM12345 An Office 365 account.  This account is used primarily used to access your OneDrive documents through the web, and to access other O365 services (next slide). Username: [Cardiff Met . E.g. E.g.

11 Office 365 Services & Apps OneDrive for Business Skype for Business
OneDrive – accessing documents from anywhere Skype for Business – video/audio calls Other services – coming soon (e.g. Delve, Yammer, PowerBI) Office 365 Services & Apps

12 Saving to OneDrive Three ways: Uploading through the browser
Sync Client or Explorer view Saving directly to OneDrive

13 OneDrive Recycle Bins Items deleted from OneDrive are sent to the OneDrive Recycle Bin (accessible via web app) Kept for 90 days Second-stage recycle bin also available

14 2. Searching OneDrive and SharePoint

15 3. Working with SharePoint documents

16 Permissions Permissions define the level of access a user or group has to a team site or library. Permissions are set by the Team Site Administrator. Check with Team Site Admin as to who has access.

17 Permission Levels Full Control: full admin rights – use with caution. (Typically Team Site Administrators) Contribute: able to create, edit and delete documents. No site administration privileges. (Typically team members) Read: can read documents, but no rights to modify or delete. (Typically other school/unit staff) Quick summary

18 Recycle Bin & Backup Files deleted from a document library move to the Recycle Bin for that team site. Files reside here for 6 months before being permanently deleted. Backups are created nightly and are kept for 6 months.

19 4. Sharing with OneDrive for Business

20 Sharing with OneDrive Three scenarios: Sharing externally Large files
Occasional ad hoc sharing e.g. exam board E.g. video assessments for the exam board E.g. sharing a completed SPR form. BUT even in this case SharePoint might be a better fit, as can store them all together and don’t have issues if staff member leaves.

21 5. Document Collaboration Tools

22 Version History Versioning creates multiple versions of the same file.
A version of a file is created every time the file is saved and closed. Version history allows you to view and restore previous versions of a file. Versioning has to be enabled on the document library for it to work. Contact your team site administrator if version history is unavailable. Example 1: a colleague makes changes to a report and wish to compare them. E.g. connecting to a printer.docx in Example 2: You have made changes to a document and you wish to revert them.

23 Co-authoring The ability for multiple users to edit Word or PowerPoint files, simultaneously . SharePoint locks out parts of the document that are being edited.

24 Check Out Check Out locks a file so that only you can access it.
Useful if you intend to modify a file and need to prevent others from doing so. Use judiciously. Don’t forget! DO an example.

25 Alerts Alert you to changes made to documents or entire libraries.
Cause of alert can be specified Frequency of alert can also be set. Alerts are sent to Cardiff Met address. DO an example. E.g. an alert to review whose changed training material in a training document library. Or an alert to notify when new minutes are uploaded.

26 Properties Document properties can be set via Edit Properties
Benefits: Improve search results Gives details of document’s purpose and status Filter, group, sort Your team site administrator is responsible for setting up document properties. Meta data - much more useful for publishing purposes. Filter, group, sort – Efficient Admin session covers this

27 Send To Download a copy – useful for offline editing.
a link – opens an with a link to the document. No need to attachments! DO an example for send to.

28 Recap By the end of the session you should be able to: Identify how SharePoint and OneDrive for Business should be used at Cardiff Met. Recognise the benefits of using SharePoint/OneDrive to store documents. Search SharePoint and OneDrive for Business efficiently. Use OneDrive for Business to access, store and manage personal documents from anywhere. Utilise team sites to access, store and manage shared documents and collaborate with colleagues. Recognise when sharing through OneDrive for Business is appropriate. Make use of document collaboration tools, such as real- time co-authoring, version history and properties to enhance the way documents are worked on together.

29 Feedback Your feedback is valuable to us. Please help us to improve the relevance, content and delivery of our IT Training courses by completing a brief questionnaire. Please check your s for survey link Thank you for attending

30 Additional Information
Session hand outs and other resources available at: Upcoming training sessions: Team Site Admin – 30th May (FULL)

31 Contact Us 029 2041 7000 7000
Live Chat available on Help Centre. Visit the IT Advisors in the Learning Centres. Visit an IT Advisor in the Learning Centres

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