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Chapter 12: On the Edge of Change

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1 Chapter 12: On the Edge of Change

2 Learning Outcomes Describe a unique group of the population that is ready to transition to sustainability. Understand how people adopt ideas and concepts. Understand the need to analyze cultural norms and assumptions and why more civic discussions are needed. Describe a set of policies that promote sustainable living.

3 Change Is Possible People are optimistic that change is possible.
It is about making choices to live without doing harm to people and the planet. People need to live within ecological limits.

4 Making the Transition The need to share Cultural creatives
A centrist group creating a new culture Represent 25% of the U.S. population Reframing communities based on shared values (continued)

5 Making the Transition (continued)
Cultivating New Perspectives Look at old problems with new perspectives. Each community is different and unique.

6 Adopting New Ideas Adoption sequence theory Awareness Interest
Evaluation Trial Adoption

7 Adopter Categories Innovators 2.5% of the population
Initiate new things and take social risks Have social influence (continued)

8 Adopter Categories (continued)
Early adopters 13.5% of the population Early adopters of new ideas or products Leaders Support causes that have broad support (continued)

9 Adopter Categories (continued)
Early majority 34% of the population Somewhat conservative in decisions to accept a new idea or product An idea or product needs this group’s support in order to be successful. (continued)

10 Adopter Categories (continued)
Late majority 34% of the population Skeptical group that adopts established ideas Once this group accepts the idea or product it is then embedded into the social fabric of society. (continued)

11 Adopter Categories (continued)
Laggards 16% of the population Accept change with reluctance Social norms are what pressure this group into accepting the idea or product.

12 Becoming a Cultural Critic
Question the assumptions of our way of life. The consumer vision only values the work people do as a source of becoming consumers. The consumer vision appears to sell what people value (e.g., family, friends, community) but people don’t actually get it. How does the wizard in the Wizard of Oz represent consumer lifestyle?

13 Facilitating Discussion: Town Hall Debates
Until the 1960s this was a common form of public discourse. Converged electronic media are now the communication of choice. Sets up barriers between people with different points of view Reduces constructive dialogue

14 Affecting Change: Bill of Rights for Sustainability
Ecological economy Recognizes that individual economic resources are ecological or social in origin Recognized cyclic thinking as opposed to linear thinking (continued)

15 Affecting Change: Bill of Rights for Sustainability (continued)
Social economy Recognizes the interconnectedness of all people Values human relationships Individual economy Recognizes that people meet their individual needs through interacting with other people and the natural environment (continued)

16 Affecting Change: Bill of Rights for Sustainability (continued)
Moral economy Recognizes the cultural context within which the social and individual economies must function Recognizes the need for moral guidance and restraint

17 Improving Policy Making
Need two-way or interactive discourse Need more news systems that provide alternative perspectives Cooperation and sharing in nature Atom metaphor (continued)

18 Improving Policy Making (continued)
2002 Johannesburg Summit Environmental Law Institute U.S. progress Education Local governance Business and industry Religious organizations

19 A Cooperative World Some changes to consider for a sustainable world:
Resources and cultural commons need to serve the common good. Establish conditional corporate charters. Food and energy production should be localized. Full costing of goods and services should be mandatory. Change thinking from “I” to “We” and “Us.”

20 Achieving Empowerment

21 Achieving Empowerment (continued)
An ecological economy will provide a good standard of living. People are a part of nature and are hardwired to care. Imagine a world that promotes health, happiness, and true prosperity!

22 Esperanza Do you think we will reach a point where we live like Espe?
Can you envision a world like Espe’s that focuses on peace and harmony with each other and the natural world? If not, why? Will you start to live and think differently? Why or why not?

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