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An Overview of Waste Diversion Efforts in Athens, GA

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1 An Overview of Waste Diversion Efforts in Athens, GA
Andrew Saunders May 4, 2017 Southeastern Sustainability Director’s Network Annual Meeting

2 Big Picture – Time is Limited
Athens is the smallest county in Georgia (144 square miles) Population ~120,000 Student Population ~40,000 Poverty Rate>40% Share a MSW landfill with an adjacent county Landfill space is LIMITED. At best we have 30 years of operational life left at the facility. We were sued over the most recent expansion

3 Scarcity Motivates Conservation
Diversion Goals Approved ion 2010 40% by 2015 60% by 2018 75% by 2020 So far we are on track ~48% in 2016.

4 Diversion Goal Trends Surrey, BC Orlando, FL Winter Park, FL Washington, DC Franklin, TN Nashville, TN Savannah, GA Mecklenburg Co, NC Denver, CO Lakewood, CO UGA Goals range from 30% diversion to 100% diversion. Time frames extend out to 2060, with most targeting 2030 or before. ACC final diversion rate is consistent with our SE peers, and one of the most aggressive when evaluation time period.

5 Tools to Create a Culture of Conservation
Policy Pay As You Throw/Differential Rates Organizational Recycling Policy/Recycling Coordinators Commercial Recycling Ordinance Staffing/Funding Diversion Staff Waste Minimization Fee Landfill Gas Recovery Infrastructure Recovered Materials Processing Facility Materials Recovery Facility Single Stream Operations Compost Facility CHaRM Education Sustainable Industries Roundtable Waste Reduction Awards Master Composter Program Media Programs

6 Pay as You Throw Charges people an increasing fee based on the volume/weight of the trash they dispose of 20 Gallon Can = $15.60/Month 32 Gallon Can = $17.60/Month 64 Gallon Can = $21.60/Month 96 Gallon Can = 28.60/Month Special collections (bulky items) costs extra Haulers are forbidden for charging for recycling Originally implemented in 1994 Price differential increased in 2011

7 Athens-Clarke County recycling policy
Requires all departments to recycle Requires all public facilities to offer recycling Requires community events on public property to offer recycling A deposit is paid Collection bins are issued Dedicates a recycling coordinator for each facility Systematically engages with recycling coordinators Implemented in 2007

8 Commercial Recycling Ordinance
3 core requirements All commercial customers shall provide recycling containers All commercial and multi-family customers shall provide recycling information for employees and tenants All commercial customers shall keep a Commercial Recycling Plan on file to identify how waste can be minimized Full-time staff person dedicated to this effort Planning is time consuming Approved in 2012

9 Waste Diversion Professional staffing
Department Director Keep Beautiful Coordinator Keep Beautiful Educator Waste Reduction Administrator Household Hazardous Waste HHW Technicians Commercial Recycling Household Recycling

10 Waste Minimization Fee
Implements a fee to support diversion efforts $0.60/Quarter for residential $1.60/Quarter for commercial Required of public and private haulers Raises ~$100,000 annually Added in 2011

11 Landfill gas recovery Uses a recovery system to capture methane for energy production 43 gas extraction wells On-site generator – 1.5 megawatts Private/public partnership Athens receives profit split after capital costs are recovered. Power purchase agreement with local EMC Became operational in 2012

12 Recovered Materials Processing Facility
Processing facility specifically for recyclable (presorted) materials Operated as a public/private partnership (our equipment, their staff) Opened in 1995 Converted to Single Stream in 2011 Accepts Plastics 1-7 Glass Aluminum and metal food cans Paper Cartons Cardboard

13 Materials Recovery Facility
Space at the landfill used to divert easily recoverable materials from trash Cardboard Large Plastics Carpet Scrap Metal No full-time staffing Inmates and scale house attendants Underutilized at this point

14 Compost Facility Integrated with the landfill
Combines yard waste with biosolids $500,000 improvement to meet EPA standards Product retails for $12/yard Some initial push back, but tests clean and resells in Atlanta Long-term plans to convert to food waste composting Fully opened in 2011

15 Center for Hard to recycle materials
Permits residential drop off for harder to recycle materials Free for 5 gallon bucket load Operates 2.5 days per week Located at the old city incinerator Opened in 2015 Products accepted: Automotive fluids Batteries Bulbs Carpet Cleaners Clothing Electronics Grease Film Plastic Styrofoam Fire extinguishers Paint Tires Metal

16 Teacher Reuse Store Accepts “unwanted items” for teachers to repurpose into their classrooms Office supplies Art supplies Office furniture Equipment Bottle Caps Etc. Previously opened 2x per year Now open 2.5 days/week

17 Sustainable Industries roundtable
Coalition of regional businesses/industries 50+ regional members Quarterly meeting/program Quarterly newsletter Listserv to facilitate the exchange of information Initiated in 2010 as partnership between industry and government

18 Other Educational Efforts
Facilities & Events Landfill Outdoor Classroom Recycling Tours Green Schools Program Master Composter Program Shred Events America Recycles Day Vulture Festival Newsletters PSA’s Facebook/Social Media Water Bill Inserts

19 Biggest Successes Biggest Challenges
Single stream Composting Franchising (non-exclusive) Increased tipping fees Pay as You Throw Students – non-stop educational effort Finances – the commodities market is variable Contamination Political Influence

20 Next Steps (possibly) Flow Regulation C&D Recycling
Food Waste Collections Staffing at the MRF

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