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Updates on Scholarships, Awards & Support Funds 2010 – 2011

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1 Updates on Scholarships, Awards & Support Funds 2010 – 2011

2 Renaming of Scholarships
The Longman Group Scholarships S1-S4  Dr Louise Law Scholarship for Best Performance in S1 Mrs Magdalene Fok Scholarship for Best Performance in S2 Ms Ophelia Chan Scholarship for Best Performance in S3 Ms Deborah Wan Scholarship for Best Performance in S4 Scholarship for Alumnae Association Scholar  Sr Rosangela Cesati Scholarship for Alumnae Association Scholar Scholarship for Best Science student in Form 6  Mr Lee Ping Yuen scholarship for Best Science student

3 Renaming of Scholarships
Scholarship for Home Economics  Dr Ina U C Chan Scholarship for Home Economics Scholarship for Dance  Alice Yuen Scholarship for Dance Scholarship for History  G, M & A Ma Scholarship for History

4 New Scholarships Mr George Ko Memorial Scholarship for Best Performance in S5 For all-round students in S5, who have outstanding academic performance, commendable character as well as active participation in extra-curricular activities and community service Mr K C Yuen Memorial Scholarship for Literature in English For students who have talents and outstanding performance in the subject of Literature in English Mr Raymond Leung Memorial Scholarship for Sports For students who have talents and outstanding performance in Sports

5 New Award The Falling Leaves Foundation Prize
For promotion of awareness of China as well as Chinese culture and history For a student having an outstanding piece of creative writing based on research on Chinese knowledge, culture, history, etc. 3 best essays will be chosen by a selection board, and then forwarded to Ms Adeline Yen Mah, founder of ‘The Falling Leaves Foundation’ Prize: HK$ for author of best piece of writing Deadline for application: 31 March 2011 (Application form and writing to be submitted to school office) Link to Dr Mah’s book in school web

6 New Support Funds Sister Maria Carla Support Fund for Spiritual Bliss
To provide support for students who wish to seek and experience God’s will and guidance through a structured programme; and, To provide support for Catholic student leaders who wish to organise spiritual activities for a target group of students for a specific objective Sponsorship could be provided for participation in spiritual programmes e.g. SHCC Religious Formation Camp or other spiritual guidance programmes organised outside of school

7 New Support Funds Sister Maria Carla Support Fund for Spiritual Bliss (cont.) Sponsorship depends on cost of programme or the budget of the planned event Student can apply for Support Fund by completing the application form, stating learning goals, objectives of the organised activity, dates, venue, organizer and other details of the specific programme

8 New Support Funds Support Fund for Compassionate Service Project, sponsored by graduates of 1985 For self-initiated service projects, cultivating compassion and willingness to help the underpreviledged Sponsorship can reach HK$1,500 for each project Student / group can apply for the Support Fund by submitting a proposal stating aims and learning goals, target group, and other details of the service project Where required, mentorship will also be provided in the implementation of the project

9 New Welfare Fund Welfare Fund for Student Activities, sponsored by graduates of 1985 For students with financial need Sponsorship depends on financial situation of applicant and cost of activity Student can apply for Welfare Fund by completing an application form stating financial situation of family, learning goals and details of activity Application: open all year round

10 Thank You! Good Luck with your application!

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